Monday, January 24, 2022

Summer Garden

Happy Monday and new week to you. 
Today I have a short post with a piece of art I created recently.

I'm sharing this journal page I made the other day for my "Let's Face It" challenge at Art Journal Journey. With butterflies and dragonflies, I must have summer on my mind.

I started my page by cleaning some paint off a brush on some watercolor paper. Once that was dry I attached this large sheet of Dina Wakely tissue paper. It had the faces and the leaves  already on it.
I colored in the leaves and added some doodled as well as colored flowers. Then I used a black paint pen and added the dots all over my page.

The butterfly and dragonflies are from an Art By Marlene punch out book. For the cost of the book, around $5, and the fact that I must have had it for 2 years, I am still getting images from it.  I think you'll see Art by Marlene images occasionally pop up on my journal pages as there's many left to use.
 I  decided my page needed a border. I used a stencil and a black sharper to trace and color that in. I spent an afternoon this past week tracing and coloring on several pages. Just like cutting and pasting, it can be so relaxing. (Not that my week had really been stressful.) I finished off my page with a sticker quote as well as some tiny foam dots.

There's been some terrific art over at AJJ so far this month. Thanks to those of you who've shared pieces. Remember there's still a bit of January left to join in if you feel inclined, and I hope to see you there.

Thanks also for visiting my blog today.


  1. Butterflies and dragonflies are appealing images at any time of the year, Erika, but in the depth of winter especially evocative. Mourning Cloak is generally the first butterfly I see here, often in early March, and that is no longer far away. Hugs, David

  2. It's a beautiful summery page Erika!
    Have a great new week.

  3. This is such a happy piece, Erika. And it reminds me that it's only a few more months till spring.

  4. Those Butterflies Are Gorgeous - Well Done


  5. Fabulous journal page, love the little faces in between. Have a great, new week, hugs, Valerie

  6. Ohhh this is fabulous. I really like the little faces all over the page.

  7. Great page, Erika. I have 2 or 3 punch out books from Art by Marlene. I think it is about time to start using them. Thank you for the inspiration, my friend.

  8. Your page is making me dream of warmer weather. More snow on the way tonight and perhaps over the weekend, too

  9. Now I'm definitely ready for summer. Those Art by Marlene punch outs are incredible and so pretty, too. But of course, I love the faces on the tissue, which is a real tribute to your theme at Art Journal Journey this month.

  10. I love the happy faces you have in the background and the way you designed this fantastic page for your AJJ theme.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Since it is a balmy -7 without the windchill, I love seeing dragonflies ans the butterfly. The colours are bright and cheerful and I like that black border with the white polka dots that image the black ones.

  12. Absolutely brilliant Erika. I don't seem to be able to comment on your T post but seeing your photos made me really appreciate the fact that our cold days are just fine, I love the puzzle - need to get back to ours but I don't think it is anywhere near as complicated as yours. Love Madeleines and yours look great to me! Hugs, Chrisx

  13. I like your idea for that page! It looks great!

  14. This is so beautiful, Erika! I want to see butterflies and dragonflies soon, but it is way to cold here! What a creative and gorgeous page!

  15. Butterflies are perfect for brightening a dull January day and your page certainly dd that for me. Love the human faces but I am sure the butterflies have faces too.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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