Thursday, October 21, 2021

Thursday Art for Various Challenges

Hi everyone.  Happy Thursday to you.

Today I have several pieces of art to share for a few different challenges. Let me start with this collaged art journal page for Art Journal Journey and Tracey's My Favorite Color is October challenge.

Recently I've started to do some organizing in my happy place. One of my little projects was to clean out a drawer that had many packages of stickers in it. I had stored the stickers in their original packages with one end cut open, and I decided it would be better to organize them in bags by theme, mainly so I could more easily find what I wanted.  That meant taking the stickers out of their original packages.

While taking apart these packages,  I ended up with a whole stack of light weight and printed cardboard pieces (they were the backing in the packages) that would make great great art backgrounds. Most of those pieces are smaller and tag sized, but my page's background today was 5x 7 inches, and it made the perfect piece for this collage. 

I added some die cut leaves (slightly inked for depth), a scrap piece of paper tape, a die cut mushroom that I also doodled on, this deer that I cut out from a piece of printed paper, some plastic acorns and a pumpkin, as well as a few other paper pieces. I also added some cloth ric-rac trim along the bottom, which is slightly cut off. Then I did some stamping. 

Here's a close up. You can see the trim better there.

My next piece of art has a Halloween theme and lots of orange.  I am linking up to More Mixed Media where the theme is anything goes with optional orange.

My page is made on some paint sprayed watercolor paper. I overlaid it with a piece of deli paper that had all these black crows stenciled on it.  The wood paper rectangle in the center of the page is the backside of an invite (to my nieces engagement party back in August), and the cat is a large chipboard sticker I had in my stash. I added a bit of color to him. I also used a bit of old Halloween paper trim and some other stamped images. Finally I added the guinea fowl feather that I picked up on one of my garden visits this summer. On this one visit, the guinea fowl had shed these feathers all over the place and I came home with a pocketful. 

I sure hope the cat in my page hasn't eaten the guinea fowl, but they are pretty tough  (and loud) birds. I like to think of the cat as a protector of the birds, keeping the foxes and coyotes away from them.

In case you aren't familiar with guinea fowl, here's a couple of photos. 

 On my last visit to Bedrock Gardens before they closed for the season, these birds seemed to like my friend and myself. They attached themselves to us for awhile,  hanging out by our feet. We of course were amazed and ended up spending most of our visit watching them. This behavior was even a surprise of the owner who came over to chat with us and said these birds usually don't want to be around anyone. I guess that day we had some guinea fowl magic scent on us. 

Finally today I have an All Hallow's Eve tag for the latest challenge at Tag Tuesday.

Michele is hosting this time.

I made my tag on a small piece of lightweight cardboard (taken out of one of those sticker packages I mentioned in the top of this post). I first used a spider web stencil and some grey paint. After that dried I stamped the words in orange, and the skeleton in black. This TH older stamp is my favorite skeleton I think. He's kind of spooky in that pose.

I also stamped the 2 circular images, and then used a Halloween word stencil to add the words. I finished the page by adding this fun little metal button from a TH set I recently picked up, and by adding the cloth trim along the bottom. 

OK, that's a lot of art for today. Hope your day is going well, or went well if you read this at night. And as always, thanks for visiting my blog.



  1. Good morning Erika! What a wonderful art display today, love it all. Great idea to sort the stickers and use the cardboard backing - which is mostly beautiful - in your art. I often cut my tags from them. Love the first journal page for AJJ, it's a real WOW! piece! And the second piece for MMM is gorgeous, too, thanks for linking. And a yummy and spooky tag, too, what could be better. This is definitely a five ***** star post. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Love your work, would hope Halloween might hit Germany one day other than with crap, cheap toys!

    Interesting, never (certainly) have seen those birds.

  3. I like the Halloween theme with warming orange colour.

  4. Love the guinea fowl photos! Also love the way your art says "Autumn"!

  5. So creative and beautiful my friend.

  6. that was strange I just commented here a few seconds ago-Awesome art and I got an email from google saying I was blocked do to spam so thought I would comment once more to see what happens

  7. I hope your dentist visit went well yesterday. You have been on a roll for days and this is one, for sure. What a lot of amazing art you have given us today.

    Wow, I love the fussy cut deer, the die cut leaves with their amazing texture, and the pumpkin. So much to see in that entry and a great one for Tracey's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I can tell you LOVE Halloween. That black cat reminds me of the ones you see on those old 1950s clocks. WithOUT the fangs, of course!

    I've never seen a guinea fowl before. They seem to have taken a liking to you!

    That's a great tag. I am in awe of that Skeleton. It's fabulous. I can see why you like it. You have made some incredible art today, dear.

  8. Beautiful art and good organizing ideas. I haven’t seen a guinea hen in years. I love their polka dots.

  9. Great post Erika! I really love your October colours art journal page at the top, it's a beautiful composition.
    Happy Friday!

  10. What a smashing post Erika, lots of October themes pieces, i'm so glad there's a journal page amongst them. Lovely placement of embellishments, i'm very addicted to those fragmented leaves. You've organised all those elements so effectively after your clean up, well done on bringing everything together.
    Wishing you a wonderful creative weekend I'm going to really enjoy mine.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  11. Loads of lovely art here, Erika. Love the tag and that black cat makes me smile big! Happy weekend!

  12. I've seen guinea fowl and think they're pretty birds.

  13. Three lovely art pieces from you today - I do like to use the packaging if it is decorated nicely and I have quite a bit stashed away. It works well with your page todayj for AJJ and I adore the stag and the pumpkin is very special to me as we don't have them in the same way you do over here. They have become more popular with Halloween taking off these past few years but I have never seen them growing.
    Those guinea fowl made me laugh. The park where we have our caravan has two of them and they are the stupidest birds ever. Every bit as silly as pheasants. True, they run away if you go close but most times they just get in the way as you drive along the pathways. So it can be a stop start journey through the Park.
    Glad you enjoyed them.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. lol, you really created some differnt things this week. Love the smiling cat and the spooky tag :)

  15. Brilliant projects and I absolutely love your very creepy tag!! Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday this week.

  16. Erika, great packaging redos into fab art. I especially love the tag - so appropriate for this coming 8 days.

    Nature does paint for us - so amazing when you think of it and your pieces work well to illustrate it. The housework list makes me think of how we don't notice the beauty because we are too busy.

    Cool birds - so fun when they let you in their world.


  17. you've made a beautiful journal page and the two hallowe'en tags are classically spooky! thanks for joining our challenge at tag tuesday! xo


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