Saturday, September 11, 2021

More of Berkshire Botanical Garden

  Hi everyone.  

First a moment of silence to remember the lives lost 20 years ago on 9/11. It was a horrible time in our (not just in the US but much of the world's)  contemporary history.

Happy weekend.

No boating  for my husband and I this weekend, as there is an airshow near where we boat, and lots of people will undoubtedly decide to launch and watch the airshow from the water. We've done it before, and it is fun, but since we've done it, we don't need to fight the  crowds on the water and at the   boat ramp again.

I am meeting a friend I haven't seen in 19 months because of covid for lunch today. She and I always get a summer lobster roll ( or at least we did until last summer), so this might be the last lobster roll until next year. It is going to be a nice day, so the plan is to eat outside. It won't be from Pop's though as they closed last weekend until 2022, but that's OK. (I never did make it back there as I hoped, but that is also OK.) I am actually more excited to catch up with my friend even if we didn't do a lobster lunch.

Since it is Saturday, rather than some art, let me show you more of Berkshire Botanical Gardens back from late July. Google decided to invert the order of many of these photos, so you'll have to walk backwards. Smile.

I'll warn you, there's a lot of photos today. Smile again.

It is nice to see these pretty gardens though since most of my gardens are looking pretty tired right now.

One fantastic feature they had at the garden was their lily walk. In late July the lilies were blooming beautifully. And since it had recently stopped raining, the lilies were sprinkled with raindrops. 

OK, I got a little carried away with all the lily varieties. 
Here's some scenes and views other than lilies.

 There were a few interesting places to sit, if it wasn't so wet. I'd love one of these hippo benches. 

And I don't know about you, but raindrops looks good on almost all plants.

They also had some interesting shrubbery.

And lastly, I really liked this pot and those big hostas too. I moved mine at home a couple of weeks ago with the hopes they'll be bigger next year also.

Have a wonderful first half of your weekend. And thanks for visiting.


  1. I think we will never be able to forget that attack, so terrible. The photos of the gardens are a joy to see. I love all the flowers full of raindrops, and the beautiful owls. You are having an owl week! I have just been busy persuading a chickadee to go back outside again, it must have flown in while I wasn't looking. Take care, enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. A plethora of beautiful photos! Do you use a macro lens? They are so stunning!

  3. Thanks for sharing this memorial of 9/11.

    I love the photos of the gardens. The hostas in the 1st photo won my heart. I loved the owls, the sculptures, and the large urn in addition to all those day lilies. What a lovely garden this must have been. You obviously went at a good time, even though it had rained.

  4. The gardens are very beautiful, and I am sure that every visitor has a camera clicking away. Can you even think back to the days when we had to buy film and then pay to have it developed? You'd have to be so restrained! Now everyone can shoot pictures to their heart's content. Great selection to brighten everyone's day.

  5. I hope you got your last lobster roll of the season with your friend. You had a gorgeous weather day.

    Your lily photographs are works of art. They remind me of Georgia O'Keeffe's paintings. Stunning!

  6. Beautiful gardens. I hope to visit there at some point. Beds of a variety of day lilies are stunning. Wishing you a fun lunch and catch up with your friend.

  7. Raindrops, huh :-)
    Lovely you could meet your friend finally and see such great nature.

  8. Such gorgeous photos Erika!
    Enjoy that last lobster roll with your friend.

  9. Gorgeous blooms! And I love that owl mosaic on the rock. I really need to add this to my New England itinerary! I'm so glad you connected with your friend. Lobster roll does sound awfully good.

  10. WOW! Your photographs are stunning, I enjoyed seeing them all.

    All the best Jan

  11. The hippo bench is wonderful - I wish I had something like that in my garden. What a beautiful garden, I enjoyed all of your photos. The raindrops sure look good on the plants. I hope your hostas will do well

  12. I hadn't realized how far behind in blogging visits I was 'til I saw your 9/11 post. That already feels like an age ago, while the events of 20 years ago feel like yesterday. Strange.

    The gardens look wonderful. They do a great job of planting for seasonal color. Your lily photos are beautiful! The variety of seating is fun :)

  13. Oh, what a beautiful garden!!! Thanks for sharing 😍


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