Friday, October 22, 2021

Autumn Owls

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday. Another week is winding down, and it's getting to be late in the month, isn't it?  Before we know it, it will be November.

I also want to mention that a few of you have said you are getting responses that you can't comment on my blog. I am getting those comments, so I guess it is either something up with blogger or my blog, but anyhow just so you know, comments are coming through.

My page for today is an autumn one from my owl book. I am linking it up to Art Journal Journey and Tracey's My Favorite Colour Is October challenge. Today the owls have visited the local pumpkin patch, and they are trying not to scare any visitors who might be there getting a pumpkin for Halloween. Good thing it is still early in the day and only the pumpkin farmer and his helper are out getting the displays finished for the day.

I layered some printed pieces of paper (from the inside of a few packages I had collected over time) and some scraps of a printed paper bag to start the background. I painted over some of these pieces with green and orange paint.  To complete the background, I rubbed a brown ink pad over the whole page once the paint had dried.

All of the pumpkins are made using stamps from my collection. They were stamped on paper, colored and fussy cut.  I also used some of this  black lacy plastic tape. The tape's been in my stash forever, and it must have lots of yardage as it doesn't seem to be used up even though I  pull it out every fall.

Finally I stamped the owls, and I then colored over the owls  with black Sharpie to be sure they are the blackest they can be. I also added paint dots for eyes.

To wrap up today's post,  here's a few  photos from a walk I took at the end of last week that I could  also call My Favorite Colour is October. 

My friend and I have made it back to  our local walks. We haven't done that all summer, but now the gardens are closed for the season, and the local places, like the beach, are no longer charging for parking. This time we went to the Urban Forestry Center in Portsmouth. I've taken you here before. 

It wasn't the sunniest of mornings, but that made it more comfortable to walk. It also made the colors pop more because there was no sun to wash them out.

This catbird posed for me, even as I stepped closer for the photo.

It was lovely to go back and walk there. 

 I hope you enjoy your weekend!

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Good morning, I see mine did post from yesterday-that was wierd about the spam message-will see what happens today haha
    Loved all of the autumn photos, what a lovely place to meet up for a walk-and I really like your owl page too
    Happy Friday

  2. Your art is beautiful as always, and full of the colours and joys of autumn. Love the little owl on the pumpkin, it looks so quizzical. The photos are lovely, you re-visited some great places. Lovely that the cat bird posed for you, great shot! Have a great day! I'm not feeling good here, I'm very shaky. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Those pictures are so rich with colours. Absolutely beautiful!

  4. I've started marking those email notices as spam. We'll see if they stop getting through.

    That looks like a great place for an outing. I used to see catbirds here back in the olden days when I was a child, but I haven't seen one in decades.

  5. Your latest journal page is fabulous, Erika. I love the pumpkins and those owls look really great. The sharpie made their feathers show. This is a real beauty and one that goes so well with Tracey's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    Autumn isn't quite there yet for you, is it. The leaves I mean. The colors seem to be behind in your world, as they are in mine. At lease, you are seeing a few yellows and a bit of red. All I saw on Wednesday when I went to Sam's was green. However, you got some fabulous shots and they were beautiful, too. I especially loved what looked like seed pods. Beautiful photos from your walk, dear.

  6. Those Roots - Thanx For Sharing All Of These Photos - As You Know, I Enjoy Checking Out Photos From Around Our Beautiful Planet - Have A Delightful Weekend


  7. Great page Erika! I love the owls, and the black lacy tape grounds the pumpkins beautifully.
    Lovely photos of your walk too.
    Have a great weekend,

  8. I love your walking route! Your photo skills show it off well. Your artistic skills also show on your new page, perfect for the colorful fall season.

  9. beautiful art and just wonderful photos.

  10. Love your page.
    Oh, I feel so sorry for Ingo who loves pumpkins and this year they are... icky.
    At the market they don´t sell them. They say, no quality this year.

    Lovely walk. but isn´t "catbird" a mean word, LOL!!!

  11. I did enjoy your photos, especially the ones featuring the tree trunks which I think would look really good used in your artwork. I have never heard of a catbird,must look it up, he looks rather a chubby bird.
    Loving your pumpkin page and the owl guardians. How lucky is the farmer to have the owls on his land to help him guard his produce. Great background Erika and i do like the black lay tape across the base.
    Have a great weekend, Hugsm, Neet xx

  12. I think your owl book might be my favorite of your books. You have far more color than we do. We're pretty green still. I don't quite get it -- in very early October, up north was exploding with color. It's almost November and I've seen very few changed trees here.

  13. Wonderful Autumn colours in your art, and I did enjoy seeing the photographs from your walk.

    All the best Jan

  14. nice aratwork and lots of beautiful nature photos :)

  15. Fabulous page Erika! Love those owls! I loved seeing your photos - three times and may have to come back again! Hugs, Chrisx

  16. There's no rhyme nor reason - your previous post with beautiful leafy page, the cat and the tag will only give me a pop up window of a read only comment that I can read everyone else's comment but can't add my own. On this post it goes straight to normal comment box. It's not just for your blog it is happening haphazardly all over the place.
    It's taking so long to make any sort of comments at all.
    Hubby keeps me from blowing my top and I have been on and off both my new and old computers all day. Thank goodness we kept the old one.
    That said, I loved the colours of your page and the cute cat made me smile. I'm looking forward to the next tag Tuesday - not really into halloween but yours does look great Hugs, Chrisx


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!