Monday, November 1, 2021

What's Your Weather?

 Hi everyone. Happy new month to you. 

Can you believe this is month 11 of 2021?

I want to once again thank Tracey for being a wonderful host at Art Journal Journey. I also want to thank all of you who joined us with art journal pages last month. October was a wonderful month at Art Journal Journey.

It is always exciting to welcome a new host also. 

Our talented co-administrator Chris is hosting this month. You might recognize her from her posting name and her blog: pearshapedcrafting. She has a great new challenge , perfect for the changing atmospheric conditions in November: 


For my first page, I created a medley of several weather conditions based on the quote I wanted to use.

I inked the background watercolor paper with 2 shades of blue ink. Then I used some printed tissue paper to give the background a little more interest. I liked the big 55 because it could refer to a temperature.

I also thought the background in the 2 blue shades feels like there is some motion or since we are on the subject of weather, a just slightly more than gentle breeze blowing.

I added a couple of TH black and white images (the lady and her umbrella). That lady looks like she will take whatever comes her way without even blinking. 

I also included some chipboard snowflakes I had, after I painted and added a bit of sparkle to them. The sun was first painted onto the watercolor background paper. Then I stamped the sun image on some acetate, and after cutting it out, I added that to my page. I stamped the rain drops and also the names of a couple of months on my background as it should go without saying that the weather changes in different months.

Be sure to check out the other pages created by our talented AJJ admin if you need any inspiration.

I also want to mention that starting this month at Art Journal Journey, we are changing up the rules a bit. Although we will still want only art journal pages of any kind, we have dropped the size requirements.  For example, if you make a mini  journal, you can now link it. We accept journaling in a journal or lose pages. We also accept digital, cloth or canvas journaling also. 

Still NOT accepted  are cards nor tags. Please stop by the updated "dreaded rules" link and read the new information posted there.

I am also linking up to Art Every Day Month-Day 1 over at Leah's blog. Thanks Leah for hosting this challenge again this year. 

Wishing you a fantastic start to the new month! And I'm looking forward to your weather inspired art.


  1. I'm not sure what happened, but somehow the times are wrong, although you and I posted correctly, or at least I think we did.

    Regardless, I love this first entry, Erika. I love how you used the quote to your advantage and created the page around it. I love the background and I now must find my large snowflakes, too. This is simply a beautiful entry for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  2. Very clever, great composition.
    We have 51,8F today.

  3. Wonderful journal page, I can feel the cold coming from it. Or is it just the cold wind blowing through my open window?! Love all the stamping on your page, and your pretty vintage lady- Have a great week, take care, hugs, Valerie

  4. What a fabulous page Erika, a super vintage look to it and a truly brilliant quote. You really have embraced 'All Kinds Of Weather' . The lady looks as though she's happy and of course her umbrella may be used a parasol too. Thanks so much for this great entry for my theme at AJJ, Hugs, Chrisx

  5. That’s a fun page Erica. Great Halloween photos from Salem. It is crazy around Salem in October and traffic can be a nightmare. I stay away from the haunted touristy traps but there are other great things to see. Spring is a great time…Nathaniel Hawthorne’s House, PEM., and Jolie Tea are among my favorites. Let me know if you are down that way again.

  6. No, Cant Believe We Entered The 11th Month - Dig The Snow Flakes - And Appreciated The Blues In This Art Project - Loved All The Halloween Photos - Sending Positive Vibes Your Way


  7. Your page fits "If you don't like the weather in New England, wait 5 minutes!" Though I could do without thinking about snow. Enjoy the sunshine this week!

  8. RIck just called to tell me it's snowing up north right now. So then seeing your post was a fitting (and lovely) finale! Love the blue background treatment.

  9. Lovely background a great composition!

  10. Gorgeous page Erika, love the quote.

  11. November can bring all sorts of weather. I'm with tge gal in you page, weather is weather each brings something different but who cares. Lovevthe snowflake and blue background

  12. Such a beautiful winter page! Luckily we had a relatively warm Nov.1...sadly tomorrow will start to rain...

  13. lots of weather here. :)

    My favorite image is the last one. The way you cropped it is very pleasing :)

  14. A beautiful page Erika!
    Thanks for reminding me about AEDM! I did sign up, but I've missed the first day...Lol!

  15. A fantastic journal page for the new AJJ theme Erika, I love how you have incluses a real mixture of the weather we could be having all around the world.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  16. We never know what to expect for November, do we?! It could be warm or it could snow, though snow is not at all likely here.

  17. Oh I love your background, those blues... the snowflakes and the umbrella floating there, maybe it will carry her off in the wind like Mary Poppins. Happy AEDM! Elle/EOTC

  18. I do like your page here.

    Many areas of the UK had awful weather this past weekend, so much rain and strong winds, but pleased to say the new week and new month have started sunny but chilly.

    Happy November Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  19. What a beautiful work of art, I love it!
    Have a happy day, hugs, Elke

  20. You described your lady to a T. She really does look just like that.
    A lovely page for a great new topic and what a fabulous quote you found. I do like the background you made with the two shades of blue and the tissue.

  21. This is so nice and feels like winter.


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