Tuesday, September 21, 2021

More Circles

 Hi everyone.

Today I’m posting another "Going Round in Circles" piece to share with you for the latest challenge at Try It On Tuesday. It's a page out of my owl book .

There's lots of circles and  shapes that are not perfect circles but are circular here. First there are all the sequins to represent stars, and also the small orange plastic circular "dots". Then there is the overall circular paper doily, and the mostly round gold paper piece behind the owl (which is the left over center of a die cut clock from another art page). The gears, which were also from another project, were die cut from black origami paper, and then tapped on a pad of copper pigment ink and outlined with a black pen once the ink was dried. Most of them are not circles but are circular.

The owl is cut out of an old bird book that I took on a trip with me several years ago and realized (since it was from my college days in the 1970's) a lot of the info was outdated. 

OK, there is a lot that went into this page. The background is painted, stamped and stenciled. Also the edges of this chipboard page are inked.

And since the gears look quite vintage and the owl is from that old bird book, I am also linking to Wendy's challenge at Art Journal Journey.

We hope yo see your circular art at Try It on Tuesday. You still have another week to join us.

Hope your week is going well! And I always appreciate your visit also. 


  1. This is fantastic. I like the owl and moon. (Full Moon yesterday. It was beautiful.)

  2. I like the owl theme you have going these days. Very fallish and oh, so wise!

  3. This is beautiful. I love it. Have a nice day.

  4. Fabulous page Erika! I love the owl, and the sequinned background.

  5. Gorgeous page, love owls and all the circles, thank you for another great page on AJJ

  6. That does look very nice :)

    All the best Jan

  7. It looks vintage indeed and the owl really like a diva, cute moon. Love the background, too.

  8. That is a lovely page, and so much to see. The owl is wonderful - I love owls and just last night I heard a Great Horned Owl in the old redwood trees across the street.

  9. I like your owl page, so lovely!

  10. I love your owl who stands so majestically there. She is definitely the Queen of the Night perched on a tree stump with the circle of light behind her cast from the moon.
    We have an owl near home who screeches now and then and one near our caravan that makes his presence known most nights. What beautiful animals, I wish I could see the in their natural habitat.
    HMugs, Neet xx

  11. I love how you created this page Erika. its great inspiration for both themes at AJJ and TioT's.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  12. I love the use of sequins for stars. They sparkle perfectly!


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