Monday, December 13, 2021

Santa's Workshop

Hi everyone.  Happy new week to you. 

I'm squeezing in an art page before my T day post tonight.

I have a new page for Valerie's When One Door Opens Another One Closes challenge at Art Journal Journey. Today I am taking you to Santa's workshop up at the North Pole.

Sorry, but Santa doesn't want you to see inside. The door is closed. 
Maybe he's worried you'll tell some children what goodies you saw, and of course, he won't want the kids to be disappointed if you saw things that they didn't want.

I used some left over red and pink paint to start my page.  The background was splotchy, so I rubbed some black ink over it to pull it together a bit.  Then I added some matte medium and some scraps of a book page sitting on my table. 

The door is a clear acrylic door that I painted on the back side and then, once the paint dried, I attached to my page.  Santa is stamped, fussy cut and colored. I used some white slightly sparkly ink spray to create the snow effect and help cover up the rest of the patchiness.  I also used a stencil to create the number 25, some green paint on an empty tape roll to create the circles, a bit of gold metallic paper and also a a chip board believe word that I painted black.

To finish I stamped the quote on  on some green inked paper, cut it out into a square shape and attached it to my page.

There you have it.  

I can't believe that next week is Christmas. Santa will be opening that door up very very soon.

I have some holiday "chores" to do this week, in particular wrapping a few gifts and baking some more cookies. I need to mail my cards and want to watch a few holiday movies that I like. It is time to get holly and jolly I think. 

Have a wonderful start to the new week.



  1. Hood morning Erika, I love your journal page! I have enjoyed seeing everyone is creating with the doors theme Happy Monday Kathy

  2. Hi Erika, love your fun page! I would love to visit Santa's workshop at the North pole! You have the best ideas! Thanks again for your support. Have a great week, take care, hugs, Valerie

  3. Goodness Erika. This is lovely. I really LOVE that Santa and the background you created, too. Lots of lovely details, and a charming sentiment, too. That;/s a beautiful door with its arch. I think everything goes so well and goes great with your back story, too. Thanks for sharing this at AJJ using Valerie's theme.

    Sounds like you have a full plate and not a full plate of cookies. I hope you find time to accomplish it all.

  4. I love your festive page with Santa's door Erika, super words and details as well. Find time to relax, it sounds that you will be having a busy week.
    Yvonne xx

  5. That's a great Santa face. The closed door reminds me of my MIL. She used to spend Christmas Eve in her room wrapping gifts.

  6. What a great journal page, lovely colour and details.

    All the best Jan

  7. One thing differ, our Santa arrives at Christmas eve. :)

  8. I love your Santa page Erika!
    I've just been out for a Christmas lunch with girlfriends, feeling nice and festive now. My cards are all written and sent, presents all bought, I haven't bought or made any Christmas food though. It's just us and our son, and he's vegan. Not sure what we'll be eating yet!

  9. That is a lovely page you have created, and with a lovely Christmas theme too. It's obvious that the jolly man himself would not want us to peek into what is behind his door. We might find out some of his secrets as to how he can get all over the world in one night. Of course we do know that it is a "l o n g" night for him - different time zones!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  10. Fun Santa and Santa page, Erika. Love where your creative mind too you here!!! Hugz

  11. Your Santa page is delightful! Love his happy face!


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