Saturday, January 29, 2022

In the Storm

Hi there. Happy weekend everyone.

We're in the storm zone today. The snow zone. Let's see how much we actually get, and I hope we don't lose power.

Today's journal page for my Let's Face It challenge at Art Journal Journey is appropriate, not for the snow, but for the rough seas that will be accompanying this coastal storm. 

My page today  actually began as I was going through my embossing folders and found this one with these great waves. For some reason, I immediately thought of making a wild wavy ocean tossing boats around on it.  To do that I used some blue lightweight cardstock and made several copies of embossed waves. I rubbed a blue ink pad over them for some contrast,  cut the waves out of the paper that went through the machine and then I layered them on my page.

Before I glued down my waves, I stamped a partially inked captain's face. I wanted to include the face, but I wanted only part of his face. More like a memory or a ghost, because this scene is really about the waves.

To make the ship, I stamped  the image on acetate and rough cut it close to the stamped lines. Then I colored and inserted it partially behind some waves. The reason I used acetate was I knew I could never fussy cut the thin lines of the masts close enough, and by stamping on acetate I could create the ship without a white paper border around my image. The fish are stamped directly on the page and colored with opaque gel pens, and the compass is stamped, colored and fussy cut from white paper. I finished by added the blue tape line along the bottom of the page.

The Let's Face It challenge at Art Journal Journey runs through Monday.

I took a second drive to the beach this past week. I went back to Salisbury State Reservation in Massachusetts looking for more snowy owls, but I didn't have any luck seeing owls. I did get a walk in though.

It's been cold enough for sea ice to form, but with the waves, some of the ice  had broken up into  interesting piles. (Here's a little science tidbit for you too. If you don't know, ice is always made from fresh water and any impurities in that fresh water. In salt water, as ice forms, it pushes out much the salt, but as the unfrozen water  near the ice gets saltier, it needs even colder temperatures to freeze. In more everyday life, this same phenomena explains why roads get salted or brined to keep from getting icy.)

Whether you knew (or cared) about sea ice or not, these photos look cold.

The sky was once again interesting, especially with the contrails from planes. And in this next photo you can just make out the loon too.

I bet the water is no where near  as calm today with the storm and probably looks more like in my art than photo.

Enough from me today. I hope if you are in the storm zone you don't get too much, and otherwise, have a wonderful start to your weekend.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. Ahoi, that´s a great one!
    Fingers crossed you don´t get it as stormy as that for real.
    Ah, that´s how the salting works. It´s also a pain for the cars, sadly... Glad I don´t have one no more.

    Beautiful pics, boy, it was be very cold!

    Have a great and safe weekend!

  2. Those photos look ice cold! The coastal storm page looks beautiful.

  3. I think you are one of that rare breed, Erika, who can look at sea ice, explain the technical aspects of it, yet simultaneously see the beauty in the formations. The artist in you is never far below the surface! There will be lots of ice here today, not sea ice, but ice nonetheless. As I type these words it is minus 26! And I will be leading a winter bird walk at 9:00am! Miriam is musing about staying at home! Hugs from Ontario. David

  4. What a stunning page with the waves and your inspirational photos sure look amazing too!! Wow, that ice created some very interesting patterns from nature! TFS!

  5. I love your wave page. We're seeing your storm covered in our local news. Wow! Here's hoping it won't be as bad as predicted. That icy shore! That does look cold.

    They're predicting a chanced of mixed precipitation for next Thursday, but Saturdays high is supposed to get up into the 60s lol

  6. I bet during today's storm the ocean looks as wild as your waves. I've never seen that much ice on the ocean or that thick. The first time I saw any was when I was on Enders island in March. There were just small sandwich size plates of ice lapping the shore. Let's hope the electricity doesn't go out. Take care.

  7. I do like your art and I enjoyed seeing your photographs.
    Wishing you a good weekend.
    Stay safe and warm.

    All the best Jan

  8. I love how you rendered the waves on your page!

    Interesting piles of broken ice too. I had heard about salting ice to melt it but I didn't realise that all ice was fresh water. Makes sense.

    Lovely photos, Erika!

    Stay safe from the storms.

    Serena xx

  9. I had to look this over several times. I was so impressed by the waves and the way you used the acetate to make the ship. Very clever indeed.

    That ice was scary looking. It looked SHARP, too.

    Thanks for this latest entry at AJJ using your theme.

  10. Fabulous photos from your walk and I hope you were warm, the ice looked amazing. We are having storm warnings as well, mainly damage made by the gale force winds bringing down trees and cutting power supplies.
    Its a fantastic journal page and I like how you created the waves.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Wow on two counts today - the journal page with that ghostly face and those fabulous waves.Love how you used the acetate.
    The sea pics were very interesting - we have only seen the sea freeze once when we were up in the Lake District. Love that last pic especially. Hugs, Chrisx

  12. Oh my, I'm freezing just looking at that ice! Beautiful journal page. Sorry I'm late, hugs, Valerie

  13. Love the page!!! I love the face in the sky and great waves!!!! The sea ice is really cool. My hubby and I were talking about it just last night so how cool to see it on your blog today! Looks very cold!!!!! Hugz

  14. Great photos and art! I'm feeling cold just looking at the sea ice.
    Hope you didn't get any damage from the storm.

  15. Love this. Was the ice at Salisbury beach? Maybe we can meet up there sometime?


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