Saturday, September 25, 2021

Weekend Art

 Hi everyone. Happy start to the last weekend in September. 

This weekend's project at my house is more deck construction, at least for my husband, and some garden clean up for me, as well some bulb planting, should the clean up  get done. A bee check too. As long as the skies stay dry that is. As I wrote this post Friday night, there is a chance of some rain in the forecast. Maybe that won't be the case as the weather forecast can seem to change overnight.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed there will be some sunshine.

Today I am sharing a couple of pieces of art for a couple of different challenges.

This first piece is for Wendy's VINTAGE challenge at Art Journal Journey. Do any of these 1980's items look familiar to you?

These pieces come from an older visual dictionary that was laying around the house from when my daughter was little. I hated to cut it up, but the technology section was so out of date. Doesn't the portable cellular phone make you laugh?

And although cars are still cars, their design and even so much of their technology has changed too. 

The base of this page is a gelli print on watercolor paper. The bordered is doodled. I also added an old photographic slide, some little foam punched dots, a strip of music stamped on wax paper, as well as stamping the quote and the letters to make the word retro.

The other piece of art today is a tag for the newest challenge at Tag Tuesday. This time Sandie is hosting, and her challenge is book pages.

I made a few tags to put into one of my recent projects, my owl book. Here's one that works for this challenge.

The background is cut out of an old birding book that was actually one I used in college for a vertebrate zoology lab. Although not useless, I did find some of the info had become outdated, so I decided to purge and use it as an art picture source. 

I added the quotes and the foiled paper trim to it. 

Now I need to just bind my owl book together. The problem is that the pages and tags were supposed to go into a small chipboard 4 ring binder.  I had been painting the cover, and I put that binder on top of my workspace trash can to dry. I forgot it was there, and the hubby did the trash. You can probably guess where I am going with this. Out it went. It was dropped off at the "dump" before I even noticed what happened. 

It does make a good story, and luckily I have some rings I can bind this book together with. I just wish it had been a 3 ring binder rather than a 4 ring binder because new covers would have been a lot easier to find. Smile. But it is only a binder.

OK, enough about that. Have a wonderful start to your weekend! 

And as always, I appreciate your visits too.


  1. Good morning, loving your art pieces today and hopefully you will have no rain over the weekend-enjoy Hugs Kathy

  2. Hi Erika, you've made another lovely journal page for Wendy with the old technologies. I remember all those things, and still have radio/tape/ CD player, and it still works. And the Walkman, all the kids had to have one! Thanks for the fun memories. And of course, I love the tag with the lovely owls, thanks for joining us again at Tag Tuesday. Sorry your cover got thrown away! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Wonderful. Aren´t we lucky we got to be around "back then"? Great page!
    We still have "old" games here :-)

  4. Wonderful collages. September flew by! I can't believe it's almost October. The months have flown by for me since the beginning of May. :-(

  5. I remember those giant mobile looks even ridiculously huge. Love your owl book.

  6. Fabulous collage of vintage items, and a very colourful page as well. I still have some of those things plus loads of tapes WHY !!!
    Thank you for another great page and for the lovely owl tag for Tag Tuesday.

  7. sounds like a very busy household there Erika but you need to tell hubby to check with you before he dumps stuff from your desk!! Oh boy, I would have been a bit mad lol. Your artwork is beautiful and such a great tag you have made. Thanks for joining in the fun with us at Tag Tuesday!

  8. Lovely Gelli print to set off this collection of memorabilia - some of which I recognise and some I don't.
    Also a lovely tag, owls are so interesting and so beautiful and this is a fabulous collection.
    Hope the weekend stayed dry for you.
    Hugs, Ndedet xx

  9. A blast from the past page. Too fun. I had a boss that had one of the first telephones installed in his car. He loved that phone and would call us as he was backing out of the parking lot!

  10. I especially love your owl piece. It's been fun to see this wonderful collecti of owl images!

  11. these are fantastic creations and i especially love the owls since i love owls! thanks for joining our tag tuesday challenge! xo

  12. I used one of those slide carousels and slide mounts when I gave my Master's thesis. I used Power Point for my dissertation 3 years later. I barely remember the desk telephone and never saw those old cell phones. Can't believe the changes. LOVE this vintage entry. It's perfect for Wendy's theme.

    That's a great tag, too. Sorry about your binder. Love the owls, though.

  13. The Owls are lovely, what a super book page. I am a bit mean with my "nature" books, I just can't bear to use them, even the ones I have got from charity shops.
    Thank you for supporting my theme at Tag Tuesday with your wonderful tag x

  14. I hope you got sunshine. I'm looking forward to hearing how your bees fare over the winter. It's an exciting project.

  15. A fabulous Retro page, and I love your owl tag Erika!

  16. A big WOW for the Retro page and I like the owls too.

    Our weather has become more changeable recently.
    I enjoyed a lovely walk in the sunshine a few days ago.

    Went out today in the sun, but unfortunately got rather wet as big grey clouds seemed to come scurrying in and downloaded a lot of rain!
    Oh well, the cup of tea I had once I'd dried out was very welcome :)

    All the best Jan

  17. Phew, I'm glad it was "only" the binder and not your entire owl book. I had to read that passage twice to make sure it wasn't the owl book that ended up in the dump. The owl tag is beautiful.


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