Thursday, December 30, 2021

Your Home Is Your Castle

 Hi everyone. The old year is winding down quickly, isn't it?  I hope you've been enjoying your last few days of 2021. 

Does anyone have any big plans for New Years Eve? We're not very exciting and with covid, not even a little bit exciting.  We used to go out to eat and catch a movie, but this year we'll once again be home. Which is OK with me. This Omicron variant sounds  way too easy to catch.

Today I want to share my last page for Valerie's challenge at Art Journal Journey. This month her challenge is When One Door Opens Another One Closes, and I chose to use lots of doors for my page today. 

Half my page is painted, and the other half is covered with some cloud paper I've had in my stash for years.

On the cloudy left side, I added lots of Art by Marlene punch out buildings. I wanted them all to be castles but I was one short for the number of clouds on the paper. On the left I painted the page with some tan paint and stamped some pink and blue painted circles using an empty tape role. I also stitched that side and added the lace, as well as one house.

My thoughts on this was page was that no matter what or where your home is, it is your castle.  If you are a dreamer, then maybe you dream about living in an actual castle too.

THANK YOU Valerie for this fun challenge. I know it's a tough month to host because people are busy, but you inspired us with so many great pages. I had a lot of fun making door pages too.

I've been having a low key week. Afterall its "Twixmas", which is a new word for me.  It will also be a short work week for my husband as Friday is a holiday. 

One thing I've been doing is getting my 2022 journal ready to go.

I don't know why I wrote only Columbus Day and didn't add Indigenous Peoples Day. Hmm. I need to fix that.
It's just about time to start the new journal and put away this 2021 journal (photo below).

Hope your day is going well, and thanks so much for visiting.


  1. Hello Erika:
    I am quite sure that many of us, most perhaps, are looking forward to closing the door on 2021, and looking forward to 2022 with the firm hope that we can put COVID behind us. It will be great when we are able to do things without checking on the level of current restrictions or having to watch rabid antivaxxers doing their best to be obnoxious and offensive, interrupting the lives of others, and screaming abuse at those who only wish to help them. 2022 is a door that I'm looking forward to opening. Hugs. David

  2. We will stay at home too and enjoy some good food :-)
    Happy New Year to you and yours, Erika!

  3. I love your page Erika! A great take on Valerie's theme. We've definitely appreciated our homes this past two years.
    Nothing exciting happening here tomorrow night. In fact I probably won't make it to midnight. We used to have our friends around for dinner, but that has gone out of the window. It's a pity, as we finally (after some years!) laid a new floor in our dining room this week, and could assemble our table again.
    Wishing you a happy and healthy 2022.

  4. I'm glad Jan introduced me to Twixmas -- it's a great word! I love your page and like you, I'm enjoying my "castle" and staying out of crowds as much as possible. I hope we have a much better new year on that score!

  5. Hi Erika, love your beautiful page with castles in the clouds, lovely thought. Thanks for your great support and encouragement during this month, that means a lot to me. Have a great New Year. Hugs, Valerie

  6. We'll be enjoying our usual New Year's Eve on the couch. Covid doesn't change that part of our lives lol

  7. best of 2022 to you
    we'll be home like we are always

  8. Lovely page, Erika! I've always wanted to visit a castle either in Ireland or Britain but, sadly, it never eventuated. I am a homebody though and I love my 'castle'. :)

    I've never heard of Twixmas before...had to google it. Neat!

    I've been setting my my bullet journals also. Digital version done, just have to do January for my analogue bullet journal.

    We will be staying home for New Year's Eve, however, as with family tradition, three of my sons and I will be partying and bringing in the New Year at midnight. One son and I usually stay up all night to greet the dawn of the new year but not sure I'll be up to it this year....will see how it goes.

    Wishing you a Happy New Year!
    May 2022 be a better year filled with love and compassion.
    See you in 2022!

  9. The door images all month have been wonderful, and I like your cloud castles. Have a fun New Year’s Eve

    Best… mae at

  10. So many doors to open each year...hope 2022 will be happy, healthy and prosperous for you!

  11. Your final entry to Valerie's theme turned out great. I love those little houses and the way you incorporated that cloud paper. I appreciate what you said about our homes being our castles, too. IO feel SO glad I have a home, as so many today can't say that.

    Your 2022 journal is so different from mine. I could never just write something that was for an entire week. However, we get what we are used to. I hope to see you tomorrow, but if I don't, have a safe, healthy, festive New Year and here's hoping for a far better 2022 after the last two we've had.

  12. We´re too old for parties anyways, and I am not sorry about that.
    I´m that old it´s 05:53 and "We Are The World" is on TV - our party - to a very happy, healthy 2022 to you and your family and friends.

    A castle in the clouds sounds very wonderful.

  13. I love your castles in the clouds and as "every man's home is his castle" they all fit into the theme of castles and castles all have doors for Valerie's theme at AJJ. Well done on thinking up another way to illustrate the theme of doors. I just wish I had had more time to think about this theme as now my head is buzzing with ideas. Christmas just got in the way.
    Thank you for all your support on my blog throughout the year, much appreciated Erika. May I take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Very Happy, Healthy, Blessed New Year.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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