Friday, July 30, 2021


 Hi everyone.

I'm back from my short trip to New York state. The Hudson River Valley is an interesting place, and even though this is my second trip to the area, I wish I had more time to do a few other things.  Art gardens were on our agenda however. We saw some huge modern art pieces, statues really, as well as lots of other interesting art, along with fields of wild flowers and  butterflies.  We walked a lot. It was a fun trip, and nice to get away for a couple of days.  I took lots of photos that I will share share  once I get them squared away.

 I can't believe July has just about wrapped up.  Back in my teaching days when I  had to return to school in late August, the joke in my house was how the only month faster than July is August. Smile. I will say summer mode has hit me. I'm having a hard time getting to a few "projects" around the house that I've wanted to do, like finish cleaning up my sewing area and also picking up my "studio" happy space. Instead I spend a lot of time outside either in the garden or screen porch. 

I tell myself that it is better to enjoy the nice summer days (especially when it isn't raining) since the mess isn't going any place. Smile.  Hopefully when the weather cools off I'll get some motivation back.

Today I want to share my last journal page for Alison's summer countryside challenge at Art Journal Journey.

It's inspired by all the dandelions that grow in the summer countryside.

Most of my page is painted except some stamped dandelions in fluffy seed mode.  I used various acrylic paints, some green shiny modeling paste, as well as some white gesso to create the painted part of my page. I added texture and details with some markers and some Stabilo pencils.  In the same set as my fluffy dandelions gone to seed images are some loose dandelion seed stamps that I stamped as they blew around in the gentle summer breeze. The quote (from an older TH set) is stamped on paper, cut out and colored light yellow for contrast but also to somewhat match the dandelions.

Before I finish this post I want to say thank you to Alison for being a wonderful host this month. This was a fun challenge for certain, and I really enjoyed the countryside inspiration.

I also want to thank all of you who joined us this month with your summer countryside art. There was so much wonderful inspiration up on the web page!

Have a great end of the month, and I shall see you soon at Art Journal Journey with a new challenge for August.


  1. Hi Erika, good to see you back again, and glad you enjoyed your trip. I'm very much looking forward to seeing your photos! Time flies by so fast, doesn't it. And house projects can surely wait. Love your beautiful journal page with the lovely yellow flowers. I baked a chocolate cake today, I'm taking it to visit some friends! Take care, hugs, Valerie

  2. Your Summer page makes me happy. I just love dandelions and all the potential wishes. Plenty of time to do the clean up and tidy when the weather turns cold and snowy. Carpe Sol while you can.

  3. I absolutely LOVE your incredible dandelions. They are fabulous and look exactly like the ones that grow in my own garden and yard. Your contrast of light and dark show the dandelions at their best. Thank you for this beautiful and well conceived journal page using Alison's theme. I hope you had a great time when you were gone, dear.

  4. Very nice piece of art. I love the dandelions and the colors you use. Have a great day.

  5. Love this page capturing the transformation from vivid yellow to magical, ethereal puffball - the colours are so bright and clear - the perfect summer's day in the countryside (as long as you haven't got hayfever!).
    Alison x

  6. I Erika, I love your journal page and I really love dandelions-you make so many things with them too.
    glad you were able to get out and about

  7. Hope you enjoyed your trip and I look forward to seeing the photos. Its a fantastic journal page and those dandelions sure look beautiful, we should appreciate our wild flowers and not think them as weeds when they pop up in our gardens.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Messy things always wait for me lol Summer days are fleeting, so I'll just leave the messes where they are for now :)

    I look forward to the photos from your trip.

  9. A gorgeous page Erika! I love the dandelions.

  10. What a great page with beautiful stand out colours. The yellow of the dandelions set against the green and blues really make me feel this is just a warm summer breeze of a day. I love the white part of the dandelion as well. Just great!

  11. this page is loaded with joy. I really like it, Erika!

    Your trip sounds like a fun one and I can't wait to hear more about it!

  12. A brilliant page Erika! I love seeing carpets of Dandelions - this year they seemed to be particularly abundant and plant of insects around them too! Hugs, Chrisx


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