Wednesday, February 9, 2022

To My Dad

 Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week. 

Today I'm celebrating what would have been my Dad's 98th birthday. He passed in 2004, but of course, he is never far from my heart and thoughts. I was definitely Dad's girl, and I definitely not only look more like him but have more of his personality  than that of my Mom. (Although I must admit I am getting slightly more like my mother in some ways as I get older.)

I don't know how old he was in this first photo, 

but he looks a lot older than a man in his late teens or early twenties in this photo taken during his service in World War 2.

I wish now I knew the dates of these photos since I can't ask him. In this next photo he is celebrating a younger birthday. I'm guessing he was in his twenties then. That's his sister, my aunt, in the background. The old washing machine is pretty interesting too. We actually had one like that when I was a very young girl.

He looks totally different without his glasses. With him is my Mom as a young woman.  I don't think they were engaged or married yet based on the ring she is wearing, and I'm guessing my dad was around 30 here.

The other day I made his favorite cake in honor of his birthday. He loved a pound cake with walnuts and maraschino cherries. I used to bake them for him when I was a teenager , and I must have the taste of it embedded in my memory so come around early February most years I need to make one.

This is an old photo. Even though I made this cake in this same pan the other day, I forgot to take any photos. Probably because I took the cake out the pan while it was too hot, and I lost a big chunk of it. I was very disappointed it broke. It tasted good though. My husband and I managed to eat most of the crumbs so now I have a cake that is an outline of a heart but not complete.

To make this cake you take any plain pound cake recipe and add some chopped walnuts as well as some drained, patted dry and then chopped maraschino cherries. I've never seen this combination in any recipes, and I don't know when or where my dad had it, but he always asked for it. 

I am linking up this part of the post to Kathy's Food Wednesdays.

And since I can't celebrate with him any longer, I made an art journal page in his memory. My Dad loved to go fishing in his little boat, so I made a fishing page for him.

If you look carefully in the close up in the background, you might spot a stamped fish or 2. I stamped these before I ink the background. The hooks, bobber and fishing pole are hand drawn. I added a tag (not one I made), a ruler sticker, a couple of Art by Marlene algae plants and waves, a stamped and fussy cut fish on a car image as well as some die cut borders made from a torn out page in a book which was also about fish.  Finally I added the little metal button sticker, a few little blue plastic pearls as well as a few things left over and sitting on my work table.  I wrote in the quote.

This quote was on a signboard that first hung in my grandparents camp, then in my Dad's area of the basement, and now my brother has it. It says: "All fishermen are liars, except you and me. And sometimes I'm not sure about you."
It's a quote that comes to mind when I think about my dad. 

Since this page is full of various eclectic items put together, something I like to often do, I am going to link up to Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Happy Birthday Dad. I hope where ever your spirit is, you are out catching a big fish with your fishing buddies.

And to you who read through this post, I hope you're having a wonderful day and week.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Sweet tribute to your dad. Interesting additions to the pound cake. Like you, I've never heard of that combination, but it sounds really good. Enjoy warm temps and sunshine today.

  2. Good Morning Erika, This is such a lovely post-nice to read about your father with photos, and the page you made is so beautiful-I really love this piece.
    and thank you for sharing this delicious sounding cake and linking up for Food Wednesdays-my husband loves pound cake and I have not made him one in years and years. I wonder if your father had this cake at a restaurant somewhere.
    Happy Mid week hugs Kathy

  3. Great tribute to your dad, Erika. My father's birthday was on February 10. He passed in 2011. I look more like him and have more of his personality than that of my mom, too. And yes, I start to look like my mother in some ways as I get older! Your page is beautiful, my friend. Kisses!

  4. What a lovely memorial. Such fond memories :)

  5. What a nice way to think of your dad on his birthday. I'm sure he'd love to know that you still think of him so fondly.

  6. Very nice post and a lovely tribute to your dad. Have a wonderful day.

  7. Wht a wonderful tribute and memory page! He was born 3 years before my dad and like you I remain Daddy's girl. :) Your cake looks delish. I grew up with cherry pound cake at Christmas, a welcome substitute for fruit cake (yuck!). Down South here, we use pecans. But since I'm allergic to them, I bet I'd like the walnuts. I'm a hopeless Googler, so here's one version of your cake and on a New England recipe site, no less:
    Looks like I'm becoming a fan of yours, Erika. Have a great weekend! xoxo

  8. Back to add, if you check out that link, be sure to read the comments, some great tips. I may have to make this cake now, hahaha

  9. A wonderful tribute to your Dad.

    Happy Midweek Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  10. Erica, this journal page is a nice tribute to your dad. Thanks for sharing about him.

  11. Yes, I think serving in war makes you old, in soul, mind and visually.
    Funny Bitthday pic, your Aunt looks a tad... not amused, LOL.
    Oh, happy pic of your parents!
    And a beautiful cake, too.
    Well. The now-cake sure makes a point, I think. The love is still there, but the person is missing. The cake is clver, a poet.

    Well. As long as we still celebrate them they are still here. Great page. Funny quote.
    To your Dad. Hugs from here.

  12. A very touching souvenir from your father, a great man and your art and cake, I think it's so beautiful..
    A good day dear, hugs, Elke

  13. A fantastic page and a lovely way to remember your dad.
    Yvonne xx

  14. There's so much to love in this post! That darling photo of your dad as a child (what a cutie!) and you can see how he grew into a handsome man with such a wonderful smile. I adore the old photos and they are treasures to have. That cake pan is really great -- very dramatic! And I like that combo -- maraschino cherries are so much better than the glace ones, I think. Your wonderful page has such a lot of happy interesting in it and I love the fishing theme. It reminds me of a plaque that used to hang on the wall in the old cottage: "I ask a simple question, the truth I only wish. Are all fishermen liars or do only liars fish?"


  15. What a fabulous way to pay homage to yoour father. First with the cake (which looks lovely, I might add), then with the beautiful and quite manly journal page. It was great to see the photos of your dad and how he spent some of his free time. The fish story was very cute and you decorated the page beautifully. Thanks for sharing it with Bleubeard and me using our theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    I think I was my grandmother's girl, but my grandfather was the one who taught me about cars, woodworking, remodeling, etc. I was definitely his little helper. I remember how proud I was when he let me pound a nail in a floor joist of a hard wood floor he was laying. Such great memories for both of us today.

    BTW, I didn't find that new challenge blog. The owner found US at AJJ. I believe they are the missing AJJ links. The owner's name is Zoe or Zoechaos and her blog is This little place (

  16. A lovely tribute to your dear dad Erika! Great photos and page.

  17. What a beautiful tribute to your dad. I love the old pics and, yes, he does look older but I find most people did back then. My hubby's mom looks so old like in her later 20s when she was only 16. Maybe they had to be adults quicker than we had to.

  18. Such a beautiful tribute to your dad! The photos are wonderful ❤️. Take care! Hugs Jo x

  19. Such wonderful photos and remembrances of your Dad. I just lost my dad a few weeks ago, and this gives me some wonderful ideas for future remembrances! Thanks for sharing this special page!

  20. How good to see photos of your father - and through different stages of his life too. A lovely tribute to your dad added to by the lovely cake (wow what a fab shape) and the pages you did to celebrate his memory. I spotted the fish in the background.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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