Sunday, August 1, 2021

August Is Here

 Hi everyone. It is hard to believe that July has already come and gone.  Time is flying for certain. I'm hoping August here in New Hampshire is a little less wet than July was.

And speaking of it being August, it is time for a new challenge at Art Journal Journey. I'm sending big thanks to Alison of Words and Pictures for her wonderful July challenge and also to all you who joined us during the month. It was great to see all the different takes on Alison's Summer Countryside challenge. And July was the perfect month for the countryside.

For August at Art Journal Journey I'd like to introduce another new host, Neet.  You might also know her from her blog Hickeydorums. You might also have noticed all her fun Dyan Reavely pages every Thursday at AJJ, but this month she is here with a challenge I think we will all love, TYPE.

I  made my background with some type printed tissue paper, and that tissue paper got me thinking a little bit Victorian and a little bit steampunk as well as a little bit railroad. Plus it was a great opportunity to take out and use some old stamps sitting on my shelf.

I used some blue reactive ink and also a bit of black and green nonreactive inks to color my background. Then I cut the big train image from a sheet of steampunk scrapbooking paper I had in my stash.  I cut out the words from another sheet of paper in the same pack,  and I stamped the railroad crossing sign, the woman and child waving goodbye as well as the Victorian man.

The waving woman and child  image is an ancient rubber stamp from the long defunct Cornish Heritage Farm stamp company. I love that image, and even though it looks great colored, I left it black and white to work on this page. When I decided to use the train image this stamp jumped into my head, and it was great to be able to use it once again. I stamped the 2 small quotes on the top of the train paper. The "til we meet again" phrase went with the waving women set, and all other stamped images are from  TH sets.

I finally finished the page with some black rubber rings from a long ago hardware store purchase and some shiny little plastic stars which I put inside each.

I'm looking forward to seeing all your amazing journal pages with TYPE this month at Art Journal Journey. Don't forget the dreaded rules. Cards, tags, ATC's, dimensional art and other non-journal pages are not accepted. However, we love seeing your journals pages from all types:in journals or altered books, on fabric, sketching or even digital. Or any other kind of journal page you can think of. 

Thanks for visiting my blog.



  1. What a different and unique take on this theme, Erika. It is certainly not something I would ever have thought of. It is quite different and I really LOVE it, It is truly a beautiful mixed media entry and so original for Neet's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  2. Fabulous page, Erika, I love your take on type! Great colours, too, and a great variety of types. Have a great Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  3. Wow Erika, what a fab page - Steampunk is definitely my type of thing - I even made myself a steampunk hat once.
    Gosh there are so many interesting things to see on this page, I could look at it for ages and find something else. I particularly love that train. On my trips to America I once saw a train with that 'cow fender' (that's what I call it) and I always looked out for another one in actual use but was never lucky enough to see one.
    Thanks for such a fabulous page Erika and for joining me at AJJ.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  4. Fantastic page, love all the different elements. There is so much to see.
    Hugs Wendy.

  5. Fun page! The Victorian gent is so cool. Like Snidely Whiplash 😺 And now I'm thinking of the song: He grabbed her! He tired her up! He threw her on the railroad track! The train started comin'...And then along came Jones. Too fun. I hope this month is less wet and more sunny than last month. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  6. A wonderful creation! I enjoyed your detailed description of the process and detailed description.

  7. A fabulous page Erika for the new AJJ theme. I love how you added all the layers and details with the prominent framed wording really pulling us into the journal page.
    Have a good rest of the weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  8. This is a Wonderful page Erika ! I like very much the steampunk effect, the colours and the different types. Really great ! as always.
    I hope you are fine, as your family too, and I wish you a very nice Sunday.
    Sending big hugs, Caty

  9. I love the steampunk and railroad theme! My grandfather was a steam engine tower switch man. My memories of walking down the tracks with him to work in his tower are vivid. The hours I spent there were magical as I played drawing with carbon paper, listened to the choo-choo sound of the steam powered trains, and watched him maneuvering the long wooden switch handles. Your piece is beautiful and so delightfully nostalgic to me!

  10. So much to look at here, Erika. Great colors and images. The words and letters are so perfect! The train is my fave. Wow. I can't wait to do a page afer seeing this and all the other fun pages you have all made for this new theme. Hugz

  11. Oh my goodness, Erika, what an interesting page with all the pictures and fonts. I also loved reading your words about them too with details about the pictures and stamps. The train and the woman waving are terrific.
    The man with the hat! - and all the different fonts! It was a good decision about the colours as it looks so distinctive in blues and blacks. It's a great piece.

  12. I want train travel to be a thing, a regular and functional mode of travel. I agree with CJ about the Snidely Whiplash guy, and now that song is stuck in my head lol

  13. Ohhh this is amazing. There is an nostalgic to it. Very nice indeed.

  14. What an incredibly detailed page - so much to see - love all those little details that I caught on my second look! A brilliant first page for Neet's 'Type' theme! Hugs, Chrisx

  15. What a fabulous creation this is, just wonderful.

    Happy August Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  16. Huiii the locomotive and the waving children are great in this work of art of yours. The bluish journal is beautiful, and it goes wonderfully with the topic!
    August is already here, so it comes so quickly to me.
    I wish you a happy new week, hugs, Elke

  17. I love this page Erika! Great images and background!
    Happy August.

  18. What a great page! I love the colouring (or lack of) and the vintage style.
    The stamp of the waving lady is gorgeous. It reminded m,e of the statue of the waving lady in Savannah that I write about in one of my blog posts.(

  19. I like your description -- a little bit steampunk, a little Victorian. Perfect description and a wonderful page!

  20. I love how you’ve mixed steampunk and vintage for this page. That new Tim Holtz guy I am sure is a passenger on that train. A mix of color and black and white looks fantastic and makes each portion of your page stand out yet blend together so well. A wonderful lot of type all over the page.

  21. Love this collection of collage and things Erika, every scrap is my type too with a great mix of font's too. Beautiful in blue making a grand journal spread. Hugs Tracey xx


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