Thursday, September 2, 2021

Thursday Art

 Hi everyone.  Hope the new month has started off well for you. Today I have lots of art to share.

I'm going to start my post with another tag for Wendy's Seashell challenge at Tag Tuesday.

I stamped some old seashell stamps on my tag, and then sprayed the background with some blue ink that dried just like I hoped it would, all water spotty. I cut the girls out out an old TH people card, and I purposefully left a bit of water around them to enhance the feel of water. The quote is a Hero Arts stamp. I finished this tag with some  fake blue gemstones just to  bring out the feel of water even more than the tag already had.

I also have this vintage page for Wendy's challenge at Art Journal Journey.  The background is a piece of light weight cardboard that came in a package of vintage stickers I had bought off of Etsy. It measures 6x8 inches, and I thought it was too nice to throw away, even if it was a bit off kilter.  I rubbed a brown ink pad on it, which  with the finish on the cardboard, didn't work quite as neatly as I wanted it to work, but perhaps you could think of the inking mess as years of someone putting a wet brown item down on this page. That's vintage, right? 

 I covered some of the ink streaks with one of my favorite TH dies, this old clock. Not only is the clock design old but this die has been in my collection for a long time too. The gears are also die cuts, although these were waiting to be used on my worktable. I stamped  as well as fussy cut the man and the car (from an older set of stamps from Oxford Impressions) images, and I also added a few final details like the printed tissue paper scrap and some small metal embellishments. The quote is one that's been much overused, but it is still a beautiful sentiment.

Lastly, as it is August second, I also have a second look to share over at  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.      It's a chance to revisit a previous post.

I figured since Wendy is the host of the 2 challenges I'm joining, I would continue and show a piece from last November, when Wendy also hosted at Art Journal Journey and her theme was birds. I should have titled my post, When Wendy is Hosting. Smile.

I think this piece also has a vintage connection with the old letters/postcards on the page.

Here's my link to the original post: In Flight, originally posted on November 25, 2020.

There's not much else new with me. Last night we had heavy rain from what's left of Hurricane Ida that did so much damage in Louisiana and Mississippi. Thankfully, we're high and dry, but it did make a huge mess  as it moved north. What a year for weather. Severe drought and fires on the west coast of the US, earthquakes and then a hurricane in Haiti, flooding in parts of Europe and the US also. And that's only what I've seen. I am sure there is terrible weather in places that don't make the news or that I've missed. Never mind covid numbers rising rapidly, at least here in the US. 2021 has been almost as crazy a year as 2020 was. Although I do feel like being vaccinated has allowed me to get out and about more, I still feel like all the hope the vaccines brought last spring has fizzled a bit because there are definitely places I don't want to visit for fear of break through cases, especially since I need to be a bit more cautious with my husband being immunosupressed.  Life is certainly an adventure!

Sorry to end this post with that little downer of a paragraph. Sometimes you just have to get it off your chest though. Smile.

OK, enough said. I hope all of you who stopped by are healthy, not having terrible weather, and are having a great start to this new month. 

Thanks for visiting today.


  1. We are working hard for Wendy just now! Thanks so much for another lovey tag for Wendy's challenge, and your new journal page is fabulous. And great that you have yet another piece from Wendy - good that you thought about it! Have a great day, I have yet another appointment at the doc's this afternoon! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Goodness that's a fabulous three entires for my two hostings. They are all fabulous, thank you so much for sharing them and remembering the bird one as well.
    Hugs Wendy

  3. Oh yes, two pieces for Wendy. She herself has seen it too. That was a fun idea. Both pages are really nice. I actually like vintage. I think it never goes out of fashion.
    Thank you for your comment on mine. Yes, it is the house we are now living in. We were able to pay the builder and his crew until Christmas, after that hubby did little by little. We were not living there before the winter of course, but I remember we started using craftroom/guestroom as a bedroom in february and at Easter we moved into the top flat. It took a long time before the stairway was as nice as it is now. And the whole of the bottom floor was done a few years later. This is where we live now.

  4. The vintage page would make a great masculine greeting card. The seashell tag is the perfect theme for the last weekend of Summer. I bet there will be a lot of seashells and beach glass to collect from the wild weather we've had the past couple of weeks with Fred, Henri, and Ida churning. up the waters. Lucky the birds can fly above the weather. Glad to hear you're high and dry.

  5. I think anything with handwriting on it could be classed as vintage these days, it is a dying art. I must admit that it is much easier to type a letter and print it via a computer than sit down with a pen and i excuse myself by saying it is much easier for the recipient to read. A lovely page Erika.
    Love your vintage page, especially the brown streaks - I think they add to the composition and overall look. Love the clock, the man, the car and the script is fab!
    Hugs, Neet x

  6. You have really honored Wendy with this post. First, that's a lovely tag with the seashells, and of course, that vintage entry is a beauty. I actually like the brown you added because it does look stained. It is a great entry for Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.

    I remember that great seciond look from last year. I was so in awe of the birds and how much you put into the journal page. Thanks for sharing this as your second look on the 2nd.

    I understand your concern for the state of our nation and the world right now. We are being torn apart by different messages of hate and by the environment. Thanks for pointing out your concerns.

  7. The seashell tag is fun. Climate change is real; the virus is not a hoax. Let’s enjoy the outdoors as long as possible. Have a great weekend.

  8. Love them all, would like to be in a shell! And I agree, moments.
    Have those numbers today, too, argh!
    The weather is so weird. We see it on TV. Frightening.

  9. I love your sweet seaside tag, and the vintage and bird pages are fabulous Erika!
    Keep safe and have a great weekend,

  10. Your downer paragraph is nothing that we haven't been thinking about or observed of late. I'm glad you escaped the bulk of the rains and flooding. The photos and video are just horrible. NYC under water? Sounds like a sci-fi story. All too real.... have a dry weekend!

  11. A brilliant 'Wendy' post. I love the tag - a great watery look about it. Your journal pages really are fabulous -love the car on the most recent one! I definitely remember your bird page as I loved it so much! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. It's so odd that Ida came up the Mississippi River but veered right and missed us only to be so hard on folks so much further away :(

  13. Perfect shell tag, makes me feel very nostalgic Erika. I do love all your artwork. I'm with you, vaccinated but still being very sensible. A nice walk around the golf course is perfect for me (though I don't play, hubby does). But nature uplifts the soul during this terrible times. Take care.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday.

  14. These pages and tag are treasreus for sure, Erika. Pretty colors, lots of cool eye-catching details, and lovely themes for Wendy's challenges. I agree, the hope that the vaccine's proided does seem to have fizzled a bit, but I do still believe they help a lot. The people I know who had break through cases did have a better time of it than others I know. Many hugz


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