Saturday, July 31, 2021

Storm King #1

 Hi everyone.  Happy weekend. 

If you stop by my blog regularity  you might remember me writing that I was heading to New York's Hudson River Valley for an overnight mini-trip. A friend and I decided to go visit 2 art gardens that were a couple of hours away from each other, and since we had 3-4 hours of driving to and from home each way, we decided to spend the night in between the 2 gardens in a hotel.  Both art gardens were very different but both had some interesting and amazing art. 

This was my first trip since covid arrived on the scene, and my friend who I went with is the woman I call my walking friend and who I have been seeing  during much of the pandemic.  Luckily, even though no place is covid free, we were spending most of time outside and not in the company of any big crowds and in areas were the covid rate is not horrible due to a higher vaccination rate. I'm not really nervous I'll be a breakthrough case, but of course it is always there on the back of my ( and many people's) mind.

The first place we visited was called Storm King Art Center, and it is located just outside of Newburgh, New York. Talk about a beautiful landscape. All 500 acres of it. It was a lot of walking (about 5.5 miles and we didn’t walk everywhere in the park, or  just under 9 km) up and down some large rolling hills.

Although we walked, the art park is so large you can even rent bikes to get around it.

My favorite art was the Andy Goldsworthy walking stone wall. I'll show you my photos of that in some other post. Since I haven't had a lot of time to sort through photos, let me just share a few photos to give you a feel for Storm King in late July.

The landscape was amazing, and  wild flowers were blooming too. There was some interesting art too. Some of it I liked, and some of it needed an explanation.   Some of the giant modern statues did look great in the landscape,  and with all art in a museum, some of the sculptures weren't to my liking.

Let me finish off this post with a few more photos. 

More to come another day. Hope your July is ending well.

Thanks for visiting. I'll be back tonight to start the new AJJ challenge for August.


  1. Such a lovely walk and adventure!
    Looking forward to more :-)

  2. This is beautiful (and so perfect for avoiding crowds at this time). I agree, explanations may be needed for a couple, but being so interesting is almost enough. Keep them coming!

  3. Many years ago, my brother used to live near Newburgh. We never visited this park though. Beautiful. The second to the last image reminds me of a giant dragon. Enjoy the weekend!

  4. You certainly visited a very beautiful park, I would love to wander round there. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. I know what you mean about Covid, it's wise to be cautious. Stay safe and have a great day! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Now this is a truly lovely place. It feels fresh and fragrant too. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Wow! Those gorgeous scenic views! When I see places like this I think how wonderful it would be to live close.

  7. Great photos. What beautiful places to visit. As an FYI, I saw a news headline that said covid cases are rising in New York, despite their high vaccination rate.

    I also want to apologize for my unintentionally misleading blog post title with Teddy and TDay. I had wanted to rejoin TDay, but I forgot to bring a soda bottle with me for Teddy's photo. So it was a "sort of TDay" post which I didn't enter over at Elizabeth's blog. (Teddy continues to berate me for forgetting the soda bottle. :-)

  8. This looks so beautiful. I love the pics of the small brook with the green and the trees. A perfect place to sit and read a book. Some modern art is lost on me and make me think WTF?? Others are pretty good. The last one reminds me of some animal.

  9. It is so nice to be able to visit places like this.
    I did enjoy seeing your photographs.

    As July passes (where did it go?) I wish you a good month of August.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  10. This place is beyond beautiful. I can't wit to hear more!

  11. Oh My! What a wonderful place - beautiful scenery and what look like very interesting installations. I know what you mean about being wary while out - it will be a long time until I feel happy in the company of strangers!! Looking forward to seeing more photos! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. A gorgeous place to visit, but the best news of all is to see you moving towards a pre-COVID life. Perhaps by this time next year it will all be behind us.


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