Tuesday, December 7, 2021


 Hi everyone.

I'm here today to share my piece for the new challenge at Try It On Tuesday. This will be the last challenge at TIOT for 2021.

The new challenge is SNOWFLAKES!

I made my blue background by first putting a lot of paint on one piece of watercolor paper, and then pressing a fresh sheet up against it. This page is the pressed sheet, and I do like how the blue came out.

I then stamped the little village and colored it. 

 I used some woven paper and some sparkles to give a light image of snow. The girls are from a TH set of relatives. I also stamped the snow phrase on paper and the words snow and brr on the page directly.  Lastly I added some sparkle snowflakes.

This  new challenge will run for 2 weeks as usual, and then we will post our spotlight winners on December 28. Be sure to check back to see if you are one of them.

Remember all kinds of art is accepted, just include snowflakes. The design team has some great inspiration for you also, so be sure to check their work out too.

We'll be back on January 11 at Try It On Tuesday with our first challenge of the new year.

I am pretty sure there are a few doors in the village scene (I do see a barn door or 2), so I am going to link up to Valerie's When One Door Opens Another Closes challenge at Art Journal Journey.

For those of you who only stop by only the new challenge day at TIOT, I wish you a wonderful December and happy holidays too. 

Thanks for visiting. 


  1. Fantastic snow page, yesterday we had snow here, about 3 flakes - that was it! All of the little houses sand barns on your page are gorgeous, and thanks for linking to my challenge at AJJ, much appreciated! Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Beautiful art journal spread Erika! LOVE that background and that little village!!!! have a wonderful Christmas and the Best for 2022! ((HUGS)) Helen

  3. You had me long for some real snow this season...so far we just have some rain :-(

  4. Your piece is a beautiful entry in the snowflake category, Erika! I love the blues and the graphic is darling.

  5. While I like your blue background, you can keep the snow. The forecast for Wed. keeps changing from flurries to a couple of inches. Is it July yet?

  6. A fabulous snowy page Erika, I love the images and words!

  7. Your snow scene has me feeling even colder than it is. Two days ago we had record highs and today it isn't supposed to get above freezing. I am so ready for warmer weather already, but at least we've not had any snow yet. LOVE your background and the wonderful little dolls. Thanks also for the great entry for Valerie's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

  8. I love the way the background was created - it looks great! The little village is wonderful and those words and the girls dressed for a snowy day are a perfect addition. Hugs, Chrisx

  9. Great page. Reminds me of childhood days when we had a lot of snow.
    Somehow our region usually gets but ice come February now.
    The kids look like they came from the 1940´s to me. Or from Russia - interesting.

  10. That background makes me shiver, it really captures the feeling of it being cold - well done. I am sure your little village, which is coloured in beautifully, has several doors open for people to enter and the two youngsters will be making their way over before too long i suspect.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  11. That's a big switch from the flowers in Carmel lol Variety is the spice of life, they say :)

  12. What a beautiful page Erika, I love how you created the background and the little village is so cute! Enjoy the rest of your week and I hope you and your family have a wonderful Holiday season!
    Hugs, Tammy

  13. I think I had an outfit like that. LOL

  14. I love the little village you created in the background for this fantastic page. The shiny snowflakes caught my eye as well as those happy youngsters dressed for the cold weather. Perfect inspiration for both themes Erika.
    Have a good rest of the week.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Hi Erika, love your snowy scene where shadows are blue as they are a sunny, snowy day. :) Love how you created the background and all.

  16. I love this page Erika, the little snowy village looks fabulous against the blue background and those girls look as if they off for some fun in the snow.
    Hope you're having a great weekend.
    Avril xx


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