Sunday, January 30, 2022

Under the Warm Sea

Hi everyone.

Yesterday we had wind and snow all day. It was dark and cold too. I spent the day under the weather, and not the snow storm weather. I hadn't caught anything, but Friday I had my second shingles vaccine. I got as sick as I did after my first shingles vaccine. With the storm blowing all day, it was a good day to be sick, if there can be such a thing as a good day to be sick. I am feeling better today,  and I'm happy I don't need any more shingles booster shots.

January is quickly winding down.  I hope February will give us a few more hints of spring. Usually we have a January thaw for a few days, but not this year.

The end of January also means that  my Let's Face It challenge at Art Journal Journey is almost over.  Today I have another page for that challenge. I believe this will be my last page for January, seeing the new challenge starts on Tuesday (February 1), and tomorrow night I do my weekly T day post.

I especially want to say "Thank You"  to everyone who joined in this past month. Your support was very much appreciated, Uou linked up some great inspiration and art too. I hope you had as much fun using faces as I did.

My page today is inspired by a warm ocean and tropical breezes, certainly not the weather we've had in my area this month. (smile)

I started with a piece of scrap cardboard, a stencil and some light modeling paste. Once my modeling paste dried, I used some assorted colors of watery acrylic to color it. The fish are stamps from Paper Artsy that I stamped, colored and fussy cut. So is the mermaid, but I don't know what company made her. I just love that surprised look on her face. I wonder if she can see me using her on a page. Ha-ha. The tall seaweed is something I drew  and fussy cut before adding paint dots to it.

I'll finish my post with a few more photos from Salisbury State Reservation. I'll  skip ice piles today though.

Look down the beach outside of the state reservation. 

The wire in the next 2 is from a couple of washed ashore lobster traps.

Looking back to the parking lot from the dunes.

And looking out towards the jetty and the ocean, as well as the slight horizon of Cape Ann.

Enjoy what's left to your weekend. If it's Monday already when you read this, then happy new week. 


  1. Your fun page makes me think of Seuss' One Fish, Two Fish. I wonder what the beach looks like after the storm. Sorry you're feeling under the weather. Usually, I get sick after a vaccine, but I didn't with the shingles vaccine. The only thing was my arm really, really, really hurt. Feel better!

  2. Sorry the shingles vax made you sick. I do love your art piece and the wonderful photos. Rest and feel better soon.

  3. I was lucky not to react to the shingles vaccine. I trust you're recovered now. I like your beach scenes -so different from anything around here.

  4. I am sorry to hear that you had a bad reaction to the Shingrix vaccine, Erika. Other than a bit of a sore arm neither Miriam nor I had any adverse symptoms, and we are certainly glad that we are protected. Lovely sunny scenes from Salisbury State Reservation. It's almost February so spring is on its way! Hugs, David

  5. Sorry you have had such a bad reaction to your jab - hope you don't suffer for too long.
    I love your page - the mermaid is a real cutie! It's been a great challenge and I am so sorry that I haven't made as many pages as I would have liked(or rather got them posted) there's been a lot going on around here! Thanks for so much inspiration .
    Love the peaceful scenes at the Salisbury State reservation.
    Hugs, Chrisx

  6. Sorry you felt so bad Erika, hope it gets better soon. Love your page, and the thought of being under a warm sea, just lovely, I hate freezing. Fantastic photos, too. Have a good, new week, hugs, Valerie

  7. Oh Erika, I hope you are better this evening after the vaccine.
    Your page is absolutely Wonderful! I looove the so beautiful colours and the funny face. Great photographs of Salisbury views, thanks so much for sharing.
    I wish you a very nice new week, stay safe and
    Big hugs, Caty

  8. I love your page, Erika. Lovely background and great coloring on fish. Great idea that you drew the seaweed and fussy cut it to add on the page. Hugs, my friend.

  9. Love this page, Erika. The background is sooo fun and the mermaid is too. Goes super well with your fab beach pictures. Stay warm and hope you feel better soon! Hugz

  10. Hi Erika, I enjoyed this post very much, great face page too-really loved that piece.
    we had gorgeous weather here-mostly in the low 50's a nice warm up for us hugs Kathy

  11. Sorry that shingles jab made you so sick Erika, hope you are feeling better now? Sounds like the weather was a good day to stay indoors, did you get your haircut? Your last journal page for Jan made me smile, the expression on the mermaids face is so funny. Wish i'd had chance to play along more, there's always faces gong on my way but never enough time to get to blog them.
    Wishing you a happy & healthy week ahead. Catch up with you in February.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  12. I have NO idea how I missed this post. Sorry to read about the reaction you got from your shingles shot.

    I think your mermaid is embarrassed she was caught nude from the waist up. This is a great image, though and I could see her in your small people book, too. Another really great entry for your theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    The photos of the dunes remond me of friends I have in South Carolina. These look just like what I photographed on their property. Thanks for these and the memories.

  13. I like your page -- and that beach looks mighty inviting!

  14. PS -- hope you are feeling better. That doesn't sound fun at all!

  15. Beautiful art, and I love the beach photos Erika.
    Sorry to hear that you suffered with your shingles vaccination, glad you're now feeling better though.


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