Monday, August 30, 2021

T Stands for Some Random August Photos

 Hi everyone. 

Last week was a fairly quiet week for me. It was so hot that when I went outside the air felt like a wall I had to push through at every step. So I stayed inside and ran the AC, made some art, even started a much much needed art clean up, and read a big book. 

Today for T I thought I would share some random photos I took during late July and August as I never thought to take any photos from last week. I think it was just too hot for my brain to even think about photos.  Plus as August ends tomorrow, I thought it would be a way to look back on the month  as well as  the summer.

I'll start with this cute little tree frog hanging out on my sliding door one night.

And then we'll head off to the lake where my MIL lives. This family of mergansers is still together.  The ducklings have grown over the summer.

It's definitely been a summer of wetness.

The loons on the lake are always a welcome sight.

And so was this guy. I want one of these to put in the woods right behind my yard. I think I need to go buy a sheet of plywood and a quart of grey paint.

This bird was very high in the sky, and I am zoomed 400x here, but it looks like a bald eagle to me. Maybe a young one?

Not the clearest photo, but I caught this hummingbird getting pollen from this pine tree while I sat on the dock also.

Pete (and Maddie too) were fascinated when the ducks jumped up on the swim raft and decided to hang out for awhile.

And  we can head down to the ocean also where my husband has his boat.  (I live about 30 minutes from my MIL's lake and about 30-45 minutes from the ocean too. It may be no man's land where my house is, but it is certainly convenient when you want to hop from lake to ocean or vice-versa. Smile.) 

These gulls seem to be in posing modes.

I like the silhouettes of this pair of ducks in flight.

And of course the Canada Geese were around too.

There's always some cormorants and this time also a heron on some rocks as the tide goes out.

And I did manage to capture this flock of terns flying by the boat.

And just to show some international spirit, the Wentworth Coolidge mansion, one of the few remaining homes of a colonial governor back before the US became the US, flies our national and state flag, as well as the British Union Jack.

And although I have shown photos of the Wentworth Coolidge Mansion before, here's another.

Before I forget that it is T day,  I need a reference to join the ladies over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
How about this nice looking couple  with their drinks at the wedding  we went to a couple of weeks ago?  OK, I am a bit biased here. (Yes that's my daughter and her beau.) Thanks to my SIL for sharing this photo. (And yes most of the wedding reception was inside, but they put out a few tables so people could socialize outside mask free if they chose.)


Have a great start to the new month that is just about here and have a super T day too.


  1. Your frog photo is really cute. I think we hear frogs singing a lot, but somehow never see them. Maybe the songs are sung by insects, but the other night I distinctly heard some creature saying "Ribit, Ribit."

    best... mae at

  2. Erika, fun mix of pictures! Love the variety of birds (especially the loons), the cute birds, your sweet dogs, and of course the lovely couple with drinks (they look fabulous and happy - I haven't been anywhere where people dress up like that in awhile). Thanks for sharng all these great pictures! Happy T-day! Hugz

  3. Great random photos. Thanks for sharing them. Love that mansion. Happy T Day.

  4. What a fun post, Erika. That frog was a hoot. Poor Chris. She hates frogs! She won't appreciate the photo like I do.

    Your bird photos are wonderful. I'm sure Mae got a thrill out of them. Once again, I laugh at the Canadian geese that are everywhere!!!

    Your daughter and her boyfriend look very happy. I see she has a metal straw like mine with the rubber tip you can put on the end. Thanks for sharing your great bird photos and your daughter and her boyfriend with their drinks for T this Tuesday.

  5. Love the photos, summer of wetness would be a good description of our summer, too. Love that frog, so pretty! Your daughter and her friend look fabulous! Happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Great photos Erika! I love the birds of course, and that tree frog is very cute. Is that your daughter and her boyfriend? Lovely pic.

  7. Ohhhhh. My King Frog´s say hi!!!! How cute!!
    I sure wanna be a duck right now. You sure live in a very great place.

    Nice couple there. They would SO fit in our red-green kitchen!

    Have a happy-huggy T-Day!

  8. Great photos that scream hot and humid summer. We’ve had that “wall” of humidity as well. May it end soon!

  9. How wonderful to see all that wildlife. I love seeing the loons, as I saw those in Minnesota. The bird in flight could be a bald eagle, but it could also be an osprey or even a vulture.
    That tree frog is so cute!
    I have never seen mergansers. The name intrigues me. It translates as sea geese (mer= sea, gans=goose).
    It's lovely you also have a hummingbird on your blog today.
    That is a gorgeous photo of your daughter and her beau.
    Happy T-Day,

  10. Loved all your photos. The tree frog looks like he's flying! Pete looks like he's ready to jump off the dock to go play with the ducks at the swim raft. It's only called the Union Jack if the flag is flown at sea. Otherwise, it's the Union Flag. I learned that from Doctor Who. 😺 Your daughter and her beau make a cute couple. Happy T Day

  11. I hope you got my other comment. I think I forgot to hit the captcha. I hate it when captcha pops up when they usually don't!

  12. Now that is a quote for the times we are in. Terrific addition to a very well done page. All your details add interest layer by layer. Kind of like the sweetness of life.

  13. what a beautiful summertime post Erika- I love every bit of it!! So wonderful to be so close to the ocean and a lake- and I love looking at all the varieties of birds too. Won't be long though before the hummingbirds leave us til next Spring;(
    Lovely photo of your daughter and her beau- they make a really handsome couple.
    Happy T day!

  14. Wow some truly fabulous photos today. It has been feeling like fall for the last few days here. Not that we really get any sort of summer but I am not ready for a change right now. LOL Lovely couple too. She is so pretty. Have a great day.

  15. Wow, so many amazing photos today! I loved seeing all the critters and birds, the lions especially bring back so many happy memories of our visits to Maine 😁. That's such a lovely photo of your daughter and her beau too - perfect! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

  16. What a sweet photo of your daughter and her friend! I love all your photos in this post, it certainly is lovely to live so close to the water. The image of the frog made me laugh!

  17. This post was for the birds, Erika, quite literally, or maybe it was just ducky? Sorry, but I could not resists (OK could have, but did not) those bad puns. Of course, the tree frog was my favorite just because...

  18. I did enjoy your selection of photographs and that is a lovely photograph of your daughter and her boyfriend.

    All the best Jan

  19. I love your little frog and all of the bird photos! And how fun to have your own bigfoot in the garden, that would be a conversation starter for sure lol. Happy T Day Elle xx

  20. Beautiful selection of nature photos this week. You take gorgeous photos. That frog is fabulous.
    Happy Tea Day,

  21. Great shots ~ Lot's of wonderful wildlife to enjoy. It's been one long hot summer here too. Happy T day!

  22. It sounds like you have a piece of heaven between 2 other different kinds of heaven :) Nice.

    I'd love to see the occasional frog or toad. Not here, though, so I'll enjoy your photo.


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