Sunday, August 22, 2021

Summer Leaves

Hi everyone. Happy end of the weekend.

Last night we had a fun wedding for my husband's niece. This morning we are all a little wedding hungover. Not from drinking too much, although they did have an open bar, and the drinks were very strong. I switched over to Diet Coke very early in the event. The DJ was great; there was lots of dancing and singing. The groom and a couple of his friends were amazing break dancers. Who knew? My husband and I sat with 2 of my husband's cousins and one uncle from his dad's side, and how 4 people can be such clones of each other, I don't know. They look alike ( except for age related differences), think alike, act alike. Luckily all us wives could roll our eyes at each other and feel like we had some compadres.  

My only complaint was the food. Not the appetizers, which were an assortment of veggie medleys  such as spring rolls and veggie somoas, and not the dessert which was a huge help yourself assortment of vegan donuts. The meal food, though good, was sparse. The bride and groom are vegans, and I am OK with having a vegan meal, but the serving plates were the size of a tea saucer and could hardly hold any food. It was dinner time after all. 

Overall it was a fun night out, and my only other concern is that no one comes down with covid because of course, even with masks, when you haven't seen someone for 2 years, there was a lot of hugging going on. (But fortunately everyone there was vaccinated, as was requested by the bride and groom for you to attend.)

The other news here in New Hampshire is, unless there's a change in the track, Hurricane Tropical Storm Henri is bringing  some rain and wind into New England.  

According to the last forecast I saw, (and this may have changed by the time this is posted) the track of Henri comes right through my area, but late in his travels. I think by the time he reaches New Hampshire he would have lost some steam over land, but there still will be rain. But better that than a full blown hurricane.

Today I want to share another page for Neet's TYPE challenge at Art Journal Journey. This is another page in my garden journal with a denim background.

I used some black ink to stamp the swirls using an ancient  Hero Arts stamp from my collection. Then I added some scraps of printed tissue paper with lots of type on it. Once my page dried I added several of these vellum leaf stickers I've had for a while. I love how you can see the type tissue paper through them.

I stamped the butterfly image on white paper, cut a rectangle out around the image and used some green watered down paint for most of the background. Then I used a couple of markers to color the butterfly.  This gear die cut was sitting on my work table which framed the butterfly perfectly, so on that that went. And finally I added those typed words.

Hope you like my page.

This week let me take you back to the sunflower festival. When I was driving out after the visit a few weeks back, I passed a couple of really interesting old barn buildings. This first one was huge. With all those little screened over windows I'm guessing this first building is an old chicken barn, maybe?

This other old building was across the street.

This glass and wood door looks like a cool art mosaic.

You have to love the weathered wood and peeling paint. And that yellow door is a beauty too.

I'm a fan of barns, and one of my dreams in life is to have one.  Of course I want a barn I can turn into a large bright art studio. Smile. Whether I ever get a barn or not, these 2 really made me happy to see.

OK, enough said for me. My husband and daughter just got home from their bagel run-we need breakfast this morning still being hungry from last night. 

Hope you have a great start to the new week.


  1. Oh, those buildings! Absolutely beautiful, both of them. Not much use as an art studio with those windows - it would be a shame to change them. I can see the attraction in those particular buildings though.
    Another lovely page in your denim journal. The gear frames the butterfly perfectly, like a steampunk portrait, and I love the lettering, or should I say 'type'.
    The wedding sounds fun but the absence of food would have meant a hasty retreat for me.
    Thanks for joining in with my theme again Erika,
    Hugs, Neet xx

  2. Sorry you didn't get enough to eat at the wedding, vegans sometimes have small appetites! Enjoy your donut breakfast! Love your journal page, the blue and green go so well together. And I love the pics of the old wooden houses, so beautifully grungy! Hope you stay safe when the storm comes, take care! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Hi Erika, Happy Sunday, the wedding sounded like allot of fun. Too bad the main meal was so small as there are sooo many options for delicious vegan foods.
    I love your page, and I really love this old building-may be a good one to try and paint as inspiration.
    Hoping you get no storm damages. Hugs Kathy

  4. At least the reception was a fun time. Maybe they figured everyone would be too busy catching up and dancing to bother eating. Hopefully the leaves will stay on the trees. Henri was downgraded to a tropical storm and made landfall in Westerly, RI about an hour or so ago. A little further west than predicted. So far so good, though the lights just flickered, but we didn't lose power. I like the butterfly in the gear makes me think of hamsters wheels. I'm hoping by the time the storm swings your way on Mon. it will have lost a lot of its ooomph. Take care and stay dry

  5. Your niece's wedding sounds fun, nice to meet up with family for a happy occasion like that.
    Your page is fabulous. I love the leaves and butterfly.
    Those old barn buildings look interesting, wonderful peeled paint texture on the door and window frames, and the mosaic door is fabulous.
    Have a great new week,

  6. I hope you weather the storm safely and that there's a lesser storm to weather once it gets to you. Scary. We don't get hurricanes here.

    I do like that yellow paint trim. Sweet!

  7. Ut sounds like you made it through the wedding with no bad effects. I was SURE you would be stuck at the wedding because from what I had heard, it was going to land while you were there. For some reason, I thought the wedding was on Sunday, not Saturday. I'm so glad you made it home OK. I worry about you and CJ.

    Sorry to read about the lack of food. I guess I would have loaded up on spring rolls and donuts. I wonder if there were others who felt the same as you.

    Your latest journal page is lovely. You combined so many different images like the cog and the butterfly, which went so well together. I like how they were layered over different images, too. Then there are the words that brought the entire page together. This is a really well put together page that is great for Neet's theme at Art Journal Journey, Erika.

    Those barns are wonderful. I love that yellow door, too. I want the window in it (grin)!

  8. We've been hearing about 'Henri' in the news bulletins here in the UK.
    Thinking of you and hoping you are all safe and well.

    All the best Jan

  9. Weddings, Love'um - And That Old Homestead, Amazing


  10. We have an Uncle who "fled" to Mallorca, breaking up with family, fearing everybody will want to take over his home for a holiday for free.
    25 years later my Brother invited him (+ family) to his wedding.
    Went to the airport, holding up a sign with the Uncle´s surname.
    No use for that. He looks EXACTLY like my Brother (except age, as you said)!!! Scary!
    As my Nieces look like me. Genes, huh.

    Food can be difficult.
    My SIL is vegetarian and only eats enough to not starve. And wonders why she fails to get pregnant again. Eat. Normal and enough, huh. I mean, she has two kids, that happened before trying to just exist. But, huhhhh, I´ll keep my mouth shut!

    Henri. Um. Henry is a tad... mad. He´d like to tell that hurricane off for sure! Hope all will be and stay safe.

    Love your page. Ingo complained I wear the same denim skirt all the time, LOL. (I wear Gurri, too!)

    Interesting houses - never seen that here.
    Did you go in? Do you have pics? Such places are so tempting! Yesterday we had another docu on "Lost places" - I love that!

  11. I don't think I have ever gone to a wedding and come away hungry! Usually it's just the opposite. In my experience a Jewish wedding is the best of all - the food just never ends!

  12. Glad you had a good time at the wedding, it sounded that you could have done with more food to soak the alcohol up too 😀. The old barn looks amazing, that yellow door is a keeper! I hope you enjoyed the bagels, wishing you a happy new week! Hugs Jo x

  13. Have a beautiful and safe day my friend. Hugs.

  14. I also love those old buildings. Would be fun to own one!

  15. Good luck with the weather systems! I hope Henri blows over without serious damage.

    We went to a wedding once where they only served Ritz crackers and a little cheese. The bride and groom were part of a religious cult, or community, and we (Jews like David and similarly accustomed to a big spread) said privately "They call themselves a community? Then why don't they all bring food?" Culture! You never know when it will crop up.

    best... mae at

  16. I can just see my dad, a lover of meat, be at this wedding looking down at his main supper. He would have a few choice words. I would have been ordering something from outside so i could have a dinner. It sounds like it was a nice wedding overall and I am impressed he and others could break dance!

    I love your page with the leaves and the butterfly which takes centre stage. Those barns are wonderful and should be restored and used as some art studio. I love the gabled look of the yellow door. I have been watching the British show called "Restored" which looks like it is in a converted old barn but people bring in something to be restored. It could be a piece of furniture or an old watch or something ceramic. It is a really good show.

  17. Nice that you were able to have a good time seeing family at the wedding, even if you were a bit hungry after the reception. I have never been to a vegan wedding reception, but now know that perhaps eating in advance would be a good thought? Here in Nashua, NH, Henri only left us with rain on Sunday. We were returning from our anniversary getaway and the sun was shining when we left VT, but not so after we came into NH. Today all is good with partial sun and supposedly rains later tonight, but after a stop at the grocery store we are good for the week. Those vintage buildings looked like great photo opps and yes, perhaps s chicken coop even though I have only seen lon and narrow ones used for that purpose. The yellow door and peeling trim were great! GOod luck with your wish to one day have your own barn, Erika.

  18. I've never seen barns like those at all! I love all of them.

    I'm glad you had a great time at the wedding and I, too, hope you're all well. I'm holding my breath for Cousin Jeff's October wedding. That dinner, though, well -- I hope you ate a lot of apps!

  19. Great journal page, Erika. Love the images you used, and the feeling of the page. Super for the August theme.

    Sound like a great wedding even if the dinner was small - hopefully that left room for more dessert! LOL.

    The barn pictures are wonderful. I haven't seen anything like either one and love them! I hope you get a barn!!! My Mom had that dream as well. She ended up buying a storage shed that looked like a red barn. She loved it. Hugz


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