Friday, August 6, 2021

More from Storm King #3

Hi everyone. Happy Friday!

I thought today I would finish the work week with some more photos from Storm King, the sculpture garden I visited last week in New York. I've only posted  some  of the  photos I took  on my blog this week, but I think you can get a feel for the place. I'll show you more at a later time, but next week I will move onto the other art garden we visited or perhaps even something else.

I should warn you this is a photo heavy post.

This tall piece is eye catching  in the field of wildflowers.

In this next photo you can see my friend walking under it, just to give you some scale.

What I like about this next exhibit is that it transform the landscape into a different natural landscape. The wavefield definitely looked better from above, standing on a hill behind it and looking down into it.

Can you see the waves of grass ?

When you got down on eye level, you could still see the waves but they were not so pronounced nor as dramatic.

Wednesday I showed you the back view of this next statue as we walked out of the wooded area, and the stone wall ended. Here's the front view of that statue.

This statue was different from most of the others as it is very detailed.
This piece is called the 3 Legged Buddha. I did find this write up on the internet about it. I now understand why it has 3 legs and half a head on the ground.

“Three-Legged Buddha” is a moving and dramatic sight, all the more so when one understands the source of Zhang’s creation. Zhang set about to make these sculptures after a visit to Tibet in which he found fragments of religious sculptures, which had been destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, for sale in a Tibetan market. Deeply moved by the sight of these fragments, Zhang started to collect them as relics, with an intention to transform them in some way to art, according to Art Knowledge News. (

That's my friend Jo peeking out from behind the nose.

Onto some more shape, patina and texture.

And shape and color in this case of this zigzag.

I'm not sure of the meaning behind these spheres, but I'd love a couple of the smaller ones in my gardens.

This next photo is not art in the park, but this helicopter flew overhead, and  it was very loud. I thought it was a sharp contrast to the quiet of nature in the sculpture garden. It is my own photo art for the day.

And finally, a little more sculpture art.

And a close up below.

My bent must be towards traditional art because I loved these columns. We were told they were rescued from a salvage yard.

This man resting on the wall was another favorite. Can you see him?

And I'll finish up with this interesting indoor exhibit at the main house on the property. I can't believe I forgot to take photos of the house. It was built in the 1920's as a NY lawyer's weekend home, and the shell was beautiful brick and stone. Inside there was rich wood paneling, at least in the main area, the only place we were allowed. 

They did have one  exhibit in the house with color, paper and lights which I enjoyed. I don't think I photographed it very well, to get the full effect.

Hope you enjoyed this little visit to Storm King Art Center from my photos. 

And of course, thanks  so much for visiting.



  1. The sculptures are so cool and the wave field is awesome. I need to work on my meadow area so it looks like the first picture you posted. The sculpture of all the spheres reminds me of a bocce court. Enjoy the gorgeous weather today!

  2. Wow, Erika, what a fabulous collection of photos. That really is a fantastic place to visit, so much to see and enjoy. The waves of grass were beautiful, and I loved the various statues and the inside installation, fantastic. Pity I can't reach that park on the tram, I would certainly go there. Thanks for sharing, have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. The wave field is such a cool concept! I've never seen anything like it. That sculpture is _huge_! Actually, all of them look huge. I love the variety. That art exhibit is filled with color. It all must've made for an enjoyable outing.

  4. What a beautiful place. I’d love to visit. Thank you for sharing. Have a lovely Friday.

  5. Happy Friday Erika! I so enjoyed discovering all the sculptures with you, they look amazing and it looks like you had some lovely weather too 😁. Take care and happy weekend! Hugs Jo x

  6. Fantastic sceneries. Thank you for sharing.
    Have a wonderful weekend xx

  7. Wow, that looks amazing…fantastic photos

  8. OMGosh I love this post. The art is amazing. Thank you.

  9. Wow, that first one is HUGE!
    And the grass... The Buddha is interesting, too - one would feel like a dwarf.
    Hups, looks like you´re in Greece (well, maybe these days this would not be fun, depending on where you are... crazy weather).
    The man is cute, so relaxed.
    The inside is cool - thank you for sharing this great tour!

  10. This is really fascinating. Beautiful sculpture but it's the waves in the terrain that get me. I love that! (Can you imagine Olympic mogul skiing on this? Of course, it isn't steep so not able to do it, but so interesting!)

  11. Wonderful!!! How I'd love to visit. The wildflowers are so pretty but capturing them surround the hard enormous statue is a study in textures.

  12. Incredible sculptures and those waves of grass look amazing Erika! The indoor installation looks fabulous too. What a great place to visit!
    Happy weekend.

  13. I was in awe of these sculptures. I really was thrilled to see abstract in such a lovely setting. I was amazed at the 3 Legged Buddha, too. Very interesting. It sure is HUGE! It is a great installation.

    Those don't look like waves of grass to me, but more like little mounds. I was impressed that it was created on top of an old gravel pit! I really enjoyed reading about it.

    I loved all the abstract sculptures and even the traditional columns. That pak contains a whole LOT of large installations. Thanks for sharing them, dear.

  14. Another great place to visit and your pictures are a wonderful treat. Loved the waves, the man relaxing on the wall, and the columns, but that Buddha is super fun too. You have found some great places to visit! Hugz


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