Sunday, September 26, 2021

Post 4 for the Sculpture Park

Hi everyone. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

In Friday's post, I showed you this photo, and I promised you an answer for this piece.  Let's see if you guessed what this sculpture is depicting.

How did you do?

I'm sharing some more photos of the sculptures from Andres Institute of art today.  I hope you are still enjoying them. There are more than 80 sculptures here, and even though we didn't see them all, we did see many of them.  I thought since the sculptors only had 3 weeks to complete their pieces, the sculptures are really well done.

And if you prefer a different sailing craft, here is another.

And here's a few more pieces to view.

This next sprite like sculpture, very small in size, was part of 6 pieces called the Witches. We couldn't find  all 6 , but we did look.

I'm not sure I like this next sculpture but it is aptly titled.

Had this next sculpture been designed  because of the shape of the rocks that make it up? (With a bit of cutting of course).

We saw this next one but never found any info about it. It's very different from most of the ones we saw, and I still can't figure out if these are cubes or maybe even old fashioned TVs.

I wanted better photos of this next statue (below) as I thought it was interesting. However, when we arrived, a small group arrived from the other direction, and they were very chatty. They were from Florida and were mostly complaining how hilly the park (and New Hampshire) was in general. We had to laugh. I think one reason they stopped was because they had to catch their breath as they were walking up the hill. 

We also took notice how chatty they were. That is NOT a bad thing in any way, but us New Englanders are pretty laconic and keep to ourselves. Most people say "hello" or "nice day" and pass by.  It was fun to actually have a conversation with some other visitors. My photos aren't great because they kept hanging out next to the sculpture, and I didn't want to include them in my photos.

Here's a few more random pieces.

This next name goes with the photo below it.

And finally for today's post,  this one, whose name I can't exactly remember, was something like connections to my father.

Hope you are enjoying these armchair visits.  I think I have one more post left of photos. Since new art challenges are starting during this upcoming week, I'll save that for next weekend. 

Have a great start to the new week.


  1. So many different artistic styles. That horse is amazing. Had to laugh about your comments of the chatty tourists and laconic New Englanders. We are cold as a rule. 😺 I once heard locals wouldn't talk to you until the first person you met in the area passed away or you had 7 generations planted in the ground. Then you would be one of the locals. Enjoy the weather!

  2. No good guess on my end. It’s completely abstract!

  3. I have been enjoying your posts sharing your recent visit to the Andres sculpture park, Erika, as we saw many of the same sculptures and they brought back memories. I also enjoyed seeing some we obviously missed on our first visit, so a future one is needed.

  4. Another wonderful selection of sculptures. I guessed that the mystery piece last time was boat, so that was good. My faves today are the human boulder and the witches. And I would still love to have a wander round there. Sorry the other people were in the way, I like to have space to view things. Have a happy Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  5. This has been a wonderful series, stimulating, visually appealing, with enough to make one think. I would love to visit with a couple of discriminating friends, and have fun comparing our different interpretations of, and reactions to, the same works.

  6. Love it all but especially the horse sculpture!

  7. I completely understand your point about the Floridians. That was one reason I decided not to apply to MIT after I visited there. I thought the people in Cambridge and Boston were both rude and standoffish. I had planned to stay two days and soak up the local atmosphere, but couldn't get out of that area soon enough for me. One thing I liked was when I asked for extra cream for my coffee, I got it white, just like I like it.

    Now to the sculptures. First, I can sort of see the sails, but I still think it looks like houses on a hill, like in San Francisco. I liked the horse, the cubes that DO look like old tvs, and the Light Side of Life, which was my favorite. Thanks for sharing all of these, dear.

  8. What a cool sculpture park! I enjoyed the tour a lot!

    I lived in NH for a decade or so in my midteens-mid-20s, then we moved to Oregon, then to Alaska, then to Maine before coming to Ireland. It was hard to get used to the laconic ways again after spending over 2 decades in places where people were far more outgoing and chatty :-)

  9. I continue to be amazed by the variety in the artists' works. It sounds like fun visiting with folks from further away.

  10. Wonderful sculptures! I certainly wouldn't have guessed that first one!

  11. Such a wonderful display, I enjoyed seeing your photographs.
    I think the horse sculpture is my favourite.

    All the best Jan


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