Monday, December 27, 2021

T Stands for UNO

 Hi everyone. 

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. Mine was great; it flew right by, and now we are into the last few days of 2021. 

Last week I showed you the Harry Potter hat I was hoping to finish for my daughter for Christmas. I "forced" myself to sit down one afternoon last week (before the holiday) and watch a couple of movies so I could knit.  Then on the morning of the 24th, my husband and I drove over for a visit with my MIL and my SIL (plus her family).  Since my MIL is living over in Maine with my SIL 90 minutes away and also since my husband was driving, I could sit and  knit the hat during the ride. I can happily say I finished the hat.

I can also happily say it was a hit with my daughter too.

It is already time for T again. Be sure to stop by Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog to see what everyone has been up to. I thought I would share a couple of Christmas photos this week for T.

My daughter and her fiance arrived during the afternoon of Christmas Eve. The fiance's family decided it was best to wait on their Christmas celebration. Your might recall that his sister had come down with covid. We kept hearing his sister luckily wasn't too sick, but then on Christmas, when Zach was talking with his grandfather, he heard his sister was actually pretty sick which is why the Christmas celebration was postponed. Hopefully Zach's sister is recovering, and hopefully his Mom will go get vaccinated now. I know Zach has been worried about them.

On Christmas Eve, while dinner was cooking, we had some fun and quite passionate games of UNO.

If you aren't familiar with UNO, it is a card game where the winner is the first person to get rid of all the cards in their hand.  Everyone starts with 7 random cards. The cards come in 4 colors (red, blue, green and yellow). Cards are also numbered. If a yellow 4 is played, the next person to go can play another yellow card or they can play a 4 card of another color. Some cards also cause the next player to skip a turn, pick up 2 or 4 new cards, to reverse the direction of play or are wild cards where the color can be changed. If  someone can't play a card, then they need to pick up a card, or as we play,  they need to keep picking up  cards until they can actually play a card. My daughter brought her Disney set, and unlike  regular UNO, this set has cards that force everyone to switch hands also.

UNO has a lot of tradition in my family. My husband and I ( as well as our other friends) used to play a lot of UNO back in college, and we played even more UNO when my daughter was younger and lived at home. Because of that, this game  has some competitive history and what I could describe as strong comments, all meant in fun. It was a good time and a good way to spend Christmas Eve.

From my husband's expression I think he's going to make a nasty play.

You can see my husband's beer can and my partial glass of wine in these photos. They are my ticket to T this week.

We decided to take a morning family group photo before we opened our Christmas presents on the morning of the 25th, and since I forgot to get a photo of my daughter's fiance as we played UNO, here's a family portrait to wrap up my post.

Have a wonderful rest of of 2021, a very happy T day, and I wish you a very happy start to the new year.


  1. Hi Erika, sounds like a perfect Christmas Holiday
    Happy T and Happy New Year hugs Kathy

  2. Erika, love your family photos! We had a cut-throat Uno session at my daughter's house too! Super fun. I lost, but it was fun. Hopefully his sister will get better soon. This is scary and never seems to end! Hoping for a better 2022 for us all. Happy T-day and happy New year. Hugz

  3. Happy and beautiful family photos, Erika! Love that Harry Potter hat!!

  4. Harry Potter looks... good, but don´t come here with that - either kisses or.. kaboom. The darn soccer-team looks just like that!

    To Harry Potter, pretty please and wow. Great job :-)

    Very, very sad to hear about your family. Oh, will "Corinna" be under control some day?
    Best wishes from here (not that this helps much...).

    Um. I don´t know UNO. But when I see the cute shirt I might assume it´s as fun as like Mensch Ärgere Dich Nicht? Or Mau-Mau! (Ingo always looses... nearly always)

    The dog-shirt, awwww. Very cute! And your family pic tops even this! Belated Merry Christmas, looks like so much fun, yipeeee.

  5. Wonderful post, Erika. Uno is a fun game, I used to play it for hours with my daughter and grandchildren when they were small, we all enjoyed it. Haven't played it for years now! Your husband looks very determined in that shot, and I love the pic of you all. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. There are some amazingly large packages under your tree, Erika. Sounds and looks like a really wonderful Christmas eve and Christmas morning, too, dear. I have loved UNO for a long time, too. I have three sets, one of which I use in art. There is no shortage of drinks in your post, dear. Thanks for sharing your Christmas eve, that knitted hat, and your drinks with us for T this Tuesday. So glad Zack got to spend time with you, too. Hope he liked his Ranch dressing!

  7. Good morning Erika: As far as I know I have never played UNO, but it sounds like a great game. If ever I am invited to play I will wear protective gear since it sounds like it gets pretty competitive! Hugs from Ontario. David

  8. Oh that looks like you had an awesome time. Also wishing you a wonderful and magical New Year. Love the knitted hat by the way. Always wished i was a knitter lol. x

  9. What a great hat! I can see how any Harry Potter fan would appreciate it.

    UNO! I remember when that game came out. We all love it. I love a game that's easy _and_ fun :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

  10. Very impressive knitting project! It's great that you saw the family as things are definitely getting dangerous. I hope you have a good New Year's celebration too.

    best... mae at

  11. I absolutely love the hat! Looks like everyone had a good time. The photos are excellent.

  12. OOh Erika, your photos are fantastic! Your family is preciosa, that´s great you can enjoy those beautiful moments. I love your Christmas tree!
    Thanks so much for your wishes, I also wish you a lovely rest of 2021, and all the best for the New year 2022, hope it will bring happiness and health for everybody.
    Stay safe and well dear friend,
    I send you big hugsss

  13. Ay Erika, I ´ve forgotten to say you that your hat is absolutey gorgeous! Love the design and the colours ♥ kissesss

  14. Lovely post and lovely photographs.
    It looks and sounds as if you had a great time together.

    Enjoy the last few days of December and my good wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2022.

    All the best Jan

  15. Awesome family photo! Uno is fun; it is one of the games we have played a lot. This time our daughter's family brought these games that we played: Apples to Apples, Take 5, Quiddler (a short word game), Code Word, and always scrabble! Happy New Year!

  16. Great photos. Love your knitting. Uno is a favorite here. Happy New Year!

  17. Great photos Erika, it looks like you had a great Christmas, and the hat is fantastic!

  18. Spectacular hat. Looks like you had a fun Christmas. Cute family photo. Happy T Day

  19. Glad you got the hat finished (I wondered). I had to smile while I pictured you knitting in the car...
    Love family photos! And thanks for explaining Uno. I had heard of it. It sounds fun.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

  20. It looks like a wonderful holiday, and I'm glad Zach's family celebration was postponed, just to be on the safe side. Well done in Finishing the Hat (a Sondheim song!) and it's darling. I can tell it was a huge hit!

    Keep enjoying Christmas week!

  21. Inside and warm and cosy with some adult beverages and playing Uno sounds like a great celebration to me, Erika. Nice to see you all in the final photo!

  22. oh the hat turned out so great Erika! I haven't played UNO for years but it's a fun game. Great photo of you all on xmas day. Warm Winter Wishes and Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx


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