Monday, February 21, 2022

T Stands for a Nice Saturday Afternoon

 Hi everyone. Happy new week. It is time for T again over at Bleubeard's and Elzaibeth's blog.

This week for T I have some photos and a drink to share that go back to a warm Saturday a few weeks back. Later in the afternoon my husband and I went out for a short drive to the Big Lake at Alton Bay, about 15 minutes away. There was a lot of action on the ice, as well as some pretty views.

I'll start with the views, which are pretty even if they don't show a lot of the lake.

And what really caught my eye in this next photo was the interesting look of the  melted water on the ice. It was near 50 degrees F or 10 degrees C that day. There is still over a foot of ice below the puddles, so it is safe to go out on or even land a plane on. You can see the snowmobile in the photo too, or just barely see something there. It could be a jet ski with the spray of water behind it.

Down at the  base of the bay there was a lot of ice fishing action.

It bet it was a nice day to ice fish. Usually is it so cold. You can also see the truck with a trailer in this last lake photo. I wonder if someone had pulled snowmobiles  out onto the ice.

It was spring like that day, and I had an ice cream craving. There aren't many places open for ice cream at this time of year, but at the one restaurant in my town, you can go inside the restaurant and get ice cream to go since their window is closed. My husband and I each had frappes. I've mentioned this before, how here in New England a frappe is milk, syrup and ice cream, just like a milk shake would be in other places (or at least places I am familiar with).

My choice (which you can't see) is coffee ice cream, coffee syrup and milk. The hubby prefers chocolate. We got our frappes before we went down to the lake so we could enjoy our summery treat while we watched the world go by on the ice. 

That's my ticket to T this week.
Thanks for visiting. Have a great T day and week ahead.


  1. All that traffic on the ice looks scary. Recently on Lake Erie a big sheet of ice broke off with a lot of people in snowmobiles. There was a rescue, so no casualties. Your ice must be safer.

    best... mae at

  2. I have never lived in an area where the ice was thick enough to drive a vehicle on it. It sure looks beautiful though.
    Ice cream sounds delicious even in the cold weather.
    Happy Tea Day,

  3. Beautiful photos of the lake and trees. No way would I go on that frozen water though-I'll watch from solid ground thank you, while sipping a coffee frappe:)
    Here's to more warming weather, and happy T day!

  4. Beautiful photos of the beautiful views. There is a pond behind our son's cabin in Maine. The fishermen go thru by him and ice fish on it. There are several ice huts on it. There is also a snow mobile path on the other side of him. Your ice cream sounds good. Happy T Day.

  5. Gosh, those photos are just gorgeous! Can't get enough of clear blue sky!

  6. Oh, wow, beautiful pics again!!! I would not want to join you, though, brrrr... waaaay too cold for my liking ;-)
    And you get... what?! Ice cream?!
    Wow, have a frosty T-Day! And thank you for the laugh!

  7. We have had a long, cold winter here, and there are lots of ice fishermen still out on the lakes. Every year a few push it a little too long and go through the ice. It looked like a beautiful, clear day to get out of the house for a while. Yesterday it got up to around six degrees here, so quite a bit of snow melted. Rain is in the forecast now so more of the snow will disappear. Not too quickly, I hope, because the storm sewers get overwhelmed and that's when flooding occurs. Hugs, David

  8. We were just saying the other day how ice fishing was on our bucket list so I LOVE your picture of it!!!! Actually, I love all your pictures, Erika! Yum to the icecream!!! Happy T-day and hugz.

  9. I see that lake. What a gorgeous view! Ice fishing sounds like fun, though I wouldn't want to make a habit of it ;) We're getting rain, tornado watches, and flash flooding today, but we're not in a low-lying area. So far, so good.

    Happy T Tuesday

  10. Such gorgeous photos, those cloudy blue skies look amazing 😁. I loved seeing the ice fishing action too, such fun! The frappes sound delicious, I'll go with the chocolate one please - Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

  11. The lake in the winter looks lovely with all that ice. Of course the sunshine helps to make it look so inviting. I love the bare trees in your photos. Your frappe sounds yummy, too - I love both coffee and chocolate flavors.

  12. Love all the blue in the photos. The shimmer of the water on the ice looks so cool. Funny how it got a little warm and I had a craving for ice cream, too. I'd prefer a chocolate frappe, too. Happy T Day

  13. The weather is crazy everywhere. But seeing cars on the ice scares me. Of course I have never seen ice that thick and I wouldn't trust it. I have also seen a series called Ice Truckers or something like that, where huge trucks deliver supplies to far away Canadian places driving over the ice.
    Your photos are beautiful.
    Your frappe with coffee sounds delicious, but my hubby would also choose the chocolate.
    Happy T-Day,

  14. I have lived in quite a few places where we would drive on the lake or river and ice fished. It's pretty fun. The photos are wonderful.

  15. I really enjoyed seeing all of these lake photos. reminds me of when we lived up north on the Illinois-Wisconsin line allot of ice fishing up there. I really liked that one photo with all the ice and a little melting on top-looked like a painting. Hugs Kathy

  16. Oh coffee ice cream, my favourite, how delicious it all looks too. Love the lake photos, the sky is so blue, it looks beautiful. Nice to take a break from all that work at home too I bet! Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  17. Sorry I'm late visiting, Nursing two cats. Those lake photos are stunning. The one with the puddles really struck me, but the ones with the ice fishing really made me smile. All your phoptopos are really beautiful and that looked like the perfect day to be out. Your frappe sounds good, but so does your husband's. Thanks for sharing your terrific photos of the lake area and your frappe with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  18. That just looks so darned cold! Beautiful, but cold. I remember ice fishing with my dad as a kid but we cheated -- we set a tip up flag and then went in the cottage and waited for it to go up. I don't remember being partcularly lucky with the fish but it was warmer!

  19. Oh my, that ice looks strange with the puddles forming! I'm not sure that I would want to be on it! Coffee icecream is one of my favourites. Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx


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