Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Wednesday Art

 Hi everyone. Happy first day of Autumn! 

Or for those of you who might live south of the equator, happy first day of spring. (Fall is a wonderful  season and I love it, but I must admit I am rather jealous you are going into spring. If only we could skip most of winter I might feel differently. Smile.)

This journal piece today is for Wendy's vintage challenge at Art Journal Journey. It is pretty obviously vintage. Smile.

As autumn starts today, my posted page is something that, although made of paper, looks a bit like autumn fabric.

I glued many paper scraps down on some watercolor paper to make my background. They are also inked to make the background  more cohesive. Plus some of the paper had those green Christmas trees (with a red star) on them, and I wasn't going for a holiday page. You can still see them, but the ink helps. After that I stenciled some random spots on my page and  stitched a border.

All that working on the paper left this page with a pretty good curl going on. I did manage to get most of that curl flattened, but obviously not all of it, as you can tell by the crooked  trims. 
The page is finished with some added embellishments, as you can see.

Since the  background had scraps of that red plaid tartan paper and  the older of the 2 TH people is wearing  what looks like a nice wintery plaid dress, the calendar says November. Perhaps it is still warm enough for her to ride the bicycle and enjoy a late autumn day.

Hope you enjoyed my page. 

And thanks for visiting. It is always appreciated.


  1. Nostalgic gets me every time. Enjoying this theme. Very nice, plaid is a pattern of my youth.

  2. Beautiful page, vintage is always fun. Love all the scraps you used. Pity the paper started to curl, that happens often. Have a fun day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  3. Fabulous page, love all the different elements. It looks a bit like a Scottish page, love it. Thank you for another great page for my theme.
    Hugs Wendy.

  4. Fall doesn't start until 3:30 pm so a few hours left of Summer. The plaid reminds me of school uniforms. Mine was a pretty green/blue for the younger grades and then a new Mother Superior chose an ugly green/gray plaid when is in 7th and 8th grade.

  5. Like you, I think autumn is a wonderful season - it's actually my favorite season.
    Your page is beautiful. I like the colors you used, and if you hadn't mentioned the Christmas trees I would not have noticed them.

  6. I've never had much plaid in my life, so this was a very interesting page, Erika. My first thought was it reminded me of a vintage winter. It's a real beauty and I love the added embellishments you used, too. Thanks fr this great entry at AJJ using Wendy's theme, dear.

  7. Cute page. I nearly missed the Christmas tree! I would rather be there where Spring started...

  8. Who doesn't love a bit of tartan? I tried and tried to see your trees but I can't so I think you did a good job of covering them up. A lovely vintage page, love the bicycle and the older lady in the tartan dress reminds me of the beautiful warm nightdress my friend had. I was always envious of it when she wore it.
    Thanks for sharing another lovely page.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  9. We're settled in for rain all day. Definitely autumn. I do love tartan. Which reminds me, I need to find Rick some from his Armstrong clan for Christmas. The page is just charming, Erika.

  10. Gorgeous design and composition Erika! I love the plaid and lace!

  11. Super papers, fun words, and fab images. The inking and sewing and trim are all great ideas. I really like this page - especially the plaid. Must be a beautiful day to be biking in November although you could do that here in Alabama most November days - especially early November. Great page, Erika.

  12. A fantastic page Erika, there are so many details to look at and I love how you added the materials.
    have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Beautiful page! Love the fabric look and feel to your design and I love autumn too 😁. With the winters you have I can see why you'd want to skip right to spring! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs Jo x

  14. Welcome to Fall :) I can't not start observing it on September 1, but I understand why you wait.


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