Sunday, August 29, 2021

Butterflies and Seashells

 Hi everyone. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

Yesterday my husband and I took a trip to Connecticut to attend my niece's engagement party. The ride down from New Hampshire was horrible with all the vacationers in transit, and then we got about 10 miles from the party and it started to pour.  We decided since the party was outside we would go; I had mentioned on the rsvp that if it rained we would not attend. Luckily the rain stopped before we arrived and didn't start again until we were driving home.
 It was great to finally see not only my niece but also my brother and nephew. I was able to meet my great nephew who is already over a year old.  I had never met my niece's fiance, and he seemed really nice, as was his family. Plus, there was plenty of food unlike the vegan meal last weekend. Smile. That made the trip worth the drive.

This morning I want to share  some art. First of all, I have another page for Neet's TYPE challenge at Art Journal Journey.  The month is winding down so if you want to join in, don't wait too long.

Today's journal page was one I made back in June when the challenge  at AJJ was butterflies, but I never managed to share it. I thought I'd post it today as it has a strip of a book page along the left hand side with lots of type on it. The butterflies also have lots of Asian type on them also. I also stamped the French word for butterfly on the page a few times, with is a different font from the others examples, so there is another example of type.

I could also say it is my type of page- ha-ha-ha.  Bad joke I know.

You can see all the types here, much better in a close up. 

The background is made with pink and orange paints. I also did some stamping in black and red ink. I painted the book page yellow and added that strip to the left hand edge.  Then I also added some bits of pink washi tape.

Finally I added my stamped and fussy cut butterflies, and I also added a TH quote sticker, a few scraps of white foil paper trim and a cloth flower with the center painted yellow.

I also have a tag to share today. This time Wendy is hosting at Tag Tuesday, and her theme is seashells.

I stamped a 6x6 background stamp onto my card in pink ink. In between those seastars are lots of seashells.  I used a bit of blue ink on my background, and then I used several Art by Marlene beach punch outs.  I did add some zing  some of those punch outs a bit too. 

It was fun to create a beach scene.  I haven't really done many ocean themed pieces this summer, and they are always one of my favorites to make.

That's it for me. Enjoy the rest of your day and your weekend, if it is still weekend when you read this post.


  1. Traffic does seem to be ramping up again. I am with you for the outdoor get togethers. Love your butterfly page and feel free Beach. So colorful and pretty

  2. The last time we drove from NJ to our daughters home in MA was also horrible. The only way to avoid it is to plan the trip around vacationers and rush hours. It makes sense since all of New England is so beautiful and draws visitors like a magnet! Very pretty art, especially the seashell background.

  3. Good i, glad you were able to connect with family-and enjoy good food-nice that the rain waited til after the festivities too-great when that happens. the weather is saying rain monday and tuesday-we'll see, hoping for the cooler weather.
    Love your art Happy Sunday

  4. Hi Erika! Glad you arrived at the destination safely, in spite of rain, and that you had a good meal there, not a vegan diet morsel! It's poured here all weekend, too! I love your journal page, so pretty with the butterflies and lace, and of course the tag is delightful. Looks like me in that bathing suit!
    Thanks for another great tag for Wendy's challenge. Enjoy your Sunday! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Too bad you had a miserable ride down, but good that the weather cleared in time for the party. A very pretty journal page. The pink and yellow look so pretty together. Fun beach tag. Not much of a beach day today, so far. Enjoy the break from the heat.

  6. That sounds like a lovely little getaway! I'm getting very worried about the wedding of my cousin's son in October -- it is a big one and we're all terribly concerned about Covid.

    I hope you have a good weekend and that you can get on the water!

  7. Lovely artwork.

    Yeah, Connecticut highways are awful during the Summer, with all of the heavy volume of traffic on them. I'm glad the rain stopped, so you could attend the party and see your relatives.

  8. A beautiful page, and a fun tag Erika!
    So pleased you were able to attend the party, it sounds like you had a lovely time.

  9. I've never heard of an engagement party. Sounds like fun! I don't like driving in the rain, but I'm glad that it stopped long enough for you to go to the party :)

  10. I do like your art journal page a lot - the colors, the type and, of course, the butterflies. The tag is fun, too - I can understand that ocean themed pieces are one of your favorites to make, because I feel exactly the same.

  11. beautiful art all around, especially your beachy seashells tag. thank you for linking to our tag tuesday challenge! xo

  12. Weather seems to show we all the ticks of its exceptional varieties. Happily you get through to enjoy the party.
    The first of your works is beautiful and the tag outstandingly fun and clever :))
    Happy week and a healthy and inspiring start to September xx

  13. You are welcome to send some of that rain my way. At least it didn't dampen your weekend or the engagement party. I like how you recycled that journal page and turned it into something your type (grin). and before I forget this time, thanks for sharing this at Art Journal Journal Journey using Neet's great theme.

    Your tag is really different and clever. It's ironic that what you call sea stars, I've always called starfish. I just learned they are called both. That's a great beach tag, dear.

  14. Oh I would love to be part of your traffic in New England. Your photos always make the place look so inviting and beautiful. But yes traffic is a bummer. I really love your beautiful makes today. The shell background is beautiful too. Thanks for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday Erika.

  15. I’m glad you had a great time. I’d love to visit Connecticut. Have a lovely day. 😃

  16. Great tag and page ~ I like the daisy flower applique and your butterflies :) Your sun with glasses image made me smile too :)

  17. Fabulous tag with the lovely shell background. Looks as if your lady might have overdone the sun a bit. thank you for sharing with us on Tag Tuesday.
    Hugs Wendy

  18. Yes the tourists are awful but I am glad you were able to attend the party. Love the art.

  19. you created a very summery Tag. I miss those days when I could appreciate it. To take a swim.


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