Thursday, February 10, 2022

A Tag and a Winter Walk

 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday.

Today I'll start my post with a tag for Tag Tuesday. This latest challenge is hosted by Sandie, and her theme is King, Queen or Both.  This is a fun challenge Sandie. Here's my tag.

I stamped my tag with this Renaissance style background image, and then inked my tag with blue and grey ink.  I also stamped the red heart bullseye. I added 2 types of gold washi tape that I stacked, and then I added the Red Queen die cut.  She isn't anything I stamped or cut but came in an Alice In Wonderland image set. Finally I stamped the  quote, which stamped as one quote but I split it into 2 pieces. 

Last Saturday it was cold, but my husband and I bundled up, put the dogs in the truck, and went up to my MIL's home on the lake. It's about 30 minutes north of us.

She doesn't live there for the winter (she's at my SIL house in Maine); and the house is closed up with no power, no water and no heat. That also means it's not plowed. We had to find a space to park along the narrowly plowed road her property is on, and then we hiked in. We've had snow but also lots of sleet, which made the top of the snow crusty enough to walk on.

I am standing in the road when I took this first photo. And we've walked in a bit of the way in this next photo. I've turned back to photograph where we had walked already.

I used my cross country ski poles just in case it was deep or slippery.

And in this window reflection you can see I am wearing what I call my Arctic coat, maybe not quite warm enough for the Arctic but warm to -35 degrees F (-37 degrees C).

In this next photo you can see Mr. Pete down at the lake front. He discovered the lake was  frozen over, and he was thrilled to discovered he could go running across it and not get wet. He had that look of pure  joy on his face as he ran like the dickens this way and that.

I have no photos of Miss Maddie since she was out trying to see if her friend's (my MIL's neighbors) were around to visit, but no, it was predictably quiet.

This  garden decoration of my MIL's was left out . It's colors have some sharp contrast against the white snow, and makes a cool shadow too. I hope my MIL wasn't too fond of it as it's looks like winter got to it a little bit.

And finally, a couple of pretty snow scenes.

I really enjoyed this walk, even if it was cold with a wind making it feel even colder. As I hadn't done any walking except around a few stores (grocery store, Home Depot), it was some much needed outdoor time.

Hope your week is going well, and thanks for visiting. 


  1. When you live in a northern climate, Erika, the only pathway to winter is to embrace it and get out and enjoy it, which is exactly what you did. The scenery is classically northern and it sings to me in beautiful tones. The dogs had fun and you did a good thing by checking your MIL's house. And that beats walking around Home Depot any day! Hugs from a wintry Ontario. David.

  2. good morning what a beautiful scene-this is probably similiar to what our woods house looked like last week-I do keep on the heat on though
    loved your tag too hugs Kathy

  3. She's got attitude!

    Brrr!!! But outdoor time in that great sunshine looks like a great idea.

  4. I love that tag with the Queen of Hearts. It's nice and bright. That is a cold day and I always walk with my sticks. It just makes things easier. Your dog is so cute...I love black labs

  5. Your MILs summer home is in a beautiful area. I'd seen photos of the lake before but don't remember any of the woods or the view. With that snow, it's dazzling. And hooray for Mr. Pete, the ice-walking dog! Love the garden ornament in the snow too. And a wonderful art piece. All good!

  6. Amazing and magical scenery. Transquility and serene view. Love to see snow. Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely weekend.

  7. Cool tag :-)
    And oh. No snow so far, but I must admit... I love the sound of walking over slightly frozen snow. Or fresh snow, the silence, it is good for the soul.
    But.... ewwww... that really is cold!
    Beautiful pics, though and I can imagine Mr. Pete being happy :-)

  8. What a fabulous tag, I love the Queen of Hearts and quote! Your walk looks like fun in all that snow and the photos are beautiful, you were definitely walking in a winter wonderland 😀. I hope you've had a lovely week, happy Friday and weekend! Hugs Jo x

  9. Wonderful project and gorgeous colours. Thanks so much for joining us with your queen at Tag Tuesday. Your walk looks wonderful! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  10. LOVED seeing that tag. I have never read Alice in Wonderland, but that queen looks just like the one I've seen others use.

    I'm really amazed at your snow scenes. The area is beautiful and you were certainly dressed the part. Glad you and the family had a good outing.

  11. Ah, the Queen of her.
    Super Tag Erika.
    Thank you so much for playing along with my theme at Tag Tuesday x

  12. It's a real winter scape there Erika! Glad Mr Pete got to let his hair down and have fun lol. I just adore your colourful tag, such a great take on Sandra's challenge. Thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday.

  13. Love the colors on your tag but oh my so much snow! Wow! Glad you enjoyed the outing. My Honey made the Cherry Nut Cake and we are enjoying it way too much! LOL Stay warm, xoxo

  14. your Queen looks very powerful and the nature is beautiful.
    I too like the garden decoration. It looks as it was drawn on the snow. COOL!

  15. gorgeous tag! such a marvelous collage, beautifully composed! thanks for linking to tag tuesday! xo


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