Friday, September 10, 2021

More Owls and...

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday. 

It's going to be a walking day today, hurrah for cooler fall temperatures and the sun coming back after yesterday's rain.

I have another owl page from my journal to share with you today. I am going to link to Art Journal Journey, which is hosted by the lovely Wendy this month. Her theme is vintage.

I don't know if my page is actually very vintage, but I did use this big TH ephemera vintage moon face. If it isn't enough for the challenge, I am sure someone will let me know. Smile.

And those of you who are hitchhikers, you might also spot the number 42 on the page. 

This page began with some inks to color the background. Then I moved onto to some stamping on it also.

The big tree on the right hand side is hand painted. I also added the washi tape, which becomes a fence were all my gold paper punched owls are sitting. I can't tell you how long I've had this owl paper punch, long before I even got a die cut machine, but I can tell you it was part of Martha Stewart's craft line.

I dressed up the owls  by coloring their beaks, adding paint drops for their eyes, and giving them a plastic gemstone center where there already was an circular indent.

I also punched all the mini oak leaves that are at the base of the tree.

The quote is part of a long stamped poem that I had sitting on my work table. I had used part of it previously, but these lines just seemed to be perfect for my page.

I also have a tag for Valerie's challenge over at Tag Tuesday. This time around the challenge is to recycle and reuse.

I made my tag by first inking the tag base. Then I added a clear sheet of plastic with some white music printed on it. This clear sheet formed the backing of a package that contained  some stickers. 

I then used some left over bits from a red heart doily. I'd had these sitting in a pile on my work table since back around Valentine's day. It was good to finally use them up! And good to be able to get more paper scraps off my work table.
Then I added these lovely ladies, and I stamped the quote.

Let me finish off my post with a few more photos from Berkshire Botanical Gardens. I'll title today's photos the Cute Shed edition. They had 2 at the gardens as you'll see here.

I just love these mossy roofs. 

I love all the garden ideas brewing around in my brain. I think it’s just as fun to plan next year as it is to actually garden Smile.

Have a great start to the weekend. Enjoy.


  1. Erika, your page fits vintage with that fab moon! Love the girls on your fun tag, and the botantical garden sheds are wonderful. Such a lovely post with great art and pictures. I am ready for Fall too! Hugz

  2. The moss on the roof is amazing. Nothing quite conveys the essence of a moist, temperate climate as moss does. Lovely pictures.

  3. good morning, love your art especially the owls and the photos-loving the buildings Happy Friday

  4. Love your page, and all the owls in a row under the moon, really lovey, it has something of a fairy tale to it. And yessssssssss to the lovely tag, thanks! You had lots of patience with all those doily bits! Much appreciated! And the photos of the gardens are beautiful, and I love the mossy roofs, too. I hope I can visit some of the gardens around here when they're full of autumn colours. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  5. Beautiful 😍. Enjoy your walk and cooler temps. Happy Friday.

  6. Beautiful tag and photos


  7. Imagine 15 owls sitting on your garden fence. We have one in or close to our garden and it makes a terrible noise most nights. Apparently it is a female signalling for a mate - wish it would hurry and get one.
    I do like owls though, and love to see the up close even though it is in captivity, they are so beautiful.
    So your page pleases me, love the tree you painted and your vintage moon which reminds me of Alice in Wonderland.
    Lovely tag and the shed is fabulous. What a lovely day out you had at the Botanical Gardens.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Hugs, Neet xx

  8. Personally, I think this looks very vintage to me. And I am loving all the adorable owls, too. This is perfect for Wendy's theme at AJJ, too.

    What an interesting tag, too. I always love recycling and this is a real beauty. You get a lot of use from old packaging, don't you?

    Of course, I was really in love with the photos of those sheds at the Berkshire Botanical Gardens. I would LOVE to use some of that moss in my eco dyed fabrics. Love the rusty bits, too. Thanks and hope you have a great weekend, dear.

  9. I love your owl page Erika, and that beautiful little tag!
    Great to see more photos of the gardens too.
    Happy weekend,

  10. I love the owls. At first, I thought the gemstone was a mouth and that all the owls were singing. 😺 Those grandmas look like they are match-making. Which I bet they love to do. My shed does not look as cute as either of those. Enjoy the weekend

  11. hi, youe Tag is great but I love the owls a lot more. They are cute! :)

  12. Fabulous tag and page. I love owls and the whole page is lovely. The garden looks wonderful. it has a quaint feel to it.
    Hugs Wendy

  13. Cute owls and tag and such a sweet shag!!!

  14. I do like the owls ...and yes, I spotted the number 42 :)

    All the best Jan

  15. An awesome tag, love the film covering with the music on it, it works so well. those ladies are a delight.
    Thank you so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday with your wonderful tag x

  16. I called in to see the rest of your lovely photos and of course to see the fantastic page you linked to Wendy's theme, It would be quite a site if we could see that many owls sitting quietly together in orderly rows.
    Have a good week
    Yvonne xx

  17. I love your owls and the moon face. It's perfect to me. And I love the mossy shed, too!

  18. I particularly like that tag :) Nice design!

    The moss on the roof! How do they maintain these buildings so they look like that but don't fall apart? Wow!

  19. I love the owls!!! How fun. Your tag is beautiful as well. Those sheds at the gardens are quite romantic. I would like to take a break on that bench.


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