Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Mid-Week Art

 Hi everyone. Hope this December day finds you with some sunshine and not too cold of weather if you are in meteorological winter. Here we are expecting a bit of snow, but hopefully it will only be the dusting  like they are predicting. 

Today I want to share some art with you. 

First I have a tag to share over at Tag Tuesday for Sandie's latest challenge which is create a tag using "items" that start with the first letter of you name. Since my name is Erika, I used the letter E.

I was having a hard time finding inspiring E words (although I just thought of eagle which would inspire me), so instead I made an owl tag  and added the quote about him being elusive. I actually found the sticker before I made the tag, but I knew what I wanted to do once I found the sticker. That's my connection (although maybe not the strongest one) to the letter E. 

The type of owl  in the postage stamp image (a rubber stamp) is the barred owl (not barn, although there are barn owls). We have barred owls that live in the woods around our house and  even not too far into the woods from our yard. I often hear them calling, but I rarely see them, so they are, to me, elusive. I hope that works.

And for Valerie's When One Door Opens Another One Closed challenge at Art Journal Journey, I have a holiday door for you.  I used a mix of vintage and modern images as well as a more whimsical hand drawn door  to create my page. I first started by stenciling the squares with soft modeling paste. Once that dried I used paint to color the background. The door is colored and fussy cut. I also included the stairs under the door. 

I decorated the door and added a pot of holiday greens and blooms, and then after stamping the quote several times, I added the 2 little TH girls.

That's my post for today. I hope everyone is having a good week. 


  1. Wow, Erika, this is a fabulous post! Love the beautiful tag, and how you turned your owl into an E, just great! I've never heard of a bard owl, so I'll have to look it up. Thanks for joining us at Sandie's challenge at Tag Tuesday. And your art journal page is fabulous, too. Love the beautiful door, and the stenciled bricks are marvelous. Thanks for another challenge at AJJ. I feel blessed to have a friend who makes me happy with 2 challenges on a single day, thanks! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. These are awesome. I really like the second one best.

  3. Love especially the door!
    Oh. I exitedly told my friend we have an owl in the garden. She visited. It was but an air-rat, a pigeon. Did I feel dumb, LOL!

  4. Yes,I love your tag Erika, I get the connection.
    I think my theme has everyone thinking creatively, which is exactly what I love.
    Thank you so much for playing with us at Tag Tuesday..x

  5. Fabulous tag and page Erika, the festive door looks so welcoming and so does the brickwork stencil.
    Yvonne xx

  6. We have an owl which hoots in the night but i have not a clue what kind it is, also at our caravan there are lots of owl boxes on the site so we do get one or two hooting there too. I do wish I could see one or the other but I only have seen ones in captivity. They are beautiful birds though aren't they?
    Your page is beautiful too with the welcome door and the two little ones standing waiting to go in or are they waiting for an adult to come out and take them for a walk. either way it is a lovely page and I do like the pot of flowers by the steps.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  7. lol, I love your elusive owl. :) A bird I rarely see.

  8. I love that owl stamp, one of the first stamps I ever bought. I love how you made your tag. Your door is wonderful and so good for the time of year(and Valerie's theme at AJJ) Hugs, Chrisx


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