Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Hi everyone. Happy new month. September has arrived. Can you believe it is already month 9 of the year?

With the arrival of a new month, it is time for a new challenge at Art Journal Journey. Let me again  thank Neet for being such a fantastic host last month. I also want to thank everyone who joined us for Neet's challenge. TYPE was lots of fun, and there were so many clever and creative takes.

For September, I want to welcome Wendy as our new host at Art Journal Journey. Wendy's theme is vintage. 

Wendy has a great definition of vintage up on the Art Journal Journey website, and here's one I found online that I was thinking of as I decided what to post for this first day of the new challenge.
The word vintage literally means "of age." With such an open meaning, there are many interpretations. Most antique dealers consider an item to be vintage if it is at least 40 years old.
(As Wendy also mentioned, it is kind of scary to think of being old enough to be considered vintage. Smile.)

Lately I've been playing around in a chipboard journal that's been waiting to be used. I love doing theme journals, and this time I picked owls as they are one of my favorite birds. They also seem to be a great fall image, and I must say, art wise, I am enjoying making that season's art.

This first page I am sharing uses some vintage playing cards. I'm not sure if they are 40 years old or even older.  I used this wood looking paper to cover the entire page. I also stamped a bit of vintage style  text along the left side. Then I added a couple of strips of bronze metallic paper trim, the cards, and some various die cuts, as well as these acorn stickers. The words are cut from an old magazine page. And finally I splattered a bit of white paint.

This page also has a bit of a 1970's vibe going for it. Scary as that sounds to me, that 40 years or older means anything from that time period is vintage. 

Don't forget the dreaded rules. Only art journal pages are accepted at Art Journal Journey. Any form of art journaling is accepted however, but no cards, dimensional items, tags or ATC's are allowed.

September is a great month for vintage, at least for me. Signs of fall always have me reminiscing a bit. I look forward to seeing everyone's take on this challenge.

Thanks for visiting.



  1. What a fun first page for Wendy's theme and a great way to start a new journal, too. I'm going to enjoy your new owl journal, because this is already a winner. Thanks for this great vintage look you gave us for Art Journal Journey.

  2. This is a lovely page, I love owl, too, they are such lovely birds! Have fun working in your chipboard journal.And, yes I am definitely vintage and past my best by date! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Great page Erika, I love owls too. Using vintage cards is a good idea, I have loads of my dads somewhere. I must find them and use one or two on a page.
    Hugs Wendy.

  4. Loving anything focused on vintage, I’ll enjoy watching especially this month. The Autumn feeling of your page and owl focus is great. Now we need the weather to reflect that feeling. Such a summer!

  5. Lovely page Erika, even if the cards weren't vintage they can be thought of as just that. Who's to know? Love the owl, what a fabulous picture of him it is.
    I love the splashes of orange against that background and the dark brown acorns really set it all off.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  6. Sounds like a fun new theme I didn't know vintage was something 40 years or older thought items needed to be older than that.
    I am for sure vintage then haha
    Happy mid week

  7. Hmm, 40 years ......that makes me positively ancient!! This is a fantastic page and as far as I'm concerned you can't go wrong with an owl on your page. Love the Autumn colours! Hugs, Chrisx

  8. Happy Autumn! This is the perfect page for ushering in Meteorological Fall :)

  9. I really love this page Erika! Those vintage playing cards are fab.
    Happy September,

  10. Great theme. I had no idea but really have something ready for T-day that might count.
    Oh, weren´t that the best times? With cards I always win against Ingo, LOL.

  11. A fabulous page Erika, you are so lucky to have the vintage card set to use and of course I love the owl image you used.
    Happy September.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Beautifully composed page. Love the color combo and the images you used.
    Happy weekend xx


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