Friday, March 25, 2022

Coming Out of Hibernation

 Hi everyone. I hope you've had a nice week as it almost time for the weekend again. 

My week has been busy with assorted must do things. I've been sealing the half of the completed ceiling in the bedroom construction project, visited my mom, had a few appointments and even managed a morning beach walk with my friend one day. I am very excited about today though because I don't have to do anything (unless I want to) or go anyplace. Smile. 

Today I have a different kind of spring page for Valerie's spring challenge at Art Journal Journey.
Spring is the time of year birds migrate and animals who've spent the winter in full or partial hibernation reemerge.

Many of you know there are a few bears who wander around my area.  I haven't seen one yet this year, but I know if they aren't out yet, they are coming soon.

I made my page using watercolor markers, regular markers, some stencils, and also a bit of white ink for the morning clouds. I also stamped one little phrase on the left.

It took me awhile to do this page as I had to layer markers between drying my page. It also took me awhile to get the sky to look as I wanted it to look.  All in all I'm happy with my page.

Although I haven't seen any bears yet, a skunk wandered through one night recently. Not that I saw him, but he was odorous enough the smell woke me up in bed. Yuk.

I am also linking to Gillena's Lunch Break.

And I'll wrap up this post with a few random spring photos from the last few weeks as I feel like I am coming out of hibernation myself.

Here's a pretty sunrise on a foggy morning off my back deck.

And here's some tree shadows and some great structural lines. 

And  some  beach textures too.

And finally ice melting on a warm day at a lake near my home-plus this nice reflection at the dam of the same lake.

Thanks for visiting. Have a great start to your weekend!



  1. I see in your bear page spring; it's great to remember the animals who has slept a long period, and now are willing to see us ;)) Our TV showed yesterday a viper, which was on the skiing track when a reporter was skiing there. Didn't look nice for me...
    Here is forecasted that cold weather and strong winds are coming tomorrow. Not nice, too.
    I wish you have a spring like weekend there.
    Happy weekend, my friend xx

  2. Wonderful page. Makes me think of a Native American design. Love the beach photos. Won't be long before the beaches are crowded. Stay dry this weekend

  3. Good morning, love your bear spring painting. beautiful photos too-enjoyed your post very much. Happy Friday and weekend Kathy

  4. I can't imagine bears wandering around. Must add a whole new layer to planning outings and walks. The view off your back deck is delightful :)

  5. So much is out there that we don’t “see”. You have a great eye!

  6. Lovely painting. Very nice photos, that is one yellow house. LOL

  7. Fabulous and different page for Spring, showing us that in different parts of the world Spring is a different season in some or even many ways.
    Ooh, I would be petrified if I saw a bear lumbering towards me. Do you worry for the dogs or are they quick enough to get out of the bears way?
    Hugs, Neet xx
    a Cornish cream tea is simply a cuppa, some scones but with jam and clotted cream. There was a picture of it on my Wednesday page. If you enlarge it you see that the Cornish way is jam first, cream after, my way too. xx

  8. I adore your bear piece. You should do your own drawing more often! The colors are great and it really is lovely.

    Love that bright yellow house against the blue sky and the sun through the branches. You've had a huge week -- I hope you can chill out this weekend!

  9. Baers and skunks... uh-oh! A beautiful sunrise - and house. And the beach!
    Hope you free day is great, happy weekend :-)

  10. Erika
    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  11. Have enjoyed your artwork and photoseries, most I like the sunrise.
    Came from Lunch Break...
    Spring greetings from Germany

  12. Fabulous journal page, love the bear coming out of hibernation. Thanks so much for another page for my spring challenge at AJJ.Love ll of the nature textures, a fabulous selection! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  13. Lovely photos Erika and a fabulous page. Living in this part of the world I've not thought about the bears hibernating and appearing in spring its a great take on the AJJ theme.
    Stay safe and avoid those bears.
    Yvonne xx

  14. I love the unusual page you created for spriong, Erika. What a great way to recognize spring. Your bear is amazing and so well done, too. Thanks for sharing it with us at AJJ using Valerie's theme.

    Beautiful photos from your area. What a colorful house.

  15. It's always good, Erika, to have a day with nothing on the schedule, and you can do (or not) whatever takes your fancy. I always relish a day like that, even though I wind up doing something, at least it wasn't predestined and on the calendar. I join the others in sending huge compliments your way on your painting of the bear. Next I think you should try the skunk, having first set the paper outside so that it can sprayed to absorb a little of the odour, to add authenticity you know. Art realism is always in vogue! Wonderful set of photographs. Spring really is in the air, although I am told, we may get s^*w over the next couple of days. If we do, I am going back into hibernation! Hugs, David.

  16. Hi Erika. Sorry I haven't been around, had some deadlines and I got behind on my blog posting letting drafts sit, so I've been concentrating what little focus I have on that. So just now caught up with you. I've had my breadmaker since the 90's. Years ago it was really hard to find bread flour at grocery so I ordered it from King Arthur until it became a common item. Your class sounds very interesting. But the English meat pies...the only one I like is Steak and Ale pie, but then I don't eat lamb, veal or venison. I would love to take a Mexican food cooking class, not a culinary one but one that teaches what Mamacitas cook for their familias. I recently learned some of their sandwiches and their pork tortas are awesome, like pulled pork. Oh, had to giggle a bit, your cornish pies looked wonderful to me, but down here that is the shape of fried pies, like chocolate, apple, peach, lol. Have a good weekend, xoxo

  17. Bom dia. Desejo um ótimo sábado com muita paz e saúde. Obrigado pelas fotos maravilhosas.

  18. Wonderful bear painting.
    I love the striking yellow house with the red roof.
    Great beach photos. Looks like a lovely walk.

  19. Some of these pictures are straight up frame worthy

  20. I like the peace and joy of your painting. I feel like I’m coming out of hibernation too. It’s nice to be out of the cave. :-)

  21. Lovely art and such a great collection of photographs.

    All the best Jan

  22. This really is a super page! Great photos too, Chrisx

  23. I love your bear painting and beautiful photos Erika!


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