Friday, September 3, 2021

Down on the Farm Again

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday. 

Here in the US this is the start of the long Labor Day weekend which means we are at the end of the summer "season". I am hoping the actual seasonal summer ends with some dry, sunny and cooler weather this month so I can get back into gardening and regular walking.  I used to love summer heat but in the last few years I have been craving  crisper and cooler temperatures. Perhaps summers weren't so tropical in the past (thanks to the  changing climate), or perhaps now that I am  vintage (like my art today) my tolerance for heat has changed? Smile.

I'm excited my daughter will be here for the long weekend also as her beau is off visiting a friend. It will be good to have her home for a few days. I've no big plans otherwise, but I am sure, as summer is starting to wind down, my husband will want to get a boating day in  as that season starts to wind down also.

I'm back today with another page for Wendy's VINTAGE challenge at Art Journal Journey. I have one more down on the farm/gardening collage to share from a set I made earlier this summer.

 I am starting to love these burlap backgrounds. They do give a vintage background without doing anything to them. On this page I attached some vintage gardening ribbon, an old photo, and some vintage stamps. These stamps aren't for postage but would be given to someone as they bought food and other things at the grocery store. Once they had enough stamps they could cash them in for other items. These types of stamps were all the rage in the 1950's and 1960's. King Korn was one of these stamps, and S&H Green Stamps was another.

I also used a burlap tag on my page that I did some random stitching on. To finish my page I added a bit of cloth ric-rac trim, this paper sunflower sticker, and a few TH word stickers to create my quote.

I hope this lady in the photo has had a great year with her garden.
My veggie garden has been hit and miss this summer. Tomatoes and peppers have flourished, but zucchini not so much. It seems like zucchini grows just about in any weather in everyone's garden, but sadly, not mine.  Yet I must say the flower gardens have been very very happy. 

Since my page today once again has a farm theme, let me take you back one last time to the Sunflower Festival. The farm where the festival was going on  also had a few draft horses to greet guests as they arrived. One of them followed me down the fence a way as I walked towards the entrance. Maybe it wasn't me but he just wanted his photo taken. If my dog Maddie can be a photo-hog,  I guess a horse can be one too.

 My neighbor used to have 3 draft horses that were used to pull lumber out of the woods, and when my daughter was little we could visit them. They always made me feel so small, but they were definitely always receptive to some attention too. 

These guys, well especially the one who liked me talking to him, were so handsome I had show them to you.

Hope the new month is treating you well!


  1. Those draught horses bring back happy memories for me. When I was young, I was allowed to ride on one very gentle mare. I used to sit right up against the base of her neck and hold on to her mane. Even thinking about it makes me feel good!

  2. Beautiful page with a days gone by look. Love that sunflower. I don't mind the heat, but could do with some sunny, dry days. I hope the wet and wild Summer we've had isn't a foreshadow of a snowy and wild winter. Enjoy the weekend with your daughter.

  3. A beautiful vintage page Erika, and I love the horses!
    Happy weekend,

  4. I love your burlap background! It adds an “organic” element to the lovely colorful page. The horse photos are very artistic!

  5. I love this latest page you created. It has a real vintage feel to it. It also reminds me of the fields where I live. It's a real gem, from the burlap background to the sewing on the burlap tag to the sunflower to the vintage image. How lovely and perfect for Wendy's theme, too, dear.

    Those are beautiful horses. I remember riding a horse a few times when I was a child, but never any that large. I want the rusty bits in the shed (grin). Hope you didn't get any flooding or loss of power. I've been worried about you and CJ for days.

  6. Wonderful journal page, love the texture. Those horses are beautiful. I love watching them. Have a great weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Love the vintage photo on your lovely page. Great us of fabric as well. Thank you for another great entry.
    Hugs Wendy

  8. I had to laugh at your suggestion to keep the tarp on through winter. I plan to leave it on for at least a year. From what I've read, it could take up to TWO years to get rid of the bamboo. I don't plan to remove it for at least another year. That's why I invested in the most expensive, thick tarps I could buy.

  9. Beautiful art but I am so taken by the photos of the horses.

  10. I am loving how you used the fabric page as a starting place for this great vintage page , its a lovely old vintage photo you used as well.
    Have a good weekend and enjoy having your daughter home.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Those draught horses bring back happy memories for me.

  12. I love this page -- it speaks to September. And you're right about the burlap backgrounds. They really have wonderful texture. The horse photos are terrific, too.

    Have a wonderful weekend with your daughter. Lucky you!

  13. What a brilliant page - reminds me of growing up on a plant nursery- there's an idea, Hugs, Chrisx

  14. What gorgeous horses! It must be fun to have an animal like that be receptive and approachable.

  15. Those horses are lovely, great to see the photographs.

    All the best Jan

  16. You are doing some great vintage pages and I haven't even finished the first one I started! Love the old picture and farm theme! The hore pictures are wonderful - they are soooo pretty! Hugz


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