Wednesday, December 29, 2021

After the BIG Snowstorm

Hi everyone.  Happy Wednesday.

I'm back today with a page for Valerie's When One Door Opens Another One Closes challenge at Art Journal Journey.  I drew a lot of  houses in December, and I decided to draw this house to match the season, so even if you don't have snow or didn't have a white Christmas, it might still feel like winter. I know some of you are having unseasonably warm weather, and  so if you don't have winter weather, perhaps you can get your winter fix through this art journal page. (Or count yourself lucky, your choice.)

Luckily, we haven't had this big snowstorm here, at least not yet. There's the possibility of a bit of more snow this coming weekend, but that's still too far off to know for certain at this point.

I started my page by drawing the snow line and then the house. I added the details and some colors. The sky is colored with a Gelato and then  smoothed out with some water and a paint brush. I then gave the roof a wash of snow, and I painted the snow with some acrylic paint, using my smooshing brush (a brush in not the best of shape due to previous paint smooshing) to create a bit of texture. I fixed up my black lines be be sure they were sharp. Then I drew in the shovel and added the text. 
With this amount of snow, even if you could open the door, I think the front entrance way would fill up with snow as a lot of it would tumble inside. I hope whoever lives in that house has a plow or snowblower though, because they would have awfully sore arms after shoveling that much of the white stuff. Smile.

That's it for me today. Have a great middle of your week!



  1. Your page reminds me of the Blizzard of '78. When my parents opened up the front door all we saw was a wall of snow. We couldn't get out. The neighbor across the street and his sons dug a tunnel from their house to ours and dug out the front door so Dad and I could begin shoveling the driveway. I hope we don't have that much snow again. Ever.

  2. From time to time, I have though of buying a snow blower, but we seem to get less and less snow each winter it's hardly worth it. I don't really mind shovelling either. Hugs. David

  3. That's lots of snow...more than I can handle :-/

  4. It looks a welcoming house Ertika one where folk would be warm out of the winter chill. A fabulous page for the AJJ theme.
    Hope you have a safe and Happy New Year.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Very nice indeed and so appropriate. Have a wonderful day today.

  6. I am sure there was a year when I was a tot that we had to be dug out by the farmer and I walked through a tunnel of snow. Maybe I dreamt it?
    Whatever, I would love to be in your house with the snow piled up at the door so that I had a good excuse not to go out in the snow until it began to melt. What a delightful page. It looks such a cosy home with its glow inside.
    Hugs Neet xx

  7. A super snowy page Erika! We're getting lots of rain here.

  8. What a fun page, love it! Hope you don't get that much snow this year. Sorry I am so late coming by, I am in the clinic for treatment again! Have a great day, stay safe! Hugs, Valerie

  9. Whew! When I read your title I thought maybe you got snowed in! Nope, just delightful art!

  10. Super cute Erika Love the snowy house. Not too much snow here so not complaining. Lol
    Hugs June xxx

  11. We are waiting for a snowfall now that we're home from our Christmas travels and can appreciate staying in and enjoying it. Sending our best wishes to you and Dave for a Happy New Year...see you in blogland in 2022.

  12. The people in that house will need help getting out. Now that's what I call a Big Snow!

  13. Love the house in your drawing but would prefer for the snow to hold off for much longer in real life! Not a fan especially on the roads!

  14. I go with CJ.
    I remember even in little Germany the snow was that high I could not see the other side of the street (I was a kid).
    We wore socks over the boots to not fall.

  15. I'm having a whale of a time. First my e-mail quits working properly, then Blogger hates me. I'm about to pull my hair out and I am SO frustrated it isn't funny.

    When I lived in MO, I parked my car on the street when it snowed. My back area wasn't paved, which was fine during most of the year, but it became a problem when it snowed. We had a HUGE snowstorm one year, and it dumped snow overnight. Schools were closed, but work was NEVER closed. The snow plow came along early in the morning (I usually worked from 5 am to 3:30 pm, in a different state, then headed to school in another town) and shoved the snow up against the cars parked on the street. My Honda was buried. Needless to say, there was NO way I was getting to work that day. It reminded me of the house you drew. I had to laugh. It's a really clever take on Valerie's theme at AJJ, dear. And a great memory for me, too!

  16. How wonderful house you have created, Erika! Snow there is as much as our Lapland now. Here we have got a beautiful white cover as well, but not very much - more has been promised!
    Your house n the picture looks inside very cosy and warm.
    I wish you and yours a very happy and healthy New Year 2022 xx
    P.S. Thanks for this year, my friend !

  17. What a wonderful page for Valerie's AJJ theme. That's going to take some digging. We used to get deep snow like that in Lincolnshire when I was a child but my brother tells me that get less now - although it's still more than we usually get! I'm sure who ever lives there will be keeping warm though - no evidence of power cuts! Hugs, Chrisx

  18. Such a sweet house Erika and the thought of being snowed in sounds very romantic but i'm sure the novelty would soon ware off if it was a regular occurrence. A lovely little scene. Hugs Tracey x
    P.S The recycled coffee cup journal has papers broken down and recycled professionally from coffee cups and are 170gsm a great thickness for journaling x


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