Monday, October 11, 2021

T Stands for the Rest of the Botanical Gardens

 Hi everyone. 

I hope everyone had a wonderful past week and weekend. Last week was busy lots of things including  another road trip ( to be saved for some time in a future post), and my weekend was busy with a wedding on Saturday. It was for my husband's niece, and my daughter and her beau were here for a good part of the weekend. It was a lovely wedding,  and we had lots of fun. They had a great DJ too! Smile.

Today for T I thought I would share some other views from  Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens. You might remember last week for T I shared troll #1. I shared the rest of the trolls during the week. Trolls numbers 2-5 can be found here if you missed them and wish to see them: Troll #2Troll #3Troll 4, and finally Troll #5.

Even if you didn't care for  or see any of the trolls, the rest of the gardens were so pretty I thought I should share them. Please grab a cup, mug, glass, bottle or can of your favorite drink and sit back and enjoy the views.  

I'm curled up under a blanket on the couch on a crispy morning having a cup of English breakfast tea.

That photo is my link to T this week over at  BLeubeard's and Elizabeth's blog . We'd love for you to join us with your drink related post 

In and around the dahlia garden was just gorgeous.

Beyond the dahlias there was a little pond.

And more areas to explore.

They also had a children's garden. In the children's garden, there were these cool rock statues that spouted water. They were whale heads. Can you see it?

And I learned this was a butterfly house. 

As it is fall, there were a few fun scarecrows too.

These giant watering cans could also be my T day photo. Not that I'd drink out of a watering can, but plants certainly can get drinks when they are watered from one.

It's a busy T day for me this week. My Mom turns 92 today (Tuesday), and I am off on a road trip to go celebrate with her. I'd like to bring her a couple of cupcakes, but masks are required. (I'm thankful for that. As some of you might remember she is a covid survivor and I don't want her to go through that again.) Anyhow, that might make me a bit late getting to your post with comments. I am apologizing in advance for that.

Have a fantastic T day and week ahead.


  1. What gorgeous blooms and photography! I loved seeing the flower varieties and the colors. I spotted a straw mermaid. Such a lovely place to visit!
    Enjoy the cupcakes and the time with your mother! 92 is a huge accomplishment.
    Happy Tea Day,

  2. gorgeous photos of the blooms and reflections around the gardens!! And the scarecrows are so fun. Happy birthday to your Mom, and a happy T day too!

  3. Wow I enjoyed all of the lovely flower photos very much, I really enjoyed all your troll posts-those were really neat to see. Glad you enjoyed the weekend and wedding events. Happy T wishes hugs Kathy

  4. What a great collection of flowers! I adore the colours...they are making me happy! I love English breakfast I am going to make myself a cup too :-))

  5. Beautiful photos Erika! Hope your mum had a wonderful birthday!

  6. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love these gardens, and can't see enough of them, so beautiful. I so want to walk around there. The fun figures are great, too. Glad you enjoyed the wedding. Happy Birthday to your mom, have a great day with her, Hugs, Valerie

  7. Erika, happy birthday to your Mom! 92 is a great accomplishment and glad they are being very careful keeping her away from germs.

    Your trip pictures are gorgeous - so many different flowers and colors and cool scarecrows to discover. Definitely a magical place.

    Some good tea, a warm blanket and snuggle time on the couch - perfect way to start or end a day.

    Happy T-day!!!!! Hugz

  8. Beautiful place to visit. I love seeing all of the flowers.

  9. Cool King Arthur mug, but I miss the old logo. The gardens are just gorgeous. Makes me wish I had the knack for landscaping and plants. The different scarecrows are fun, too. Happy Birthday to you mom 🎂💐 and enjoy your day together. Happy T Day, too.

  10. I love botanical gardens and especially this time of year when the dahlias are out.

  11. How I would enjoy strolling around these gardens! The diversity of dahlias is fantastic, and I especially like the second of your dahlia photos - what a color! These gardens are well tended and I love all the different areas. It would be nice to sit somewhere and have a picnic or just read and write in a journal. Thank you for takins us there.

  12. Congratulations to your Mum I hope you have a lovely trip together
    Beautiful flowers and such vibrant colours, love the mermaids
    Happy T Day

  13. Oh a whole garden full of dahlias, how wonderful! Thanks for sharing these Erika, I was just mentioning my own dahlias in today's post and then I come here and see all of these beauties. I think the one in the last photo, above where it says "beyond the dahlias" might be one called Cafe Latte. I tried to buy one a few months back but couldn't find any left at the garden centre, just a plant tag with no plant attached lol. Curled up on the couch with a cup of tea sounds perfect. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  14. I am late visiting because my electricity was out from shortly before 5:00 p.m. last night for around 19 hours. My apologies if you think I had forgotten or was ignoring you. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who might be late commenting!

    So glad you got to enjoy the day with your mother. What an accomplishment. 92!

    Love the gardens. The dahlias are lovely, the sculptures are great, and the mermaids were hilarious. Loved the pumpkins and scarecrows, but thought the whale looked more like a fish.

    Thanks for sharing your tea and your amazing photos from the gardens with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  15. You got such wonderful flower photos! I got a kick out of the soft sculptures. So creative a take on the scarecrow :)

    Happy belated Birthday to your mom!

  16. This is such a beautiful place. Your photos are amazing. Have a great day today.

  17. Wow! Those flowers are spectacular. I love the dahlias. To be honest I've never seen so many different dahlias in my life!
    The scarecrows are fun, especially the mermaid variety.
    Happy birthday to your mum. It is so precious to have an elderly mother (mine is 96 as you might know). I hope you had a lovely time, quality time.
    Sorry I'm late but as you regulars know, we are away on Tuesday, and today we had a power cut so I'm even later (It's nine pm)
    A belated happy T-Day,

  18. I am later than you were! My laptop won't cooperate! I think I would enjoy having hot tea wrapped in a blanket sitting on the deck. I used to do that, but we downsized. :) Gorgeous dahlias. Hope you and your mum had a great celebration. Congratulations to her. Happy belated T Day.


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!