Monday, August 9, 2021

Art Omi #1

Happy new week everyone. 

This week I would like to share some photos from the second sculpture garden I visited in New York almost 2 weeks ago. This one is called Art Omi and is located in Omi, New York. Omi is a small farming community, not far off of route 90 near the New York and Massachusetts border. It had a totally different feel than Storm King, and although not small, much smaller than Storm King was.

What I liked about Art Omi is each piece had a plaque with a small description of what it was all about. That made it more accessible to me.  It was also not as hilly, but it did lack some of the gorgeous views of Storm King. We arrived early with sunshine as storms were due in the early afternoon, and by the time we left 2 1/2 hours later the dark clouds had long since rolled in, but at least no rain. We did hit that on our drive home.

This first exhibit I am sharing didn't look very exciting to me from afar. The point was to make a totally biodegradable piece, and then let it decompose. You can see in the second part of this exhibit that a tree was growing into it.

The up close details were great though.

This next exhibit was this box, which has a pretty interesting shape on its own, as well as some nice woodworking too.

This box was designed to capture  views of the summer solstice as well as autumn equinox at a  particular time of day.  We were there on an ordinary solar day, but I found this photo online from the Art Omi website  of what you would see.

It did have a nice view out of the front openings even if it wasn't June or September.

Too bad it had clouded in.

This next exhibit was along a wooded trail and seemed a little out of place. It is called the marriage tree, and I included the write up about it below.

It was one of those statues that revealed  more the longer you looked at it.

And once I knew what it was about I liked it more also.

And  how about  these partial circles; I found them ascetically pleasing.  The artist named them Arcs in Disorder.

Back along the wooded trail, we discovered this.
The effect in the woods was cool, but even better when we walked in front of it. 

We look like mermaids. 

And for those of you who like some steampunk, here's an exhibit I liked but my friend did not.

The toilet threw me off.

And finally, one more art piece for this post.

Clouds on a cloudy day. This piece was whimsical and fun.

Have a great s tart to your week.


  1. What a fabulous collection of sculpture! I would love to visit that garden.

    best… mae at

  2. Wow, what amazing sculptures! They are such fun and I'm loving the intricacies of the biodegradable pieces 😀. Wishing you a lovely new week! Hugs Jo x

  3. I’ve never seen places like this. Amazing!

  4. So cool. It’s well beyond my driving distance so I am glad you shared the sculptures. Super interesting 💕

  5. A wonderful place. Amazing sculptures. I really liked the box that captured the Summer solstice and Autumn equinox. It would be cool to visit when those events were happening. I hope the sun comes out today.

  6. These are fabulous. I would love to visit here.

  7. Wonderful art pieces with pleasing forms and interesting histories. The biodegradable pieces are my faves. Glad you enjoyed this trip with your friend. Hugs, Valerie

  8. Wow. Thank you for sharing. I’d love to visit. It’s so beautiful.

  9. Multiple sculpture gardens? Nice! So many interesting pieces.

  10. Wow what an amazing art exhibit-really enjoyed it all thanks for sharing hugs

  11. this is another garden I would LOVE to visit. i also like that it showed the thinking behind the sculpture, since some of us still don't have cell phones (GRIN)!

    I loved the Marriage Tree. It does look like those little dolls people set on top of wedding cakes. It is fabulous.

    I also loved the steampunk blast furnace. I laughed when I saw the toilet, too. You are SO lucky to live so close to such great abstract and installation art. We don't get large art like that in my area of the country (unless you want to count the largest ball of twine in the world that lives in western KS). Thanks so much for these photos dear.

  12. So many different sculptures to see, I enjoyed your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  13. Oh my gosh, this place is soooo fun! I love the concept and wonder if there is anything like it within driving distance of me.... The steampunk one was my favorite of course - we are soooo dependent on machinery and all of it is interconnected too. The one you could sit in was very cool too. Looks like a fab visit. Thanks for sharing! Hugz


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