Thursday, February 3, 2022

Thursday Art

 Hi everyone. Happy February 3 to you. I hope those of you in this latest storm zone didn't get or aren't getting too much snow or even worse, ice.

We're once again on the storm watch here at my house. We have rain today, turning to ice  and then over to snow with totals around 6-12 inches of new snow through tomorrow/Friday afternoon. Yikes. What a winter so far.

Today I have some challenge art to share.  

First of all I have a steampunk tag for Valerie's steampunk challenge at Tag Tuesday.

I stamped the gears and the face on the tag, and then I colored the tag with some ink pads. I outlined and colored the gears with pen and marker, and I am really pleased how they came out. I found the round clock sticker when I was reorganizing last week. It's from Trader Joe's, and I added it because the man on his "bike" looked steampunk. I needed to cover the words Trader Joe's, so I added the quote there.

I like to think the gentleman with the monocle is an inventor, and his new invention is this flying unicycle that works if he gets peddling fast enough. When he's too tired to ride that fast, the helicopter blades would work as a fan to keep him cool as he works up a sweat. He might think this is a great idea, but I'm not sure sure he's thought this invention all the way through.

I also have a page for Bleubeard's and Elisabeth's "What's Your Style?" challenge at Art Journal Journey. This time I didn't  focus on my art style (even though it is there as I made the page), but this page  combines music style and clothing style. The words come from a holiday clothing ad book I received in the mail from Amazon back in November.

I started with a piece of very white printed paper that comes in Somerset Studio magazine. I've got a small pile of this paper from old magazines, and I decided to use this one for a background. I  stamped the music score on the background as well as the instruments.  I've had this TH set of instrument stamps for a few years, and I've used them a lot. Funny though, when I first saw them, I didn't think they'd get a lot of use, so I wasn't interested in them. A year or two later I found  a set on mark down so I decided to pick them up. I'm glad I did. They are a well inked set in my stamp collection, and even better, they work perfect on this journal page-smile.

I then added some pink paint to my page. I drew the border, and that didn't come out quite like I wanted it to look. I'll put that on the messy list.  I also added the stylish  TH couple as well as the rose and the words I cut out of a Christmas Amazon clothing ad magazine. I finished with a few plastic "pearls". 

I wonder if this couple knew they were going to cross paths with a brass band when they went out that evening.

That's my post for today. Thanks for visiting, and I hope your week is going well.


  1. Love them both. Oh, to cycle in the air, fun idea!

  2. We have no shortage of snow here either, Erika, and I am sure that I will spend a good part of the morning shovelling. It's good that it happened now, however, since we will be travelling tomorrow, and the roads should be clear by then. It has been an old-fashioned winter so far with lots of snow and cold temperatures, but that's okay. It is my birthday right at the end of the month and it always seems that once we get past that and into early March a few green shoots start to appear in sheltered corners here and there. Spring is coming. Before long I will looking for the first early migrants to arrive and that's always the most joyful time of the year. Take good care. Hugs from Ontario, David.

  3. awesome art Elizabeth-you must be getting our storm-as it is finally moving out tomorrow early-its blizzard conditions here again today stay safe and warm

  4. oops If I mentioned Elizabeth sorry about that Erika love your art here

  5. I love your Steampunk tag Erika, great images. And your page is fabulous too, with that wonderful quote.
    After a couple of milder sunny days, it's turned cold again here. But not on the same scale as you, no ice or snow. Keep warm!

  6. We're getting ice here, but I don't expect this to last past tomorrow. "Dress to your own beat" is good advice :)

  7. Very clever use of that tag. I have a book I was given that has that same man's image in it. It doesn't have the brilliant colors, though. I am so impressed with this tag and how you took the time to outline those gears. My fingers would be in pain if I did that!

    What an amazing journal page. I am in awe of those TH instrument stamps. I bet we see them again this year, too. I am so glad you chose to use one of those Somerset Studio freebie art pages. My shopaholic friend Kathy gave me a bunch of those old magazine, but kept the art papers. You did a great job. I also like how you recycled your junk mail. This made me smile, too. Bleubeard and I are really delighted you shared this with us at Art Journal Journey using our theme. This page made me smile with delight.

  8. Sorry about all the snow! Both of your pieces today are fabulous. Love the very original journal page and your tag is genius, thanks so much for another one for Tag Tuesday. Have a great day, keep warm and sae, hugs, Valerie

  9. And a happy Feb 3 to you as well, Erika, which is my birthday that's being celebrated "on the road" with a southern destination. We will, of course, not be missing the latest snowstorm expected to impact NH in the next day or so, Stay safe and warm indoors.

  10. Your steampunk page is fun. The unicycle with fan propeller and pilot reminds me of Monty Python. The lady with the fur collar on her coat needs some boots and gloves to weather the storm tomorrow. We're not getting as much snow as you, but a couple of inches of sleet with a flash freeze. Stay safe and warm!

  11. I really like both pieces. The first thing that caught my eye thoufh was the tab on the side of the tag. I had to look two or three times. I haven't seen a tag like that before. I like the way you are using your supplies too.

  12. nice, I did not join in this challange as I have no clue of how to do steampunk :)

  13. These are both really fun, Erika! I like the steampunk look though I was never very good at actually doing it.

    On another note, I've been bouncing into your spam folder again, I think! Trying to reply and it bounces back to me. Just letting you know!

  14. Great Tag. I love all things Steampunk and this is great - what a fab face!
    Your journal page is lovely - I know you said it was a white page but it looks slightly grey to me and I love pink and grey. What a good idea to use musical instruments to illustrate the page with that quote. Guess your couple are doing just that!
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps hope the weather is not too bad for you - sounds ugh!

  15. Great tag, Erika. I love your images and details. That journal page is fabulous with all the instruments and fun things to look at. So perfect for this month's AJJ theme. Hugz!

  16. I hope the storms have calmed now Erika and that it has given you extra time in the studio. Your tag is fantastic, I often draw around stamped images it really does give them a different look, he's a very dapper chappie isn't he.
    Super play on words with your journal page using the instruments, I have that stamp set and shamefully don't think I have ever used them! Hugs Tracey xx

  17. Hope you didn't get to much snow and storm weather. Fantastic art today and I love how you created that tag.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx


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