Friday, August 20, 2021

Label Maker Type

Happy Friday everyone. Thanks for stopping by my blog. 

I'm writing this post Thursday night, hoping all the rain from the remnants of tropical storm Fred have moved out by Friday morning as I have plans for a  walk. I've only gotten in one actual walk this week  between things going on or the weather, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can go.

This week I have been showing you lots of pages for Neet's TYPE challenge at Art Journal Journey, and today I have one more to share. All my effort went into making the tag on this page, so I thought I would leave the background as it is.  I hope it doesn't look like I just stuck a tag onto the page.

This page started with this tag I made as an art warm up. I used watercolor paints and made a multicolored background. Then I did a lot of random stamping and added some die cut flowers that I doodled over. I also added some bits of scrap printed type tissue paper to the background also. To finish my tag, I added both a quote and a woman from an Art By Marlene punch out book. 

I attached my page to a denim page in my Dina Wakely garden journal. I then used some label maker tape (From TH all punched out, although I should have found mine and used that- that would have been a good idea for the background.). This black Maneki-neko cat die cut that was sitting on my work table. I added a bit of color to him and thought he made a great object to tie the tag and the tape and the page together. Finally I added a few plastic rhinestones that came off of this sheet of rhinestones that I picked up on markdown at some point in the past. Just because a pop of sparkle is always nice.

I guess I could have stenciled a bit of a background on the denim, now that I am looking at this piece on the computer.  I might go back and do that, but for today, it is what it is.

And  besides this journal page, today I want to take you back the Sunflower festival.
I absolutely loved visiting Coppal Farm a few weeks back.  I have some more sunflower photos today.

Not only did I enjoy walking through this big field of flowers (and they were buzzing with bees-smile), but the farm is also  a working sheep farm. They even had a few goats and chickens. And some sweet draft horses too. I'll share those photos next week. 

This was the view looking from the sunflowers back to the farm and the entrance tent they had up for the festival. If it doesn't look crowded it was because we got there just as they were opening at 10 in the morning.

And you might notice lots of bees in today's photos.

I took tons of photos of the bees pollinating the plants. I won't show you all of them, but I had to include a few.

Hope you enjoyed all these summery flowers. 

 I might not be online much this weekend as we have my husband's niece's wedding on Saturday night, and because of this wedding, my daughter and her beau will be here for weekend. My husband's niece and her beau actually got married last August in an immediate family only ceremony, but this year they are celebrating their wedding with a big shindig. The interesting thing, and a sign of the times, is that on the response card we had to check off if we were vaccinated, and if you weren't vaccinated, they asked whether you would be by the wedding. 

My daughter saw on their wedding website they had posted that all guests coming were vaccinated and that tables would be more than 6 feet apart.  The other day they sent out an email with all their celebration covid safety requests, including wearing masks. 

What I am curious about is how they are going to sit us at tables. My first thought is that we will sit with my husband's other sister's family and my mother-in-law.  I wonder if my mother in law will actually mask up. She goes on about my husband being safe (he had a kidney transplant 4 years ago) and  about him taking his immunosuppression meds ,but she never even attempts to wear a mask inside around him, so it will be interesting to see  what happens. 

I might stop by your blog at either end of the weekend, and I do have a scheduled post for Sunday night. 
Have a great weekend. 



  1. I liked the plain background so your tag stands out. My favorite bit is the black Maneki-neko. The black cats ward off evil. Your sunflower photos are just gorgeous.

  2. I really love this tag. Her face is sassy. The sunflowers are amazing. Great photos. Glad you will be seeing your family but I am with you. How are people going to be safe. My Nephew had a wedding a few months ago. 5 people came to the wedding with covid and later at least 10 had contracted it. I did not go. So just be as safe as you can be and don't worry about what others say.

  3. Beautiful sunflowers, wish we had your bees for our garden! 🤣

  4. I like the tag placed centrally, it looks really strong and beautiful. But I know what you mean, it's hard to leave empty space! The sunflowers are fabulous, I could look at them all day. Have a great weekend, enjoy the wedding! Hugs, Valerie

  5. A gorgeous tag, and I love all the sunflowers and honey bees!
    Happy Friday!

  6. Beautiful. I hope you enjoy the walk today.

  7. Oh wow I really enjoyed all of your sunflower photos-I want to plant some next year-they are so cheerful. enjoy your weekend Erika

  8. I do enjoy seeing these denim pages. Love the tag you made and the lettering for 'Flower power' is fabulous - just perfect. Then there is the contrasting lettering at the base which runs onto the denim. Aren't the figures by Art bjy Marlene fabulous too - they all come with their special look to them.
    It's a great page Erika, whether it's left as is or you add more lettering to the denim itself - and it works so well for my theme at AJJ - 'type'.
    Once again we got a treat and more sunflower pictures - what lovely sunny flowers they are.
    Hope the wedding celebration goes well, especially for your husband, with all the covid rules. Mind you, at the moment I am all for rules where that is concerned.
    Hugs & Thanks for joining in again with my theme at AJJ, Neet xx

  9. Beautiful page throwing me back into my childhood.
    Well, just need to look to the right, or up, original lamps from the 70´s.
    And the sunflowers, ohhhhh, so beautiful! Thank you.

  10. You put a ton into that tag. Your tags are always loaded with amazing layers and layers. Great minds think alike. I got my actual Dymo label maker out last night and went to town. I have three of them, but only one worked when I loaded them. I love your lucky cat. How adorable. And I am inspired by your bling, because it is the very thing I need for a spread I'm currently working on.

    Gotta LOVE the sunflowers, but the bees are wonderful, too. I even saw a few in my garden the other day and it made me do a happy dance. Enjoy your weekend with your family. Have a great time at the wedding, dear.

  11. Those sunflowers are amazing! If I had more sun on the patio I'd grow more sunflowers :)

  12. Your sunflower photographs are so lovely :)

    All the best Jan

  13. I'm very nervous about the October wedding I'm going to as well. We'll see. Good luck.

    That sunflower field is to die for.

  14. Fabulous sun flower photos and art pages Erika, sorry I am late calling in here.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx


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