Monday, August 9, 2021

T Stands for a Trip to the Candy Store

 Hi everyone. 

Hope the last week has gone well for you. Mine was busy with appointments and several things that needed to be done like taking my 87 year old mother-in-law to go get a haircut. 

Today I thought I would take you on a little shopping trip I made after one of those appointments.

A couple of weekends ago my sister-in-law was telling me about a new candy and ice cream store called Lickee's and Chewy's that opened in Dover New Hampshire. Since I ended up in the vicinity of this store one afternoon, I thought I would stop in and check it out.

I also want apologize in advance as I know some of you may not want to see so much sugar for various reasons.  And maybe some of these candies I find unusual are something you are already familiar with also.

Dover as a few other places here in New Hampshire (well New England in general) used to have some textile mills along the rivers, and now they have been converted into apartments and stores. Lickees and Chewys in one of those old mill  buildings.

They had a nice variety of nostalgic candies from my childhood. Maybe from yours also.

Necco wafers are one of my husband's favorites. Necco stands for New England Confection Company, and they had been in production under the name Necco since 1901. A few years back the company closed down, and Necco Wafers were no more.  It was a sad day for my husband, and he even hoarded a few rolls.
However, the candy was bought buy another company in 2018 and came back last year. I've seen them cheaper than the $1.50 price a few places on occasion, but they're still not the easiest to find, so I splurged and bought him up a couple of rolls as a special treat.

And there was candy for Harry Potter fans, including chocolate frogs. (I picked up one of those for my daughter as a treat when she comes home too.)

And they had some big gummy candies. A little too much gummy for my taste, but maybe not a kid's taste.

No thank you, although I like a little sour gummy on occasion.

As well as these, they had some more unusual candies. Hmmm. I don't think I'd want a whole container of these either, but I would like to taste one, just to know what they are like.

And they even carried  some candy for  you if like it hot.

My one complaint was that they didn't have enough chocolate candy choices. I did get myself a Coffee Crisp bar as well a a white KitKat bar.  I had never had either of those before. The Coffee Crisp was yummy if not a bit too sweet, and I'm keeping the white KitKat bar for another day.  I've never had a white KitKat before but when I came home from Japan I brought all kinds of flavors of these candies I've never seen. KitKats are huge in Japan, with specialty KitKat only stores.

And since this is a T day post, my ticket this week for a drink is some drink  related candies.  Be sure to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.

Do any of these look tasty to you?

Although I might possibly try a beer pop, I'll probably pass on the rest of these,  especially on the big gummy cola.

Does anything catch your eye?

And besides candy store shopping,  I did have an exciting moment when we went out in my husband's boat this past weekend.

I know fishing isn't everybody's  thing, but I caught my first striped bass (striper) in the 11 years my husband has had his boat. Not that we always fish, and I don't always even fish when my husband does. Friday I decided to cast in a line.  And not 5 minutes later mine line started squealing and my line went  away from the boat. These fish are exciting to catch because they fight you the whole way in. We did the quick picture session, and then Mr. Striper went back into the ocean to grow bigger. They have to be 28 inches and not longer than 35 inches in New Hampshire to keep for dinner, but I think even if he had been within that size, I would have let him go. He deserves to swim with the other ocean creatures.

Hope  you have a wonderful T Day Tuesday. And thanks for visiting.


  1. Your post brought back so many good memories of growing up. I had forgotten about NECCO wafers until I saw your picture. The fruit slices were ones that were a special treat in my family. Looks like a fun visit to the store to see all the sweet treats!

  2. wow what a very fun post-I loved seeing all the old time candies and drinks too. Congrats on your striper catch-awesome hugs

  3. Hugh. Wish you´s rather shown yummy Pizza and such, I feel all sick, LOL! (I don´t like sweets much).
    Oh, but we had a PEZ donkey once! Actually as deco, though...
    Lobster Candy?! Uhhhhh. Pizza?! What a weird shop! The Habanero I´d maybe give a go, though! Yes, I´ve read about KitKat in Japan, weird.
    I´d go for the beer, Pale Ale is mostly yummy (I once got into a lille "fight" with the brewer who gave me an Ale that was no Ale. He then admitted it was no "real" one - we never came back).
    Oh, my Hubby sure would love to join you going fishing!
    Happy T-Day to you!

  4. Wow, that candy and ice store really has a huge assortment, and lots of things I've never heard of, cool! And I like the idea of chocolate frogs. I hope they don't spring away like they do in the Harry Potter films! Glad you found some candies to treat yourselves, too! That fish is huge, good catch, but I'm glad you put it back in again! Have a great day, take care! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Wow you certainly caught a good size fish, actually I couldn’t actually kill anything and then eat it, my husband would have no problem at all.
    All the candy, I love seeing the old ones we used to eat but somehow they aren’t always as tasty as I remember, we buy the spanish children sherbet dib dabs, lollipops with sherbet,they really like them.
    Happy T Day

  6. Wow riot of colors! And congrats on ur catch ! Its quite a big fish!

  7. I think I have gained a kilo or two just looking at the pictures!

  8. Love your fish, Erika. Always fun to catch something challenging like that and you look so happy!

    The candy pictures are delightful. I would love to go to that shop! I would have bought the pralines for me and got some of the fried chicken candy for my Son-in-law who loves unusual things. My Grandsons would have flipped over that gummy donut! The Harry Potter stuff sounds fun as well - I am a big fan and watched them again this weekend (monthly Marathon on TV).

    Fun post and happy T-day! Hugz

  9. What a great trip to the candy store and you shared such fabulous selection, I think I may have toothache just thinking about them all...ha ha! Wow, well done for catching that beautiful fish and I would have let him go again too 😁. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

  10. Who wouldn't want to see pictures of candy? I can't eat it, but that doesn't mean I don't dream about it. I loved seeing all the unique and interesting ways to market candy flavors. I forgot all about Chunky bars because I haven't seen them since I was a girl. Whenever we stopped to get gas, I always loved it when my dad would buy me one of these at the gas station.
    Looks like you had fun on the boat. I have never had fresh caught fish but maybe someday. I hear it tastes the best. I hope you get your fish next time.
    Happy Tea Day,

  11. Oh my gosh- I do remember so many of those candies from childhood. What a fun excursion! KitKats were a fave of mine and our son's but I never had any other than the original chocolate ones. It would be interesting to taste other flavors. The gummy drinks and lollipops are so fun- but oh my- the sugar!!
    And what a great photo of you with your striped bass- well done Erika! Keep enjoying what's left of the summer (aren't you due for a lobster roll again?), and happy T day!

  12. I’d love to walk into the candy store. Thanks for letting me tag along virtually. Nice catch. You’ve been having some fun this summer. Enjoy.

  13. Now this is my kind of store. Neccos are my favorite candy too. I can't find them here where I live so my daughter (her favorite candy too) has to send them to me from NC. How crazy is that? Thanks for the fun post. Oh and great fish too. Have a nice day.

  14. I wasn't as fond of regular Neccos as I was of the chocolate ones. They were my favorite. Some of those candies I had never heard of before. I have had a Clark bar, but it's been forever.

    I've never even seen PEZ here in KS, but I sure like seeing the various tops they make. Never lkiked the candied fruit. It was too syrupy for me. I'll pass on the pickle, too.

    It's too bad the Archie McPhee candies might have sold better if they shared a sample of each. I can't imagine the taste of these that they sold.

    OMGosh. Bubble Up. I haven't seen that in real life for years, much less in candy form. Thanks for sharing all these candies, including the bottles of pop/soda candies with us for T this Tuesday.

    Nice catch on the fish, too, dear! Good for you.

  15. Fond memories :) I'm not familiar with a lot of these treats, though. The fishing trip looks like it was exciting! Wow! That's a big one! It's the cleaning of the fish I don't like ;) Happy T Tuesday!

  16. Oh, I would love a trip to the candy store. The Young One would love the dragon sculpture, too. Oooh, Sugar Babies! Necco Wafers, I always loved the black ones best. Chunky! One of my favorites. Himself would go for the fruit slices. I'm hoping the food candies are just in the shape of the food and the candies don't actually taste like kale or mac n'cheese. Congratulations on Mr. Striper. He's a beauty. Happy T Day

  17. Congratulations on your striped bass. It's a beauty -- a BIG beauty! Well done!

    I would love doing photography in that store -- so many fun things I haven't seen in ages and so colorful.I love every photo!

  18. Thank you for letting the sriped bass back into the ocean. However, it must have been exciting to catch him!
    All those candy - most of them I don't know, but those rainbow whirly pops at the top I once saw in a store and had to take a picture of them, too. They look so beautiful and colorful! I do like some gummy candy, mostly the ones from Haribo and they also have tiny coke bottles (which are actually quite tasty). I do miss some of our German candy.

  19. That looks a lovely fish ... well done.

    All the best Jan

  20. What A Fantastic Journey Down Memory Lane - I Just Love Posts Like These - Well, The Mushroom Post Is World Class - Be Well And Keep The Bobber Up


  21. Love looking at the candy. My question is why would you ruin pecan pralines with habaneros? LOL Happy T Day!

  22. What a wonderfully colorful post! All those strange and weird sweets and flavors. There was not anything I would recognize (apart from the sugared citrus slices. We have those in Holland) and I didn't really want to taste anything as it would all be too sweet for me, but it was fun to look at.
    To be honest I was expecting an ice cream shop when you introduced Licky's and Chewy's.
    I love your photo with the seabass. That was an enormous catch! Well done. They must like your bait.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  23. None of the candies/lollies/sweets are familiar to me except the fruit slices. I used to love those! When you say KitKats do you mean the same ones as they sell here> Wafers covered in chocolate? If so, then they are still very popular here as a "chocolate biscuit" to have with a cup of tea. Having the candy store in an old mill building makes it look like it came right out of Willie Wonka! Happy T Day Elle xx


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