Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Second on the Second

Hi everyone. Happy February 2, Groundhog Day. Today's the day (in the US) the groundhog determines how long winter will last depending if he sees his shadow or not. I'm not sure as I write this if the groundhog saw his shadow, but I am sure it doesn't really matter whether he sees it because winter is New Hampshire if going to go on as long as it will. The good news is that we are half way between the solstice in December and the equinox in March. 

On the second of the month, you can share an older already shown post at  Second on the Second .This month for Second on the Second over at  Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's  blog, I thought I would show some earlier art when my style was a little different from what it is now. I'm picking style as my theme because our hostess for Second on the Second is my friend Elizabeth, and she is hosting a style challenge over at Art Journal Journey..

Here's a couple of Cards for my Mother that I made back in February of 2014.  They might have even been a little different than my usual card style in 2014, but I knew they would be what my mother liked.

 And for the latest Art Journal Journey challenge, here's a page that not only represents some people's style of dressing (definitely not mine), but symbolically represents something else I like on a journal page, and that is a little bling and metallic richness.

I'd never wear those pants that are on my page, but they certainly sparkle.

This gentleman looks quite good in his outfit.

I made my page by first using up some left over  paint off of my work table. Once that dried,  I used  copper metallic paint and stencil. After a day or two, I used a music rub-on  over various parts of the background. I added the model that I cut out of a high fashion magazine I rescued from the trash at my MIL's, and I used gold stickers to write the word bling. 

There you have it.

I hope those of you in the US storm zone are staying safe and not getting too much snow and rain (or even worse ice). This same storm when it gets to New Hampshire is supposed to start as rain, and then change to snow, with a fairly high amount expected. That could change.  Right now all I can say is "Not Again." 

 Thanks for visiting.


  1. Happy Ground Hog Day! Love your beautiful art today, and the 2nd on the 2nd pieces! I hope you don't get smothered in snow again, stay safe and warm, hugs, Valerie

  2. Good morning Erika, I love the second look of the cards you had made for your mother-they are beautiful
    and your journal page is awesome I really like it-I wasn't sure about the theme this week if it needed to be our style of art to share? I don't think I have a style so it had me stumped lol
    I forgot about groundhog day we have winter here right now for sure-wind has not stopped in 24 hours and the temps are dropping with snow Happy Wednesday hugs

  3. Good early morning. LOL I love your art. From the lovely to the BLING! Well done my friend.

  4. Beautiful flowers and art, Erika! Where flowers bloom, so does hope....Really love that!

  5. Happy Groundhog Day! I hear he's right about 40% of the time ;)

    Lovely cards :)

  6. I am sorry about the code, Erika. I used just the link share code, so see if that works.

    I thought you didn't make cards. These are both beautiful and they are still as stylish as they were back in 2014.

    I am in LOVE with this new entry. It is wonderful and I love how you built up that background. It certainly seems to be more your style now. Ironic how styles change, and you have demonstrated how yours has since 2014. Thanks for sharing both your second look and this new entry with us at Art Journal Journey using my theme.

  7. I love the card. It’s beautiful.

  8. Your cards are so pretty and as you said, the card is made to suit the person. It is fun to see the difference in the two styles of art you have created.

  9. How nice to see these cards, I think they are lovely.

    All the best Jan

  10. I find it so difficult at times to make a card in a style that is not me but know that it is in the style of the recipient. It shows the love you had for your mom when you made those, but they are lovely cards so I am sure you got some pleasure making them.
    Love your journal page, it looks as if the stencilling is quite textural and I love that, in fact it makes me think I should use muy pastes or Gesso more often when doing work in my journal.
    Love the word 'bling' and the male model is very stylish in his appearance - and his stance!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  11. Cute cards! And oh, Groundhog Day was in the German News!!!!

  12. It was good to see some of your beautiful cards Erika and the journal page you shared looks fantastic.
    Hope you have been safe in the storms.
    Yvonne xx

  13. I love your second look cards. And that Bling piece is great! Made me smile.

  14. Lovely flowers on those pretty cards! I love the bling piece too - the metalic paint and cool letter stickers work so well with the image. Well done. Hugz

  15. Luckily GroundHog day went and there no worries that winter will be here for another 6 weeks! Lovely card...Love the colours of your card a great 2nd on the 2nd... I chose a card back in 2014, about the time I gave up blogging to walk and board dogs.... That was a real life change! Stay Safe! ((Lyn))


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!