Monday, November 1, 2021

T Stands for Birthdays and a Second Look

 Hi everyone. Happy T day and Tuesday!

This week for T, I have a couple of birthdays to share.  Last week both my husband and my daughter celebrated their big days.

Even though my husband's birthday is the day before my daughters, we celebrated hers early as she was going to be away for her big day.

This year she turned the big 3-0!

Her favorite dessert is key lime pie. Last year I topped her pie with whipped cream and fruit, but this year I tried a meringue. Just to shake it up a bit. 

Everyone's pieces cut nicely except my husband's as he had to insist he only wanted a sliver. His piece was such a thin sliver it came out as a big mush on his plate.  This time the filling  I made was a creamy one, more like a cheesecake but not quite so heavy.

I didn't remember to snap photos of any pieces of pie except for the last piece which was my husband's. 

I also meant to take a drink photo for T, and I only got a part of one in this photo.  You can just see it on the right hand side of the photo. For dinner my daughter's beau, Zach, brought a growler of his parent's homemade hard cider. I really liked it, as it was dry and not very sweet.

Don't forget to stop by  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog  where our weekly T meet up happens.

My husband had a slightly more traditional birthday cake. He had a banana cake with bits of pineapple tossed in and cream cheese frosting.

In the next photo you can see the mess on my kitchen counter, and my half drunk bottle of Diet Coke. There is also a full bottle of what used to be Coke Zero and now is the new Coke version of it that my husband left for when he got home from work. These also work for this week's T.

And here's my husband and his cake. Nothing fancy, but the cake was yummy!

These photos are also my art for Day 2 of Art Every Day Month over at Leah's blog.

My second look for Second on the Second  takes us back to early November 2018. Here's the link for this month:Second on the Second over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

Since it is Tuesday, and for many of us, T Day, I'm using an older T Day post for my  second look.   This post goes back to pre-covid times where one of the things my husband and I used to like to do was go to hockey games at our Alma Mater, the University of Maine.  Sadly the team that year wasn't as good as we had seen in the past, but it was still fun to have a little roadtrip north as well as have some pizza and beer at one of our old haunts. 

This  time the pizza place was packed with people because of some stormy weather and the power being out just about everywhere in town except for Pat's Pizza. They have their own generator big enough to run at least 1 pizza oven.

I also chose this post as it has a weather story, and since a new month has started, we have a new weather themed challenge this month at Art Journal Journey, hosted by Chris.

Here's the link to the original post: T Stands for No Power.

With covid, we haven't  actually been to a game in forever. I'm not sure about this year, but they are requiring proof of vaccine or negative covid test (within 72 hours) and masks, so maybe. I'm not sure I am comfortable in such a big crowd yet, never mind it means an overnight trip. Let's see not only how covid goes this winter but also if the team is playing well enough to spend the money to travel for a game.

Thanks for visiting. Have a great T day and week ahead.


  1. Hi Erika, Your birthday pie and cake for daughter and husband look delicious Nothing like home baked for birthdays, I enjoyed your second look-pizza looks yummy. Happy T wishes kathy

  2. Happy birthday to all! The pie and cake look delicious. Especially keylime pie with meringue.

    best... mae at

  3. Yum! I bet everyone loves coming to your house for their birthday. Your cake and pie look delicious. And I spied some very fabulous peaks on that pie...well done!
    Hope that you are able to get to some more games.
    Before I forget, you have asked about where I find the buildings to paint. Mostly they are from Instagram. I am part of a Singapore Shopfront challenge. I have learned so much from the challenge that I have branched out to buildings that are not in the challenge.
    Happy Tea Day,

  4. That pizza made me hungry, I think I'll make dinner now! Lovely cakes - you have been busy! What a cute cat kitchen towel!!! I love it! Do you like your Kitchen Aid mixer? I have the same model and I am not very happy with it. I liked the smaller one better. As a German I really appreciate the way your husband pours his beer - well done!

  5. Your daughter looked happy and lovely at 30. Your meringue looked great, too. Just the right amount of darkness on the peaks. You are so lucky. I have looked for key limes at my grocery store before and they never have them.

    Your husband's cake looks wonderful. You can never go wrong with cream cheese frosting. It looks great and so does your husband's sweat shirt.

    Thanks for sharing your various drinks and both birthdays with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend. SO glad you joined AEDM, too.

    I remember that second look you shared with us, too. How appropriate to tie it to Chris's theme at AJJ, too. It is a wonderful way to look back at a pre-Covid trip to Maine and your and your husband's alma mater. Thanks for sharing this second look with us, dear.

  6. Happy belated birthdays! And ohhh, I love your Hubby´s shirt!
    Funny way to drink a beer - I´ve never seen that here. Nice to see you, too and ohhhh... Pizza!!!!
    I don´t see we go to a game of footy anytime soon. But at least we get the games on TV now!
    Have a happy T-day!

  7. Hi Erika! You've been eating well and enjoying lots of delicious cakes and pizza, all so yummy. Key Lime pie, sigh, I want some now. Happy birthday to your hubby and daughter! Have a wonderful T day and 2nd on the 2nd, hugs, Valerie

  8. Great photos of you all Erika! The pie and cake look delicious!

  9. A birthday week! Happy Birthday to your daughter and your man :-) The cakes look wonderful!

  10. Happy T-day, Erika. The birthday desserts all look fabulous. How sweet you made them and included fun candles. I got store bought cupcakes from my day maybe one of them will make me a cake but I am not holding my breath.

    I have ventured out a bit more lately. I feel that it is helping me get out of my hermitness. I have a feeling much more hibernating and I would become a full fledged hermit. My youngest daughter said they are studying current day hermits and how the pandemic has created them. She said I am the unhealthy kind so I am trying to change that.

    Fun pictures of you all.


  11. In our house we both cook, and enjoy it, and come up with some great meals from time to time. But only Miriam bakes. it is something I have never gotten into; in fact before I met her I hardly ever ate dessert. We don't eat dessert on a regular basis, but one of her specialties when we have company is lemon meringue pie, and I swear she makes the best the world has ever seen. A sliver is never an option! So, meringue was a great choice for your daughter's birthday. She is a very beautiful young woman. May she have a long, happy, productive life. Please pass on my apologies for the state of the planet we are bequeathing to her. It will be up to her generation to begin to fix what we have wrecked.

  12. Your daughter looks just like you! Happy 30 to her! The Key lime pie with meringue looks fabulous. That will teach your hubby to ask for a sliver next time! :-D His birthday cake sound interesting, too. Happy 61 to him. How fun to be in a pizza place when the lights go out, but still be able to get pizza! I've ventured out to eat in a restaurant if it's not too crowded. I'm not ready for activities involving crowds just yet. Happy T Day and Happy 2nd Time Around

  13. Happy birthday to both of them.

  14. Happy Birthdays to them! That cake especially looks tempting :) And that pizza... yummm

    Overnight stays make me a bit nervous. I don't trust their air circulation/filtration systems. It amazes me that with a focus on personal masks there's no attention at all to air quality in businesses.

    Happy T Tuesday!

  15. Happiest of birthdays to your husband and daughter. I really want to eat cake now, haven't had any for ages, can't even remember when. I might feel up to making something later if I can rustle up supplies. Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  16. The cake and pie look terrific and what great occasions! Happy birthday to all (now belated!). I do love a good celebration! (Diet Decaff Coke and Zero are my two favorites!). The look back was fun too. Happy week!

  17. Happy birthday to your daughter and hubby! There's nothing like home baked to celebrate- and your cake and pie both look delicious. I've made a key lime pie a few times but made whipped cream for the topping.
    Nice to look back on some of the fun pre-covid times. Thanks for sharing, and happy T day!

  18. Best wishes to your family Erika

  19. I think I was actually singing that. Even with those words!! EVERY SNACK YOU TAKE...I'LL BE WATCHING YOU! I need that jumper! I have a picture of me and my friend sort of my fridge, when we were about 17/18 wearing our bikinis/ shorts, so skinny then! Writen on it is, 'Keep away from the fridge!' But it doesn't work!! Meringue on Key Lime pie! It's a must! Happy belated birthday wishes to Hubby and Daughter! Have a great T week! ((Lyn))

  20. Belated happy birthday to your daughter and husband. They both look amazing (and so do the cakes!)
    I love your hubby's shirt 'Every snack you make'. I bet your dogs were watching all those goodies.
    I loved seeing the mess on your kitchen counter and the recipe book open. I have a Kitchen Aid too, but it is a vintage one where the top doesn't lift. So it's a bit of a fiddle, but I'm not getting rid of it. It might be worth some money in the future.
    Ah, I remember when you went to see that hockey match! I hope you can all go again soon.
    Did your Bara Brith turn out okay? I usually make it in a loaf pan, but this time I needed the oven for something else so I made it in the Remoska, an electric pan which is like a mini oven. That one is round.
    Happy T-Day,

  21. Happy birthday to both your daughter and hubby. Nice that they each got what they wanted. That pizza looks so good too. Have a very nice evening.

  22. The cake and the pie both look delicious....your daughter is 30!!! OH MY - time really does fly!! There are so many things we would love to get back to but we too are going to wait to see how things go. I remember your visit in the power cut. Have a great week, Chrisx

  23. Brilliant Shirt There With Every Snack You Make - Love That Shirt - Fabulous Photos - And Happy Happy To All - Enjoy November My Friend


  24. Happy belated birthday to your hubby and daughter. I am not ready to go to any big games either. To risky I think, besides like you said expensive.
    I enjoy being home and corresponding online with friends like you. Happy T Day!

  25. you seem to have a great time with friends and family.

    Visiting for AEDM 2 :)

  26. What a super delicious double birthday party you have arranged! I see similarity to you in your sweet daughter. You look a happy family. My warm congratulations to your husband and daughter, and a Happy weekend all of you xx
    P.S. Your beach weather page is happy and well done.


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!