Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Back to School

 Hi everyone. 

Can you believe in a week it will be September first? If I wasn't retired, today would be my first day back to work at school after summer break.  Although  I retired from teaching in June of 2020, with summer's off from school, retirement didn't feel like it began until a year ago now. Even with covid and the fact that my first year didn't go anything like I hoped (nor did anyone else's I'm sure), it was a good year. 

Let's hope in this next year our covid world becomes even less covid restricted and more back to normal. So onto the adventure of year 2 of retirement. I am looking forward to it.

To celebrate the big day for the many people  who are still  going or are already back to class, I made this journal page. And with my added type, I am going to link my page to Neet's type challenge at Art Journal Journey.

It started with a page that I scraped some left over blue paint onto.   I also used some left over terracotta  paint and a stencil on top of the blue background.  Finally to finish my background, I ripped bits off of a paint covered paper towel (kitchen towel) that I had been using to wipe up painty messes with for quite some time. I liked the color combo on the paper towel, and it worked well here. I added those scraps with matte medium. 

I used this Sizzix/TH embossing folder to create the type letters. I emphasized them by rubbing a brown ink pad over them. 

I am glad TH released this set of groups of people last spring. Besides having some new faces to craft with, I liked these 3 boys sitting crossed legged. They fit the bottom of the embossed paper just perfect. The bicycle may be a girl's style, but it is the only bike die cut I have. This was a spare from another project that was sitting on my work table.  I drew and colored the pencil before fussy cutting it and adding it to my page. I did use a real pencil and scribble in some writing in various spots on the page, not enough to stand out, but if you look carefully something to see.

I thought about adding other back to school details, but then  I decided there was enough on the page. The boy on the bottom right makes me think he doesn't want summer vacation to end because his expression looks rather forced and not focused on the camera. I bet he is thinking about taking the bike and riding off into the day, skipping school so early in the year. That wouldn't be good if he did, would it?

Perhaps those boys are also thinking about the teachers and staff inside the school building. I wonder, if in the boys minds, they look like these next faces do.

With mean teacher faces like that, who would want to go back to school? 

Not me. 
(Smile- I wasn't known as one of those mean teachers! It is amazing how much you accomplish being kind but strict enough maintain a productive classroom.)

My tree face photos  today are also from  the Sunflower festival I was showing you last week. When we visited we asked about these trees and were told that they were left over from when the farm had a haunted Halloween hayride. They would be scary at night, but pretty fun to see on an August morning.

Hope your day is going well!


  1. Love those fabulous tree faces, and I am sure that many kids see their teachers like that! Time flies, can you imagine having to go back to school again? I can't! 35 years was enough. Love your journal page, the background is gorgeous. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  2. So many emotions show on the faces of the boys in your back to school are. That are about as happy as your tree photos. They are very curious.

  3. Back to school. New pens, pencils, paper. New shoes. Those 3 boys remind me of See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, but I bet they can get into mischief. The tree sculptures are awesome! Stay cool!

  4. I like a lot your page. I've found that it's come popular to use old images in the middle of designs.
    Here children have gone at school now, too. They have been started to vaccinate. We have some kind of the forth wave of Covid here, so we have some restriction valid still.
    I earlier tried to send my comment through my mobile, but I didn't get through, so this was sent from my desk top. Same has happened on some other blogs as well. Don't know the reason.
    I wish your week is continuing well, and thanks for the comments on my site, too xx

  5. Good morning Erika, When I retired I was sooo burnt out from work and from stress events that had occurred-that I did no driving for almost a year. It took me that long to come back to normal. I love being retired, I am thinking you will really enjoy this second year more now too.
    Awesome journal page, and I love these trees-so fun
    Happy mid week hugs Kathy

  6. Seeing and reading your post reminded me of my time in teaching. I often used to think about the pupils not wanting to go back to school but not realising that most teachers felt the same - especially if the weather was nice for September. I certainly had the same dread as the pupils did at times although at others it was good to get back and see old friends and make new ones - and those smartly dressed first years ...
    That is a great page Erika. The blue background is lovely and I do like the colour on the pieces of paper towel which certainly adds to the overall look. It's a lovely idea to include the bicycle and the pencil along with the textured alphabet piece, all bits and pieces that make up life in a school. But the best bit was reading your take on the third boy. His expression really does look forced and I am sure he would much rather be off on the bike than sitting posing for a photograph. I think Mr Holtz chose this one just for you.
    Thanks for another great entry for my theme at AJJ.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  7. What a great take on Neet's theme, Erika. I know your mind must be thinking about school. I am sure you don't miss it in the least, though. Your page is filled with goodies. You can't plan when you are using a paper/kitchen towel how it will look in the end. The randomness of the colors and shapes always impresses and surprises me. I also like these latest TH dolls, but I have so many already. Thanks for another unique and different entry at Art Journal Journey using Neet's theme.

    Those trees are a bit spooky, but fun. They add to the story line you gave us, too.

  8. I find myself resentful of the unvaccinated mask-less folks. We could've been further along if not for them. I'm ready to make them stay home for a change :(

    It does begin to feel like it's time to get ready for Halloween. Love those trees!

  9. I can well imagine that, as a retired teacher, you always think about the new school year. My daughter is a teacher - French and art - with us school doesn't start until September 6th, as the holidays didn't start until July 26th. started. Many greetings to you from Viola. Enjoy the beautiful sunny days. We are at the end of summer and soon autumn will come with cold winds.

  10. I always find joy coming here. Thank you so much. Have a beautiful day.

  11. I adore those trees -- they're just fabulous. I worry about what's going to happen in MIchigan's schools. It's individual district choices as to whether to require masks and only a few are doing that. I don't know what happened to my state.


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