Monday, January 24, 2022

T Stands for More Cold Weather

 Hi everyone. Another T Day has rolled around over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog, and this is the last one for January. Weren't we just wishing each other a happy new year?

There's been  some cold weather this past week at my house, with mornings below zero  degrees F (or below -17 degrees C). According to the weather people, there are more cold mornings to come this week. That means the ice on the sidewalks, driveway and my road won't be melting anytime soon.  I am missing my  walks, but I don't want to risk a slip while walking on ice. 

Above is the ice on the back sidewalk. After our snow and rain event last Monday, the sun came out and warmed up for just a couple hours. Even though the side walk was cleared with the snow blower, there is always a little left on the ground. This time that little bit melted, but it didn't have any place to go as the ground is frozen. When it got cold that night, it froze and turned to this disaster. It's been a mess like this all week. I keep waiting for a warm day for it to turn back to slush so I can clear it.

Even the UPS guy slid off the driveway one afternoon. Luckily my husband was around and the 2 of them managed to get his truck  unstuck. That took about an hour. 

In the meantime, my slide over my boots ice grippers are my best friend.

Last week I showed you the puzzle my husband and I entertained ourselves with on the weekend. We worked on it some more this past weekend, and it's definitely coming along.

Some of you asked what the picture on the puzzle is, and you might be able to make out that it is inside a Costco store. (I know the glare on the right side makes it hard to see that.) Here's a photo of what the finished piece will look like, with a bit of glare too, but I think your can see a little more of what the finished puzzle will look like.

If you aren't familiar with Costco, they are a buying warehouse. Most items are sold in large quantities, but not all. I think we are both getting a kick out of this puzzle, except there are packages of toilet paper on so many pieces. Tricky.  The toilet paper must be a big seller.

You might remember that our T day friend Carola had us vote on her 3 favorite photos. She chose 1 name as the winner of 3 cards with those photos on them.  I won the three cards from our fellow T friend. Today they came in the mail, and the photos are even more beautiful then they appeared online.

There are 4 cards because Carola because one of them was a lovely note and the other 3 are my winnings.

Thank you so much for these beauties Carola.

I also did a bit of baking last week. This time I tried an item on my baking bucket list.  I never seem to complete my  baking bucket list because there are so many interesting things to bake.  I add new baking treats to my list every now and again so that my list seems to stay between 10-15 items all the time. I keep the list in the front of my yearly journal so I can check off and add items as the year goes on.

Jeanie, at the Marmalade Gypsy posted her madeleine cookie-cake recipe, and they looked much easier to make than I expected them to be.  Some people call them cookies, but I read online that they are technically small butter cakes. Last year I bought a madeleine pan, so it was time to give them a try. I used Jeanie's recipe.

You have to chill the batter, which you can see in the plastic container (no room in the fridge for the bowl) and my pan.

As this was my first time making madeleines, I wasn't sure how full the molds were supposed to be filled, which accounts for the uneven edges. Those little bumps on the edges were easy to snip off and next time I won't fill the pan quite so high. You can tell they don't lie flat and that's because I did get the nice rounded backs you are supposed to get.   However, for some reason I got these holes in mine. I know they are air pockets but I'm not sure what caused them. Very strange. Anyone have any ideas why that might be?

I made mine with lemon zest. To cover the holes I dusted them with powdered sugar.
It's a great recipe, and they tasted delicious, especially with a cup of tea. The link to Jeanie's blog earlier in this post has her recipe.

This is my ticket to this week's T where we share our drink related posts.

And I think I've babbled on enough also. Have a wonderful T day and week ahead.
And as always, I appreciate your visit.


  1. I wouldn't venture out for a walk either, Erika, after seeing that iced sidewalk. Glad that your husband was there to help the UPS driver get unstuck and wonder if that's happened to him other times. The treats look so good and I remember when jeanie posted about them. One thing I don't need is another specialty pan, so I will admire Jeanie's and yours.

  2. You have some serious winter weather, goodness. I don't think I would enjoy those low temperatures and especially the ice on the roads and sidewalks. Good thing that you're cautious and have those ice grippers for your boots.
    I'm glad that the cards arrived! I think I need to try Jeanie's recipe - I'm not much of abaker, but these look so good. Bummer - I don't have the right forms, though...

  3. Ice is just the worse-that was always a nightmare for me when I was working to get to and from work. now I can just stay put which I love -smiles.
    I have never made madeleines and I don't know the answer for the air pockets unless the dough not packed in tight enough? thinking they taste good though.
    I didn't realize this was the last Tuesday for January already it seems like a long month though-but that is due to the cold I think.
    Happy T hugs kathy

  4. Same weather here- no good to even try a walk on icy roads...
    That puzzle looks VERY challenging! And oh what a great giveaway win- beautiful photo art!
    I have this madeleine pan and have made them. Can't explain the little holes in them but they look great and tasted wonderful no matter. Happy T day!

  5. That looks freezing cold! Those madeleines are seriously tempting, Erika.

  6. Ice is always very tricky, lucky your hubby could help the delivery man. That puzzle is enormous! The cakes look wonderful, too. Sorry if I didn't get round to visiting last week, I was just to ill to sit at the computer! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Yes, time runs, it´s plain crazy! Hope this stops once the good weather comes around!
    Poor / lucky UPS man!

    I know Costco only from The Simpsons - LOL, that really does exist?! We had WalMart for a couple of years here in Germany.

    Yipeee for the pics from Carola!

    Love your mug, happy T-Day, stay warm!

  8. Your winter weather was even more brutal than mine. Ice, snow, melt, ice. A bitter but predictable cycle in winter. Sorry you have to go through this because I know how much you love to walk.

    I've never been to a Costco, but they look quite similar to Sam's. That is one impressive puzzle.

    Carola takes fabulous photos, too. Her gift of those cards was a very special treat.

    I was quite impressed with your first madeleines. Don't you just love those Lock N Lock containers, though? And the finished ones turned out great, and look like they went well with your bee tea. Thanks for sharing your ice storm, your note cards win, and your madeleines and tea with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  9. Wow, it looks like it's time to hibernate ...brrr! Glad you are keeping busy with that fabulous jigsaw and baking 😀. I've just been for a walk so would one of those madeleines would be perfect with my cuppa - yum! I love your new bee mug too 🐝. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

  10. Jeanie made some madeleines for us once and they were wonderful! Yours look tasty also. A Costco jigsaw puzzle is an amusing idea -- maybe everyone is buying toilet paper because you can only buy one package at a time. At least that's the case at our Costco.

    best... mae at

  11. Ugh, ice. I should get some ice crampons as getting to the mailbox is getting to be expedition. Warmer temps today, but more of a cold snap the rest of the week. And the weather dudes are hinting about a big storm for the weekend. Your madeleines would be perfect for the stormy weather as part of storm prep. Happy T Day

  12. Brrr!!! And here I was thinking it was cold here lol Ice is its own special hell. Though beautiful for winter wonderland photos, it is so scary to be out in.

    The madeleines look fine to me ;) With my coffee :) Happy T Tuesday!

  13. We had the same storm last Monday. I also have no intentions of slipping on ice.
    I've never made madeleines either, they look good.

  14. That image of Costco is stressing me out. Imagine all those strangers in one place without masks!

    I do not know how I went through winter without those slide on grip making things over boots (I use Yak Trax).

  15. That is treacherous indeed! I'm glad you have those spikes for your shoes. We have the problem of the city plow dumping all the snow on our sidewalk that my hubby had just cleaned. It has hardened and it is too high..I have complained more than once. I'm glad your husband was there to help the poor guy get stuck in a really bad place. The cards you received are really nice-lovely photography. That puzzle is huge! I like doing puzzles as well but I have no place to do them and i have too many other things to do:)) You may end up on the Great British Bake Off! I wish I could remember what to do to avoid the bubbles. I just watched an episode where they talked about that. They look good and...they taste good so who cares about the bubbles:)

  16. We have had a lot of ice as well. If we don't get all the snow up when the temperature is semi-warm than it all freezes and the stairs and driveway are a sheet of ice. Definitely not worth navigating on foot. That was wonderful of your husband to help the UPS man.
    Your madeleines look delicious. I can't offer much advice as I haven't made these. The only thing I can think of to help would possibly be tapping the tray on the counter a few times after adding the batter to help compact it and fill in the air pockets? That is really interesting that they are small cakes. I always assumed they were cookies. I don't have this shaped mold but I would still love to try these.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. I forgot to say that I love this puzzle. My hubby is a puzzle-er and this would make him happy. Such a fun subject!

  18. The poor UPS guy! Glad your hubby could help him. Your cookies/cakes look wonderful. That is a busy puzzle, and difficult I bet. Carola's photos are amazing. Lucky you! Happy T Day!

  19. Now that's winter. No need to go out in that. Nice puzzle you are doing. We have one going most all the time too. I love the cookie cakes. I will give those a try. Have a very nice day today.


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