Monday, December 13, 2021

T Stands for Holiday This and That

Hi everyone. 

I thought today  I would do holiday  post for T.  It is that time of year, which doesn't quite seem possible. 

Be sure to stop by Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog and check out what the T gang has been up to. And please join us for T. All you need to do is share a drink related post.

The trees are up.

Here's the "live" Christmas tree in the living room.

And I have a narrow artificial tree in the kitchen/dining area. This one is decorated with an actual theme. I went with winter woodland since I leave this tree up until later in  January and don't need Christmas at that point. We like the light it gives off in this darker side of the house.

The house is decorated.

I found a new spot for most of my collection of Swedish tomte and horses
except for the 2 big ones that are on my living room fireplace mantel.

The snow has melted, so your guess is as good as mine whether we'll have a white Christmas.

I've baked a few cookies and have plans to bake a few more.

And the Trader Joe's Jingle Jangle has been bought.

This treat is dangerous-smile. As is visiting Trader Joe's during the holidays.

Good thing with all these calories we have milder weather this week so I can get some nice long walks in.

For my drink today, I'll share a sign from Chick-Fil-A. My mom lives just over 2 hours away from me, and when I went down at the end of November to visit, I went through drive through on my way home. I like to do that sometimes as I can grab food and eat as I head north on the highway, beating the late afternoon traffic.  

I was excited to see their holiday shakes being served. I got a small one that was cold and minty and definitely better than my chicken sandwich that day.  And definitely not a low carb drink either, but I enjoyed  sipping mine 3/4 's of the drive home.

If you want to stop by for some cookies and T, let me know. (Smile).

Wishing you all a happy T day and wonderful week ahead. 



  1. Your decorations and cookies look fantastically festive! I also love Trader Joe's holiday treats, especially mint JoJos!

    best... mae at

  2. Both your trees are beautiful. I like the idea of brightening up a dark corner in the house with a decorated tree. And you have been busy baking cookies! It's a dangerous time for our waistlines, but these two months out of 12 it is allowed to indulge a bit.

  3. I love your Christmas decorations, and I love your winter tree-that is a really nice idea to have it up for January. Your cookies look yummy, and your shake sounds really good too-a nice treat for the ride. Happy T wishes Kathy

  4. Your home is festive and very welcoming and warm Erika. I love the tall skinny tree especially. The cookies are so tempting and even I will indulge - when the first ones come hot off the baking trays:)And speaking of, that minty milkshake sounds SO good! Thanks for sharing your holiday fun, and happy T day!

  5. Your house is so festively decorated! I need some cookies now :-)

  6. Oh, WOW, this is the time to be jolly!
    Sometimes it makes me "sad" I don´t like sweets much - but I bought ginger cookies :-)
    And made broccoli- and cauliflower-cookies, please don´t gag ;-)

    Have a happy T-Day!

  7. Love all your beautiful trees and decorations and treats, yummy! And your mint milkshake sounds delicious! Happ T Day, hugs, Valerie

  8. Love your decorations and your cookies. I so feel like a slacker and want to take the day off to do some decorating and baking! I went to Trader Joes to get the Jingle Jangle but the line was all the way down the street and we missed it. I came home and made my own version (not the same but fun anyway). Great post, Erika. Happy T-day and many hugz!

  9. Your decorations are beautiful. I wish we lived closer as I'd stop by for those cookies. I hope we don't get snow for Christmas as The Eldest is coming for the holiday. I don't want her to have any hassles with travel. It can snow in January after she returns to PA. Happy T Day

  10. Books inside and a woodlot outside. i love your house, Erika! Hugs from Ontario. David

  11. Your Swedish tomte are wonderful. I love those so much and really see very few of them. They look terrific there. And that live tree is so beautifully shaped. Your home looks cozy, festive and so happy. And it looks like some pretty tasty treats are on offer, too! I have to get the baking going. I leave my winter nature tree up well into the new year, too for the same reasons. And a minty milkshake? Yum! Our Christmas "gift" to the community is getting a Trader Joe's in town in 2022! Then I won't have to travel to get such goodies!

  12. I'm loving the festive way your home is decorated and your two trees are fabulous. I love the slim one that brightens a dark corner. And of course your horses are wonderful too. As I've mentioned before, Lindsborg, KS is the home and US birthplace of those Swedish horses.

    To be honest, I'm not a fan of peppermint. It tastes like mouthwash to me. But it sounds like it was just the right amount of peppermint, and is a nice addition to your T day post, too, dear. Thanks for sharing it and your Christmas trees and decorations with us for T this Tuesday.

  13. Nice decorations and some great looking treats. Have a very nice day today.

  14. I love your tree set-up. It sounds perfect. You've been busy with your baking. It all looks delicious. Your house looks like Festive Headquarters :) I do wish I could stop by, but this virtual visit will still be nice. Happy T Tuesday

  15. Wow Erika, your home looks amazing, and very festive. That first tree is so big, how wonderful. The smaller one is cute too and very festive. Love all the decorations and the treats, wish I could visit and see it all in person. Happy International T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  16. Your trees and decorations look great.
    Yummy looking cookies :)

    Enjoy your week.

    All the best Jan

  17. Your house is beautifully decorated. I love the slimline tree (I've never seen one this shape), ideal to put in the corner.
    Your cookies make my mouth water.
    Have you got snow yet?
    Happy T-Day,

  18. The decorations and cookies look wonderful Erika!
    Hope you're having a good week.

  19. Your "live" Christmas looks great; love your trees. I have my tree up, but no decorations yet. The cookies look great, and now I want a minty shake from Chick fil a. Have a great week!


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