Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Morning After

 Hi everyone.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and holiday if you celebrate. And maybe you are lucky enough to have an extended holiday too. 

We had snow and then freezing rain and then more snow on Christmas. I was glad my daughter and her fiance came on Christmas Eve as the news reported there were over 100 accidents on Christmas morning due to the bad roads. 

This morning it is grey but pretty outside.  My daughter's fiance left early since he is seeing some friends who are back in the area for the holiday for brunch. My daughter is here until tomorrow, and my husband is even taking tomorrow off, so my holiday weekend is getting extended also. 

My holiday was wonderful, and Santa was very good to me. He brought me a big set colored Sharpies, a Harry Potter throw with Hedwig the snowy owl all over it, a new bird house to put in the garden come spring as well as the bee hive set up I wanted so I can have 2 hives next year. No complaints about this Christmas for certain!

I have another door page to share over at Art Journal Journey. There's still a week to join Valerie's challenge which by now you probably know is When One Door Opens, Another One Closes

My page started with some spray paint on some watercolor paper. Once that dried I added some images that I cut out of a sheet of scrapbooking paper. I also added a few sticky pearls and a few glassy snowflakes. I finished my page with a bit of random stitching. 

The lady on my page has a story I am sure. I wonder who or what she is looking at. She doesn't look really excited at her view, but perhaps she is not yet certain who or what is coming. Since it is snowing, she had better get inside the door soon before she gets too cold. Her dress is beautiful but probably not the warmest.

I hope everyone enjoys their Boxing Day or day after Christmas if it doesn't have a name where you live.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. White X'mas is just beautiful. This year we didn't have any snow, but quite a bit of rain. That's a very beautiful door page.

  2. Hi Erika, the photos are beautiful, I love them all, especially the first one, so lovely. And your page is gorgeous, too - I wonder what she is doing outside in that weather? There's a story there, for sure! Glad you got some lovely presents, lots of wonderful sharpies and a Hedwig throw, how lovely! I bought myself some pens and paints and paper with money I had saved, so that was good. Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  3. These are wonderful photos, Erika. Love the Winter Tales. Have a great day today.

  4. Snow is fun and pretty; ice is scary! I'm glad y'all are in and safe!

    Happy Feast of Stephen :)

  5. Hi Erika, Glad your family all got in safely before the roads got super bad. and you had a beautiful White Christmas too. we were in the low 70's f craziness haha.
    that's wonderful you got another bee set up Happy day after Christmas -hugs Kathy
    Oh a really like your door journal page too

  6. Beautiful photos Erika and a great page, she must have a story to tell.
    Its good that the family arrived safely before the snow got worse for travelling, enjoy being together and stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Pleased to know that your daughter and fiancee arrived before it got really bad - although must say the snow looks wonderful! I love your 'door' page for Valeries' theme.
    I have been having a few blogger issues with commenting - as well as not being so good at keeping up! Trying today - again! Hugs, Chrisx

  8. Good morning Erika: It seems to me that your Christmas gifts were of the very best kind, new materials for crafting, a new home for birds, and a new hive for bees. It doesn't get much better than that! You have a wonderful snowy landscape there. Here the snow has pretty much all gone as the temperature has moved above freezing for a few days in a row. Oh for a good old fashioned winter when it got cold and stayed cold! Then a winter walk was a joy! Big hugs from Ontario. David

  9. I'm so grateful your daughter and her fiance had a safe trip to your home and that the holiday was just lovely. The White Christmas is a nice touch! Gorgeous photos, and I really love your page.

    Keep the merriment going!

  10. It's great to read that your daughter made it home safe and sound. It's great they made it to your place without any problems. It sounds like you had a very merry Christmas, too. I can't wait to see what you do with your Sharpies. And it will be nice to get a second bee hive set up, too.

    Your winter photos are wonderful. It was so warm here over the weekend, I was in shorts and a sleeveless top. I almost envy your white Christmas.

    Your Winter Tales are beautiful. I love the way you added both the house door and the lady, The sewing was great, too. And of course, I like how you added the background speckles of spray mists. Mine never spray that fine. Thanks for sharing this at Art Journal Journey using Valerie's theme, dear.

    While I'm here, I wanted to tell you my mail came early today and I got a card from you. I will open it and show it for T this afternoon. Thank you in advance, dear friend.

  11. I wish you very Happy Christmas days Erika !! And also all the best for the New Year, enjoy your family, and those sharpies!
    I love your Art journal page, it´s wonderful. I love your birds feeders too,.
    Stay safe and healthy dear friend,
    I send you big hugs,

  12. Your garden looks magical, and that's a wonderful page Erika! Glad you had a good Christmas.

  13. Such a beautiful magical page for us to share, so appropriate for Christmas too. I love the colouring and the pretty young lady who, I think, has just been dropped at the door and is waving goodbye to her father before spending the evening at her first dance at the home of her best friend.
    Love the minarets peeking over the top.
    I also love the snow you have at home, always nice to see on photographs but not so nice to have to drive in it, I always worry about those I care about in driving conditions like that.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps love the gifts you got, what well thought out ones for you.


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