Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Ending as I Started

 Hi everyone. 

It is almost the end of September. Wow. Didn't this month just begin? Overall this is has been a nice and fairly warm September in my area. No frosty nights yet, but last night it was pretty chilly.  The temperatures are supposed to really start dropping off today.

 I want to share one last journal page for Wendy's VINTAGE challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Thank you Wendy for being a great host. And thanks for inspiring us with all your pages too. I've enjoyed vintage a lot.

And also thanks to all of you who joined us for this challenge.

My last page for this challenge is from my owl book, which is where I started this month's Art Journal Journey vintage challenge.

I used washi tape to create some stripes. Then the page was inked. After that I randomly glued down  scraps of some woven paper.

The TH boy needed something to stand on, and this piece of black and white fabric trim made a nice place for him to do that. He looks like his name should be Joey, and Joey told me he is very interested in wildlife. He even has a way with it, so that animals comes towards him, not fleeing when he is near.  Joey went out for an evening walk and was surprised when an owl flew in and landed on his hand and lower arm.

His story with the owl is told with my quotes.

I'm keeping this post short as I'm heading out early and will be gone all day today. I'm off to see some garden trolls. Smile. More to come about that another time.

You still have a bit of time to join Wendy's vintage challenge if you're interested. The challenge ends tomorrow, on the 30th. 

And of course, have a wonderful almost end of September.

Thanks so much for visiting. 


  1. A fabulous page Erika! I love the images and your found text.

  2. Fabulous page and I love that the quotes go with your figure and owl. Great background as well. Thank you for your support for my vintage theme.
    Hugs Wendy

  3. Wonderful page Erika, so peaceful. And a beautiful owl, too. Have a fun day looking for trolls, hope they're not like the one in Harry Potter! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Joey is a cool guy!
    Sad the theme vintage is over!

  5. If Joey is interested in wildlife, he is already a firm friend of mine!

  6. Time really flies! Now I see lots of holiday sweets in supermarkets here...the page looks beautiful! I love the quote.

  7. Your weather sounds like ours in that it's been warmer than usual for this time of year but is expected to cool off soon. Of course "warmer than usual" here means highs in the upper 80s ;)

  8. Love the character of the boy with the owl. Rich and a bit mysterious page, Erika.
    Our weather has been rather cold but nature is very beautiful in the rich autumn colors.
    All is well here, thanks for asking. In blogland it's rather low now.
    I wish you a wonderful, creative October ahead xx

  9. What a lovely page and a story to go with it. I do like Joey who must be a lovely young man if the owl landed on him like that. Love owls, such beautiful birds and amazing to watch especially how they turn their heads.
    That's a very nice background you have made and I like the inclusion of the strip of fabric for Joey to stand on. Wonder what happens next?
    Hugs Neet
    ps hope we get to see the trolls some time.

  10. Fun story and page to go with it. Have fun with the trolls today. You will love it.



    I have no time to leave a comment on the Cat blog, but PLEASE DO contact the three ladies you suggested. Let us know on the Cat when you hear from them, PLEASE.

  12. This is a lovely way to finish the month, dear friend. It is a wonderful entry and that owl is so cute. Those TH dolls got a workout this month, didn't they?

    I love the background you created. Even the sentiment was good This is a great way to end the month honoring Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey, too dear.

  13. I do love all you have shared fro myour owl book, Erika. This one is especially fun. Love the vintage feel and textures.

  14. Wonderful job my friend. Hope you’re doing well. Have a great evening.

  15. A very nice page.

    Enjoy the last day of September and happy wishes for October.

    All the best Jan

  16. It looks very interesting! I like the idea of the scraps of woven paper :) And the boy is so lovely on this composition 😍

  17. Love this fun but mysterious page Erika.

    The owl certainly found a friend in Joey!
    Hugs, Chrisx


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