Thursday, August 26, 2021

Down on The Farm

 Hi everyone. Today's post is a country themed one. 

I am sharing a page with Neet's TYPE challenge at Art Journal Journey.

I made a collage of various items, including a copy of a typed recipe card that was made into a tag, as well as this typed quote. 

I have my grandmother's typed old recipe cards, including a few for our favorite desserts she used to make. They are cherished by me because I can not only imagine her handling and making the cards, but I can still taste her food. Like me, my Nana enjoyed experimenting in the kitchen. Here's a random couple out of the collection I have.

None of these original cards were cut or glued in making my page. It must have been popular to type the recipes out at one time. It must have been that lots of homes had typewriters in them.

On my journal page I also stamped the beets and carrots onto this stained piece of ledger paper. I cut the basket of veggies out of a sticker you would use on some homemade canned goods. The  tiny fork that is attached with twine is something that came in a paper ephemera packet. I also added the lace mini doily and also some white metallic paper trim. If you've been wondering about all the metallic paper in my art lately, it is because Susan who runs The Stamp Diva online store, is going out of business and has had her entire site at a 30% markdown for months now.  Every month or 2, I've been buying some of her metallic paper trims and images. They used to be easy to find, but not any more, and so I figured I should grab them while I can not only get them, but get them 30% off.

And since we are on the farm today, how about some photos of the animals I saw when I went to the Sunflower Festival at Coppal House Farm?

That's all for me this post.
Thanks so much for visiting, and I hope you are having a nice day.


  1. I love your down on the farm page, so much to see. What a treasure you still have your nana's recipes, love that there are little stains on them showing they were well used. The pics from the farm are lovely, I especially like the face close-ups. Altogether a wonderful post! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. A wonderful page and homage to your Nana. So cool that you have recipes she wrote down. I used to think I was a country girl until I moved out to this rural town. Though I enjoy the peace and quiet, I'm a city girl at heart.

  3. I really like this page -- it has a great feel to it. And isn't it fun to have your gran's recipes? Even the ones you'd never make (if it's like the collection I have!). Hey, if you ever want recipe cards to do art with, let me know. I have a whole shoebox of my aunt's and I don't really have the same connection to them as I do mom's and grandma's and I'm happy to throw a handful in the mail to you!

  4. Fabulous farm pictures, I love looking at hens and cockerels but keep well away from them in case they peck at me.

    Lovely journal page and what a nice way to commemorate your grandmother and her cooking. The first dessert reminds me a little of the pineapple pudding my friend and I once had to make at Girl Guide(Scout) camp. It was in a huge dixiem enough for about 30+ so you can imagine how much there was. Well, we did something wrong and the dessert never set. We were told we4 would have to eat it up so being naive little 11 year olds we set to with our spoons, it was delicious. I am sure she stopped us before we got sick. I still have that recipe somewhere and love it - when it sets.
    You have treated us to a lovely collage, all the pieces used fit in so perfectly and I do like the beetroot, what a great stamp that is.
    The tiny fork looks as if it is actually metal, what a find that was. Of course, the veggie basket was a good find too and I do like how you introduced the bird, perhaps looking for something to eat. The lace just finishes it all off perfectly.
    Thanks for another stunning entry for my theme at Art Journal Journey, I have so enjoyed all of your makes.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  5. Good morning I really enjoyed your post today.
    I am older than you so I can say my mother always typed all of her recipes, but my Grandma hand wrote all of hers and my late little sister typed all of her recipes too--- I have my Grandmas, my Moms, and my late sisters recipe cards. They are comforting to have. as we all loved to cook in our kitchens.
    I really love your latest journal page very much. I need to set up a new journal book for AJJ. I had brought over several old books for that purpose.
    and I enjoyed seeing the farm animals I am a farmgirl forever-even if just in my heart now.
    enjoy your day hugs Kathy

  6. These cards sure made me smile big.
    My Mum or ma did nothing like that and my Bro and I often are helpless trying to cook some of their recipes.
    You have real treasures there.
    Cute animals and the last one.... BIG awwww.... So cute!

  7. The photos of farm animals are endearing! The colors of the chickens are beautiful. I’m not good with chicken, hen, and rooster ID so forgive me for any misnomers. They are just beautiful! Goats are so peaceful, our neighbor bred them for 4H. I have a few recipe cards that were long ago typed. I’m sure they were done on manual typewriters too. Curious! Your page is great!

  8. I so remember my grandmother’s cooking. Thank you for reminding me of great memories.

  9. Jello salad! I can't remember the last time I had that.

    What pretty chickens :) I can practically hear them.

  10. A wonderful garden page Erika, I love the Thrush.
    How lovely to have your Grandmother's recipe cards to remind you of her cooking.
    I love the animals and chickens.

  11. Your posts lately remind me of Jo's. She always finds or uses photos from her real life to augment the journal page she has created. Seems you are finding ways to do that, too. I wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg (OOPS, I mean journal page). Your farm girl entry is fun. Loved the typed recipe. My grandmother's recipes were typed (for the most part), too, although I never saw a typewriter at our house. Thanks for more great photos from the sunflower festival and the beautiful journal page using Neet's theme at AJJ, dear.

  12. Forgot to mention, that metallic paper is either called or based on German Scrap.

  13. Fantastic photos. The animals’ faces are so expressive. I am going to try your grandma’s coffee cake recipe. Looks delicious


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