Friday, January 7, 2022

Art Look Back-Part 2

Hi everyone. Happy first Friday in January.  

My daughter's been on vacation this week and visiting, and I knew there wouldn't be much time for art or posting, so today's post is scheduled.  And some of you asked how I had time to make art and visit with my daughter. I haven't made any art, but I did have a pile done already.

 I thought  as we wrap up the work week I would do another Art Look Back to 2021. If you missed the first post and are curious, you can find it here:Art Look Back 2021 part 1.

My first 2 pages are an ode to DNA day in April. I had a lot of fun using my few science themed stamps to make these. They were also a way to celebrate my first DNA day of retirement when I didn't get to teach about it in school.

My next 2 pages have an Asian theme.  The top one was me playing with the vertical page and the second one was me playing with the horizontal aspect of the page.

No matter whether you are going horizontal or vertical, you need a bit of both to balance the page.

Elizabeth has asked me if I would recycle something for her April bearthday  month, and I had this opportunity to do something with the plaster fish my husband found for me at the "dump". I covered him up with printed tissue paper and paint.  That got rid of his rather garish tropical colors. Now he is sitting proudly on my living room bookshelf!

And since I am a water lover (maybe because I am a Pieces), here's a couple of water themed pages I made. 

On both of them I used my hand carved seaweed stamp. Note to self: make some more hand carved stamps. I love more "rough" quality.

And another technique I should remember to do more of is to use some white modeling paste over a colored background.

And I should use more book print for a background too!

Stitching and especially using my forgotten embossing folders (back from my card making heyday), as well as stamping on tissue paper,  need to be used more often. 

For these next 2 tags, I used a paper clay item. I have a  shoebox with items I made with one or two packages of paper clay early in 2021.  I need to dig them out. They make interesting embellishments.

Probably the biggest thing I need to work on is that simple can be better, as this next page demonstrates.

But sometimes simple is not always what works.

I need to think about  keeping the balance and not thinking I need to keep going on every page. Let the art speak to you, right?

This cow page is in my top 10 if not my top 5 of all the pages I made in 2021. I just love that cow face stamp.

Stamp Diva was an online stamping store and when it's  owner  Susan retired, she closed down her shop. I think it was one of the last independent shops online that limited most of their inventory to rubber stamping. (Sigh-There used to be so many.) Stamp Diva was one of the few places left where you could find a big selection of metallic paper trims and images, and when the shop ran a 30% discount for about 6 or 7 months before it closed, I would make a small order for a few of these metallic paper items each month.

You might have noticed a lot of them in my art since summer.

And the last piece for today is a salvaged piece that turned out to be a favorite. I made this last summer for a Try It On Tuesday challenge.

That's enough for today. I have enough art left to squeeze in one more post of 2021 look back pieces, which I will probably/possibly  do another day this month.

Hope your first week of 2022 is going well, and enjoy your weekend ahead. 


  1. I enjoyed the look back, most I can remember but not all. Looking forward to seeing the others. Have a great weekend, hugs , Valerie

  2. Ι do not know where to start from, Erika. Absolutely gorgeous creations. Great scenes and lovely stamps (especially the DNA one). I love how you combine all together and make beautiful scenes. The recycled fish is perfect. Hugs, my friend. Wishing you a Happy New Year.

  3. I especially love that fish! You've had a busy year :)

  4. Perfect day to stay in an look at delicious eye candy. We were in a 4-6 in. snow total, channel 5 reported snow totals in Whitinsville at 9.5 inches and that was over an hour ago. Its' still lightly snowing though looking to taper off. Hope you didn't get hammered.

  5. These Are Magnificent - So Dang Creative - Well Done


  6. It's amazing the art we achieve in a year. Yours is all gorgeous. Have a nice day today.

  7. Huh! I still need... no ... want! to finish the book on DNA!

    The horizontal / vertical is clever and beautiful (and reminds me of when I studied. My huge drawing machine´s horizontal ruler was not able to get fixed. I bought it used, but, well, I managed after a while).

    The fish is wonderful! He can sit with a lot of pride!

    Oh. I´d so love to go swimming. In the ocean, not in these icky baths, where you cannot go anymore anyways thanks to "Corinna".

    Modeling paste! Cool idea. As the books!
    Love the ABC-ladies, too.
    Paper clay?! Wow. Learning a lot here!

    Let be(e) - Ingo just bought honey with a bee keeper on the label :-) Had to think of you.
    Ohhhh, the cow, love her! And the bees.

    Yes, travel...

    I hope you don´t mind... I put this post to my fav-list as tutorial (when I can come back to art, when / if work has settled in my mind).

    Thank you, this was a wonderful post!

  8. Wow, what a fun, fantastic assortment of art!

  9. This is unbelievable, Erika. You see work nearly everyday and have favorites but until you see it in a collection you don't realize how spectacular it is. I especially love the DNA page but I stopped dead in my tracks with that fabulous fish. Well done!

  10. many beautiful creations you created. Love that you use so many "flying objects" like butterflies and bees. :)

  11. Wow, a lovely look back at your art.
    All so nice to see :)

    All the best Jan


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