Thursday, December 9, 2021


 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. 

First thing I want to mention is I spelled barred owl wrong yesterday.   It’s not bard, which was google’s suggestion.   I guess google is more of a Shakespeare fan more than a bird fan  Smile.

Today I have a travel post and a bit of art for you.

On our trip to California I was able to check a few things off my travel bucket or wish list. I've wanted to visit the La Brea Tar Pits in LA (check), to visit Palm Springs (check),  to drive the part of the California coast that I hadn't done  (the stretch between LA and San Francisco) (check),  and see what the Monterey Bay Aquarium was all about. (check)

Today's post is about something  else on my bucket list I've wanted to see and only learned that I could do in California shortly before we left. 

Along the coast of California there are a few spots where  monarch butterflies overwinter. I have always wanted to see that many monarch's in trees. Our East Coast Monarchs fly to an area outside of Mexico City, but on the west coast, many fly to some of the coastal areas where it stays relatively warm over the winter. 

Pismo Beach is one of those places, and we were driving right through there as we headed up route 1 towards the Monterey Peninsula. The butterfly grove wasn't even more than a few minutes out of our way either, and a freebie too.

Although most butterflies were just hanging out in some eucalyptus trees, it was pretty amazing. 

Those in the shadows didn't look bright orange, but in the sunlight they did.

I was a great sight to see. I had worried with all the recent fires in California that  there may not be many, but according to the data they posted, right now this is a banner year for them at Pismo Beach.

I was  inspired by the  butterflies so I made this quick page for Art Journal Journey and Valerie's When One Door Opens Another One Closes challenge. The "doors" on a butterfly house are nothing  more than slits, but they are still doorways for the butterflies.

As we've had some wintry weather lately, it was fun to make a page that reminded me of spring and summer. 

The background is watercolor on watercolor paper. I stamped the butterflies and a quote, drew and fussy cut the butterfly house, added some paper tape as well as few gemstones to create the eyes on the butterflies wings. The eye looking spots help butterflies with them to ward off predators. Monarchs don't need those eye spots because they are poisonous, which their bright orange and black colors advertise to those who might want to eat them.

I hope you are having a great Thursday. Thanks for visiting.


  1. Have never seen so many butterflies in my life! Amazing!

  2. Google is really messing with you, Erika! How about LaBrea Tar Pits and not LaBear!

  3. I hit "publish" too soon! I wanted to say that I envy you your visit to the butterfly grove. I had no idea that they overwintered in California in such numbers. It is a spectacular insect. We collected eggs from the milkweed in our yard and raised them indoors for several years. It's an experience I would recommend to everyone. Hugs. David

  4. Hi Erika, Fantastic to see all those butterflies, I couldn't believe my eyes! Thanks, too, for the lovely journal page with butterfly doors, that is really special! Hugs! Valerie

  5. Wow seeing so many butterflies is a treat to the eyes!

  6. Oh Wow I had no idea that some of the monarchs traveled to California-What an amazing site to view first hand. so glad you shared photos with us.
    and your journal page for Val's theme is perfect I had a butterfly house hung up at the woods house for many years-but sadly it was never used. Happy Thursday

  7. This would completely take my breath away. I have been to butterfly gardens and butterfly "houses" but they are inside places and they're lovely. But this -- this is like a miracle of nature. It is breathtaking and such a miracle of life and survival. I am in awe.

  8. Awesome monarch butterfly pics. In the trees they look like cascades of flowers. So much nicer looking at the butterfly pics than the snow outside my window. Okay, we only got a dusting, but it's still depressing to me. Hope you didn't get much snow either.

  9. Wow! Those butterflies are amazing Erika!
    I love your summery butterfly page.
    Hope you're having a good week.

  10. I hadn't realized monarchs overwintered anywhere in this country. Wow! I'm amazed!

  11. What a beautiful post. Thank you so much

  12. Seeing the wintering monarches looks really thrilling. Although I’ve been in that area I was unaware of this.

    best… mae at

  13. Uh-oh.
    Reminds me of Australia 1995. There were moths, thousands of moths, "attacking" you and I wore short trousers.
    "Icky". Sorry, that was too much! But if they leave you alone. Interesting sight.

    Love your page. Oh, can´t wait for Spring!

  14. Seeing all those butterflies must have been amazing, more super photos from your trip away.
    Its a fantastic journal page as well, I'm sure every living thing must use an entrance to somewhere.
    Yvonne xx

  15. How I wish I had known this when we used to visit CA each year. This would have been spectacular to see. I can see why it was on your bucket list.
    Now each time you want you can see the wonderful photos and the age you made for AJJ to remind you of such a fabulous treat. I love the way you have done your journal page - I am sure they only need the tiniest of openings to get in through a door.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. I haven't seen that many before, but I have seen thousands that nested in the tree that was behind Scott's house last year. Nothing like what you saw, but beautiful indeed. Great photos, far better than anything I could have gotten. What a great place to visit.

    What did you think of the La Brea tar pits? And what did you think of Palm Springs? One thought comes to mind: mid-century modern! and golf, of course.

    Your butterfly house is darling, and the doors are truly unique, which fits Valerie's the me at AJJ so well. Sorry I'm late visiting. Back problems are a pain in the BACK!

  17. WOW! fabulous photos of the butterflies, how lucky to see so many together - so glad I didn't miss this post.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  18. What an absolute treat - I would love to see them. Your photos are wonderful. I love the page you made for Valerie's theme too. Hugs, Chrisx

  19. Wow! How great to see all of them in one location like that. They are beautiful.


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