Sunday, February 20, 2022

Start of the Week Post

Hi everyone. Happy start to the new week. I hope you enjoyed  your weekend. (Unless of course you have the 3 day holiday weekend in the US, then enjoy the rest of your weekend.)

I have a page to share over at Art Journal Journey for Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's "What's Your Style?" challenge.

I started with a painted, inked and spray inked piece of paper. Then I used a large piece of printed tissue paper by Dina Wakely over that.  

I had cut out an image from a magazine for another journal page, and had all this plain colored background paper left over. Rather than throw it out, I drew these flowers, fussy cut them, and then glued them down on the bottom of this page with matte medium. Once that dried I gave them some details.

I loved this quote in my Amazon holiday fashion ad booklet, so I cut it out and glued it on my page, before I'd even finished with the page. (How's that for working out of order-hee-hee.)  I knew I wanted  to go with some people who were dressed to impress, so I used this old Judikins stamp.

Finally I finished it off with some Valentine's day heart decorations from my stash. They do look like a gorgeous couple, dressed for some big event, perhaps their wedding or some award ceremony.

It's been another studio/spare bedroom work weekend for me. Saturday the rest of the closet was removed, which really gives a good view of the new open. space. 

The toughest thing to do that day was to move this wall unit I use for storing small things. It's  from an old hardware store, and maybe not the cutest piece, but I love all the small cubby hole storage spaces. It weighs a ton though.

I'd had it on the wall that formed part of the front of the closet, where we had it bolted to one of the beams in the house. It had to be moved to rip out the front of the closet.

We did get it moved, just a few feet (no more than 1.5 meters). This will be it's new space. We will have to move it one more time when we put the new floor in. This space was the corner where my work table was tucked in, but now I have a lot more choices where to put it. 

There's still a lot to do, but step one of the de-construction  can be checked off.

And if you have Netflix, have your watched Icarus? It is a 2017 documentary about doping in  sports and seems really valid (again) now with the Russian skater issues at the Olympics. Plus it is has an giant twist. I recommend it.

Have a great start to the new week. 
And thanks for visiting.


  1. The new journal page has me long for SPRING! Glad that your project is running smooth, Erika.

  2. awesome shelving-those always weigh so much too. Larry has a few that we moved with us-lots of little drawers. we have one more vintage metal piece that is super heavy not sure if we can manage to get that one here.
    these old pieces are made so much better too. Looks like you have made good progress and gained more space too.
    Love you latest journal page too-Happy new week Kathy

  3. That is a lovely scene you created! My Brother should still have such a "chapeau claque", must ask him!
    Ohhhh! I would place a bed right underneath that window and sleep there every rainy night!!
    In fact I just plan to fake just this!
    Cool idea,too, with the hardware store piece - Ingo could SO use this!
    Netflix is no use here. German only...
    To a great new week! Last day of work here.

  4. Lovely art...have a great week Erika

  5. Another fabulous page Erika. they look a real stylish couple.
    You are making loads of progress in changing and decorating the room, the cupboard looks so useful so store your crafting things.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Hi Erika, I absolutely love what you did with those shelves! I am happy your project is moving along smoothly! And I absolutely LOVE your gorgeous art journal page. The colors are amazing and so is that quote! Thanks for sharing!!! And thanks also for your visit to my blog! Hugs, Sharon

  7. Pretty colourful page, Erika. I think that using those old hardware store shelves in that way is quite brilliant. It is not surprising that crafters come up with good solutions since that is what you do every day. The renovations are proceeding well it seems and it appears that you are still speaking to each other! Bravo! Hugs, David

  8. Fabulous journal page, love the colours and the great collage, very well done. You are working very hard just now, hope you will soon have it finished. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  9. Your journal page is quite elegant. The use of the couple in their formal attire bring a certain elegance to the page, as do the hearts. Simply wonderful art today using Bleubeard's and my theme at AJJ.

    I remember when you bought that cubby. It is SO useful. I can't imagine having to move it yet again before it reaches its final destination in your new studio. I am loving these updates on your progress.

  10. I am never the best dressed lol Your room is coming along well. It'll be great to see it finished. I confess I've had it up to _here_ with the doping and the Russians.

  11. Hope you were able to step out this past weekend. Doesn't sound like we'll be going much of anywhere next weekend. Your room will look awesome when it's completed.

  12. I love your page Erika, it's gorgeous!
    The room is looking good too.
    Happy new week,

  13. Yes, I had a nice weekend. The art is lovely and the home is coming along.

  14. Whats Your Style, So Good - Congrats On The Progress - Step By Step My Friend And No Netflix Here - Enjoy Your Week Ahead


  15. Another great page Erika, I love the quote you used on it. Such a vivid green really sets off those poppies you painted (yes, I see them as poppies) and I do like the way you have used that grid, like a climbing frame for the plants and flowers.
    I've never seen that stamp before, it is fabulous and just perfect for use here.
    Oh my goodness, that cupboard is fabulous for a crafter, well worth the move and the move to come I imagine. What a find that was.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. Wow mucho progress and lovwe your page, perfect quote/image xoxo

  17. The work you are doing is amazing -- really hard work (especially when you have to move that big thing again to lay flooring!) But it will be spectacular when finished, I know.

    And yes, I've seen Icarus and I highly recommend it as well. It's fascinating -- I don't know if it was the movie they set out to make but it certainly became one well worth watching. Fascinating on every level.


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!