Monday, August 2, 2021

T in the Air and Second on the Second

 Happy August everyone. And Happy T day also.

Before  I go on to my T day part of the post, let me go back to August of 2013 and share some cards I made. I don't make many cards any more, so it was fun for me to look back. This is my link up to Elizabeth's Second on the Second.

Here's the link to the original post: Some Art from the Archives. I think I need to make some more cards one of these days.

Now on to T.

July was a really wet month here in New Hampshire. Sadly, August hasn't started out perfectly dry either. Let's hope that changes.

 This past Saturday we finally had decent weather to go back out in my husband's boat. It  has either been  wet or there were potential thunderstorms  on the weekends, and as you might remember, we got stuck in one of those earlier in July.  Unfortunately, we only got out twice all of July. That really bugs my husband since he works all week and then come the weekend, it rains. He's been so anxious to get out on the water. 

This past Saturday we had lots of wind at home, and it was cool. We expected it to be the same on the water. It was cool, but not too windy. Hurrah.

Here I am out fishing. I had caught 3 mackerel by this point. I look better in this next photo though as my hand isn't in front of my face. (I was rubbing it in that I had caught 3 fish at this point and my husband only 1-smile. We have a fun little competition with each other every time we go fishing.) I actually caught one more too before the fishing adventure was over. 

The dogs are really fascinated when we catch fish.

My husband's boat has a wet well as it is built for fishing.  You put in a plug and turn a pump on, and then wet well pumps fresh ocean water in to keep your fish alive.  Every now and again we need to open the top of the wet well so we can be sure everything is working as it should, plus the dogs can check on the fish. They think the fish are really fascinating, although I must say Pete would eat one if we gave it to him. At the end of the day the fish went back into the ocean to get bigger.

When we were out in the boat Saturday I saw not one, but 2 T day references in the sky.

I wasn't fast enough with my camera to get this  next one in right direction, but this one was for some hard iced tea.

I think you can make out the glass and can on this flag.  I am sure this plane was flying up along the New Hampshire beaches and then flying over the river to hit a few of the Maine beaches too. It might have even flown over the beaches on the North Shore of Massachusetts. We do most of our boating right along the New Hampshire and Maine state lines. 

Be sure to stop by  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog  to see what all the lovely ladies have been up to for T this week.

As of last check, my blogger reading list is not working (as a few of you have mentioned with yours also). If I don't stop by your blog, it's because I can't get onto my list to see who has posted.  I should be OK with T day posts, but it might be an issue for those of you who aren't T day guests.

Hope the new month is starting off well for you. Thanks for visiting.


  1. So glad that you were able to get out on the boat a few times. I know the weather can really mess with plans. Not fun when you don't have a flexible schedule. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy more sunshine in August. It has been wet for us as well but I love it considering I don't have to water my plants. It really saves me time.
    Funny cards, I especially like the scooter.
    Happy Tea Day,

  2. I also have people telling they can't access their blogger lists, but since I have no idea where you find this list, I just use my left sidebar to see who has updated their blog posts.

    It's fairly obvious I didn't know you in 2013, but I enjoyed this look back at where your art was back then and where it is today. I like the embossing you did. And those trees!!!

    What a fun, fun take on your trip in the boat and the wonderful way you found to share a T Tuesday post. Very clever in how you were able to capture those signs for T time. Thanks for sharing your second look on the 2nd and also for sharing your great day on the water with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend.

  3. wonderful cards Erika! Glad you got another nice day out on the boat- along with some successful fishing to boot. The dogs look quite content(and curious about the fish) as well. Fun way to get the drink related photos :):) Happy T day!

  4. So fun to see pictures of you fishing, Erika! Love your cards too - you definitely need to make more! Fun way to capture drink related pictures - very cool flying ads. Happy T-day! Hugz

  5. Great to see your cards Erika, hope you find the time to make some more. Great photos of you and the dogs on the boat too.
    Happy T-Day.

  6. Beautiful, fun cards!
    And weee, yes. Same bad summer here, too. Cold! Cloudy.
    Cool boat pics! You gave the fish back?! LOL. What did the dogs think of that?

    Corona beer has to advertise, I sure can guess!

    Blogger now takes ages when editing. What´s next, I wonder (I keep saving links now...)
    Happy T-Day anyways!

  7. Love the art from the archives, and great to see you having fun fishing! Your dogs are real sea dogs, too. Love the flying drinks ads, what fun! I hope the weather stays fine for you at the weekend so you can get out and about again! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  8. Looks so great to be out on the ocean Erika, I always assumed people fish to eat! I like the drink ads flying overhead, a novel way of joining the T Party.
    YOur cards are lovely, sometimes when I look at old cards I really dislike them and wonder why I thought they were good enough to send out.
    Happy T Day

  9. So glad you got to go fishing, we have one of those wells for the fish too-pretty cool idea I think. and I love your drink reference-fun. Hoping for more nice days for your boating-hugs Kathy

  10. What a shame that the weather has been so bad. But the day you took the photos was brilliant. It's nice when you catch more than your hubby. (
    Unusual references for T-Day. Very special.
    Take care,
    Happy T-Day,

  11. Ahhhh…your post takes me back to fishing when we lived on a NJ bay. It was so peaceful in our boat with such a large body of water. Time has passed and boating became too much work for us. Have fun!

  12. Fabulous cards and I loved your photos! It was lovely fishing with you and it looks like everyone had fun catching those fish including Pete and Maddie 😀. I love spending time on the water too and your boat looks awesome! Wishing you a very Happy T Day and a wonderful August! Hugs, Jo x

  13. Boating and fishing fun! I'm excited the weather cooperated so I could join you virtually :)

    Happy T Tuesday

  14. I thought I'd left a comment this morning, but apparently I haven't. Never mind, I only wanted you to know that I'm so glad you have had some sunny days. It's such a bummer when it's nice in the week and it rains over the weekend!
    Good on you that you caught more fish than your husband. I'd be childish and go: ne-ne-ne-ne-ne
    Your drink references are perfect for T-Day.Very original.
    Happy T-Day,
    Take care,

  15. Your cards are so wonderful. It was finally nice to have sunny weekend weather. Looks like you had a great time on the boat. Good for you for catching 3 fish! I remember when beaching at Salisbury in my youth, the airplanes would tow signage. Looks like we're in for another nice weekend coming up. At least as of today! Happy T Day

  16. Erika, is looks like a great day on the water and I'm so glad you got out! Did you end up getting any bigger fish after you threw in those three? Fresh fish for dinner sound really good!

    Love all the cards, especially the first!

  17. Loved the cards - I do make cards but only for DT purposes, many of them get converted to journal fodder!
    Glad you could get out on the boat, well done for catches.
    I love those flying drink references!
    Belated Happy T day!Hugs, Chris


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