Thursday, January 6, 2022

My Thursday Art Is All About the Ladies

Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. 
This week has been flying but then I've had my daughter here, and she definitely has kept me busy.

Today I have both a tag and a journal page to share with you. I'll start with the tag.

Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday is "Time and Clocks", and you can certainly see plenty of clocks on my tag.

I cut this tag from a time punch card, and I decided to use the printed side as my base. I stamped some little clocks on it, and then I painted  over the clocks with some blue acrylic paint.  I also added a piece of paper tape up along the the middle to cover a dark green line on the time card itself. The line was a bit distracting, and the tape is hardly noticeable. You can't see much of it once I added the woman and the clock face, except for a tiny bit of the top.

I then stamped the partial clock face. I also colored and fussy cut it for the bottom corner. After that I added the TH lady,  my clock, some dots and the sticker quote. Even though this lady's hair flips are all inside her hat, she would be pretty disheveled if her hair was partially falling loose.

One thing I noticed about this lady is how small her waist is. She must have a corset pulled so tight she can barely breath. No wonder why she has that slightly far off look on her face. I am glad corsets (and girdles) are long gone. Hurrah for that.

And for the latest "Let's Face It" challenge at Art Journal Journey, I have this page that I call The Face in the Mirror.

The idea behind this page begins with a true story. Back in my teaching days, one of my friends was walking down the hall between classes and said something to a student. She then heard the student (they didn't know each other) say to their friend that the old lady over there told them to stop doing whatever it was they were doing. My friend was in shock that she was referred to as the old lady. 

For some reason when I was thinking of page ideas, that story came to mind. I think we all probably have a certain view of ourselves that may not be exactly what we see when we  look in the mirror.  And of course, other people may see us in a different light than we are or believe we are.  Teenagers especially.

I made this page by first stamping the lady's face on some plain watercolor paper. Then I die cut the mirror frame, glued it down, and put some clear drying glue over the inside of the frame. Once that dried I could used Gelatos and a wet paint brush to color my background. Then I stenciled the little pink x's with some acrylic paint. While that dried I drew the lady, who I'll call Gloria, on some white paper, and then colored and fussy cut her. 

After adding Gloria, I stamped some images and also added some bits of printed tissue paper to my page. I  added my question with some alphabet stickers. Finally, to pull the page together, I sponged a bit of white gesso lightly on parts of the page. 

 Gloria has a new coat and hat that she thinks will make her look glamorous. Whether they really do or not, we won't know, because the magic mirror Gloria has only lets us see what Gloria wants us to see.

On second thought, a magic mirror like the one Gloria has that might be good to have sometimes. Smile.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.



  1. It seems to me that age is especially hard to guess these days. People who are seventy can look fifty. Of course, Erika, having seen your picture on several of your posts, you don't look a day over twenty-five - and barely that! Hugs, David

  2. Fun, beautiful page. Pink gives it a special lovely expression.
    We have here a holyday that closes the Christmas time, and it is sunny and lots of white snow :)
    Have a lovely day, too. Wishing your year 2022 is going well and joyful xx

  3. I don't know how you managed art time and daughter time but you did well!

  4. A fabulous tag Erika, my goodness that is a tiny waist!
    I love your page too. I look in the mirror these days, and wonder who that wrinkled woman is! Lol!
    Hope you're having a lovely week with your daughter.

  5. Glad you had a fun time with your daughter. The tag and journal page are both lovely. Thanks for linking the tag to Tag Tuesday! I would hate to have to wear a corset, too. My waist is quite wide, but hey, who cares! I often get a fright when I look in the mirror and wonder who the old woman is! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  6. I like your ladies. They look great.

    FYI: Connecticut (CT) is running a commercial that says covid-19 will keep mutating until the unvaccinated get vaccinated. Considering some countries have very few, if any, vaccinated people, because those countries can't afford to buy the vaccination shots, it doesn't look like 100% of the World population will be vaccinated any time soon, which would also need to include infants fresh out of the womb. So if the CT commercial is accurate, covid-19 will continue to mutate, and new vaccinations formulated for those mutations will be required.

  7. I read somewhere eons ago that ladies would have their corsets so tight that it eventually affected their internal organs. The second piece was an illusion to me. My eyes had to focus in on it. Love it very much.

  8. So true, great tag!! But weee... can that woman breathe?!

    LOL, I didn´t say it, but when I was working in the food plant I thought, "why are these 'old' men bringing me food all the time?!"
    I was 17 and they maybe in their 40´s.

    Love the lady´s outfit!

  9. A fantastic page and inspiration for your AJJ theme Erika and it was realy clever how you created the mirror image. Its a great tag as well and that tiny waist, makes you wonder how they couls breathe or move around wearing corsets back then.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  10. I love your tag! It is so fun!!! And the page you made for AJJ is fabulous. I love the idea of looking in a mirror and imaging what you see. I guess every day is different! (And I know all about being thought of as an old lady because I worked at a middle school as a nurse for 5 years!!! LOL!!!) Thanks for sharing your talents!!! Hugs, Sharon

  11. "old lady" lol That depends on the observer, doesn't it. Like beauty.

  12. These are such stunning pieces! Love them, you are amazing!

  13. Brilliant tag Erika! Oh I so love that sentiment and wish I had hair to flick lol. Thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday!

  14. I missed this before, although I thought I left a comment. OLD seems to be in the eye of of the beholder. I was often carded when I was 25, people asking if I was 18. I have noticed teens are especially bad with age. Everyone over 30 is OLD. I sure like this page you gave us for your theme at Art Journal Journey, though. You sure like pink, don't you (grin)?

  15. Great tag Erika! I love your journal page. I totally get this - I had to get a new passport photo recently - I'm sure someone else's photos came out of the booth slot. Hugs, Chrisx


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